How to create a press box (and what to include)

Discover our short guide on how to create a stand out press box.

Kesha's press box for her album launch featuring a wide range of products.

If you’ve got something to shout about – such as a new album launch – a press box is a great tool to amplify your message. Did we say album launch? Yes, we did. Probably because we’re thrilled to have recently supported the launch of Kesha’s new album, Gag Order.

For the launch itself, Kesha’s PR team, RCA Records, pulled together an exciting press box of goodies to share with the media. Not only did this include a physical copy of the album, but it was also accompanied by various gifts and branded merchandise to really whet their appetite.

A media frenzy doesn’t just happen online. Tangible, customized products put your brand in the hands and homes of consumers (and have a much longer shelf life than that TV ad or social campaign). 

As part of this recent collaboration, we’ve put together a short guide on how to create a press box for your brand.

All the products included in Kesha's press box. CD, Notebooks, candle, speaker and T-shirt.

Identifying your target audience

Before embarking on your press box project, it’s important to think about who you want to reach. Whether it’s journalists, bloggers, influencers, or industry professionals, choosing the right audience will help you tailor your content and design to their specific needs.

“Kesha’s press box was sent to top-tier press, partners, and influencers in order to create an experience as well as excitement for Kesha’s album launch,” Rebeka Fluet, Head of Partnerships at MOO, told us.

The goal of any press box is to create a one-stop shop for your audience to get information about your brand, products, or mission. So, make sure your messaging is clear and that your audience is tailored. You don’t want to send your press box to people that won’t bite!

Branded "Gag Order" Notebook with Kesha's new album.

Choosing the contents of your press box 

Once you know your audience, you’ll have a better idea of how you want to communicate with them. This could be a simple press release printed on a Letterhead, or a fully-fledged goody box of marketing materials and merchandise.

Whatever you choose to create, it’s important to include all the right information about your product or announcement. This could be: 

  • A brand introduction (perhaps printed on a Flyer)
  • A press release (presented in a branded folder) 
  • Testimonials or case studies
  • Team bios and headshots
  • Awards, certifications, or industry recognition
  • Contact information (Printined on a Business Card)
  • Branded gifts (Such as Water Bottles and Notebooks)

Kesha’s press box included our Hardcover Notebook featuring the album’s new branding. The decision to include a Notebook was actually inspired by Kesha’s love of journaling – how cool is that?

“The Notebooks designed by MOO for Kesha’s press box release were great. We loved the quality, and how the full print option helped show off the album’s new branding.”

Jen Tanner, Vice President, Global Brand Partnerships at RCA Records.
Branded "Gag Order" Notebook.

Designing your press box 

You know your audience, you know what you want to include. Now for the exciting part.

When it comes to press box design, there really are no rules. The most important part is to make sure you create something aesthetically exciting, but without losing your brand identity and message. To keep things consistent, use your brand fonts, colors, and formatting throughout. You can discover more tips on how to keep your branding consistent here.

In Kesha’s press box, the album title is mimicked across all branded merchandise, and the color palette is consistent throughout. This means that despite including lots of different elements, the box remains cohesive, and the brand remains clear and front of mind.

“Even for a predominantly online launch – having a physical product is really important. Press boxes amplify brands and create excitement around product launches.”

Rebeka Fluet, Head of Partnerships at MOO

Another reason to invest in your press box is that people love an unboxing experience. Did you know that unboxing videos on YouTube have been viewed more than 1.1 billion times? And on Tiktok, the #unboxing hashtag has amassed over 54.3 billion views

It’s also a great way to encourage user-generated content that you can then promote, re-purpose and include in other marketing campaigns.

Kesha's press box showcasing all the products inside.

Creating a long-lasting experience 

Physical press boxes are an opportunity to create a memorable experience for your recipient. And it goes without saying that opting for premium, high-quality products is a great way to ensure your launch stands the test of time.

Notebooks, Planners, or Water Bottles are a great choice for press boxes because everyone needs them! They are useful and can earn a place in people’s lives,” said Rebeka.

Kesha’s press box is a great example of this. Thoughtfully curated with items that align with her brand message, such as a candle, speaker,  t-shirt, Notebook, and more. Each product is not only useful but can be enjoyed and remembered beyond delivery day. Take a look at this Kesha fan unboxing experience here.

Ready to get started on your very own press box? Be like Kesha, and let us take care of your branded merchandise. (Long-lasting impressions are guaranteed). 

Need some advice on where to start? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.

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