Why custom work planners make such great gifts

A branded work planner your team and customers will love.

Branded work planner being gifted from one employee to another.

When you’re thanking your team for all their hard work, the thought definitely counts – but having an excellent gift definitely helps, too. But with so many different people to keep happy, what do you choose? Try something they’ll want to open again and again. Like a custom work planner.

Gifts are only good if people actually use them. And let’s face it, most corporate gifts fall into the “stuffed in a drawer” category. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Take our Perpetual Planner. We designed it to be the best planner for work. Something your team could actually enjoy using – and make work feel a little less like work. 

Person holding a branded Perpetual Planner featuring a customized Belly Band.

The Perpetual Planner is customizable, and you can also make it personal. So you can create a daily work planner that matches your brand – and feels special for everyone you gift it to. Whether that’s your clients, your customers – or anyone else on your list. It starts, of course, with the design…

First, the design

Here’s the bit where your brand’s the star. Will you keep it simple with just your logo or create something for the occasion, maybe even seasonal? You can add a tagline, a hashtag, a classic “happy holidays” – anything you like. This is also a chance to play around with illustrations and graphics. Now’s also the time to think about which cover’s right for your project. 

A MOO branded Perpetual Planner. with top sheet.

Full print or cloth?

It’s the age old question. At least when it comes to creating a custom work planner. Our Perpetual Planner comes in two versions – Full Print and Cloth. 

Full Print lets you do what it sounds like – print a full color design on the front, back and spine. The Soft Touch finish gives it the look and feel of a quality hardback book. If you’re planning on having more detailed illustrations, photography or just a lot of color, this is probably the one you want to go for. 

Matching customized business accessories.

Cloth gives your work planner that timeless vibe you get with traditional bookcloth. You can deboss the cover, spine and back with gold, silver, black or white foil. The textured, monochrome effect is perfect for simple, bold designs. And you can choose a cloth color that matches your brand. 

The personal touch

So how do you make a daily work planner feel personal? It’s about those little extras. Like a handwritten Notecard thanking someone for all their hard work. Or creating a set of Stickers with everyone’s name on – then using them to seal the gift wrap. Simple things that make all the difference. Less “corporate gifting”, more just… “gifting”. 

Custom Stickers inside a work planner.

So if you’re planning your own holiday gifting, you can get started right here. As well as custom work planners you’ll find many other gifting ideas – from branded Water Bottles to Notebooks.

If you’d like more help designing your planner, our business subscriptions are always here to support you. Just fill out our form below and a member of our team will be in touch!

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