Create limitless visibility with branded Stickers

Got an event or trade show coming up? Choose cost-effective Stickers as your companion.  

A variety of branded Stickers used to embellish packaging

Never underestimate the power of Stickers, those tiny circles, rectangles and squares of joy. They may be small in size (and cost) but they are mighty in impact. They’re the perfect compact companion to get your brand’s name out there and beyond. Need some inspiration on how to get the most out of Stickers at your next event or trade show

Let us stick it to you…

Stickers for packing boxes       

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Set up more smoothly by adding labels to your packing boxes. Say goodbye to unorganized chaos and hello to calm and collected on the big day. Our Stickers are also handy for packaging your product before your event or trade show. Use them to embellish giveaway products and takeaway items for delegates or for a final flourish to VIP envelope seals.   

Stickers for giveaways 

Freebie stickers used for surprise and delight tactics at events

Everyone loves a Sticker. Make your attendee’s day by handing out freebie Stickers to draw attention to your booth or pop a Sticker Book in goodie bags for an added surprise. Not only will they enjoy covering their laptop or Notebook with your sticker designs; you’ll remain front of mind for them and others too. 

Stickers for Postcards and Flyers  

Add some pizzazz to your trade show invites, on-the-day collateral and thank-you notes with Stickers. Customize Postcards or Flyers to your heart’s content with whatever messages you’d like to communicate. Stuck for ideas? How about a witty quote, welcome message or bespoke offer code to show them you value their interest? Don’t forget Printfinity at no extra charge, allows you to add different designs or images to each of your Stickers to make them truly unique. 

Stickers for merchandise     

Stickers added to Water Bottle merchandise for trade shows

Branded Stickers, you know it makes sense. If you want to stand out from the crowd, keeping all your merchandise matching with branded Stickers is one of the best ways to do it. You can combine other MOO products with them to really show off your brand too, such as Notebooks, Planners, Display Boxes and Water Bottles

Stickers for sales      

If you happen to be trading on the day, give your brand the professional edge with branded Stickers. From product labels, packaging/envelope seals and price tags, you can add your own personal touch to anything. When making those all important sales or orders on the day, Stickers are a great way to keep things on track. You’ll thank us when your documents and presentation Folders are all clearly categorized. 

Stickers as name tags  

Branded Stickers used as Name Tags at a trade show event

Introduce yourself (and your team) with name tags at your next event or trade show. It’ll make attendees feel at ease getting your attention and help bond your team if you’re getting to know each other.  

Sticker possibilities are endless    

We’re always open to exciting novel ways to use Stickers. So, if you’ve got an idea, we’ll endeavour to make it happen. No project is too big (or too small) for MOO!     

When it comes to impactful Stickers, it’s all in the design. From simple branded Stickers, to quotes and website calls to actions. At MOO, we have a host of customizable templates available. Alternatively, we’d be happy to help you with your designs, so get in touch with the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

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