The ultimate trade show planning checklist

At your next trade show event, have all eyes on you for all the right reasons.

Make sure to have a trade show checklist before your event.

Want to run an outstanding, effective event or trade show? From setting goals to following up with new leads, our trade show checklist walks you through every step of the process.

We’ve broken this trade show checklist down by weeks, months and days, so you can get everything ticked off in good time beforehand.

Doing things well in advance is a great strategy. It means you’ll be cool, calm and collected in the run-up to your show, rather than running around sorting things out the night before. Buying trade show supplies and services early can also get you cheaper costs – great if you’re planning a trade show on a budget.

Take a look at our trade show exhibitor checklist…

trade show checklist

3-6 months before

Select the right MOO products for your show 

Now’s the time to think about what you want for your event. Business Cards for introductions? Eye-catching Stickers to draw attendees to your booth? Or how about high-quality takeaways such as premium branded MOO Water Bottles

Check out 7 trade show marketing psychology hacks you need to know.

2–3 months before

Design and order your branded merchandise and marketing materials

Need a hand when it comes to design? No problem. Our in-house Design Services Team can do it for you. From creating your event Flyers to designing custom Notebooks – check out our available plans. And don’t forget, we’ve got templates for our printed products too to help you get started.  

1 month before

Organize your data capture system

You’re going to meet so many new names and faces, you’ll need a way of remembering them. Decide whether you’ll write notes in a Notebook, set up a tablet or even create a business card drop to capture all their details. 

2 weeks before 

Order extra Business Cards

Just in case! Like scouts, trade show exhibitors should always be ready for any unexpected opportunity with extra Business Cards.

1 week before

Pack up all your MOO products

Add Labels to packing boxes so you can set up more smoothly on the big day.

1 day after

Thank the organizer with a personal touch

Thank the organizer, if the show went well, let them know! They’ll appreciate the feedback, a hand-written Postcard is just the thing. 

1 week after

Chase up those post-show contacts with a Postcard or Flyer 

After the event, you should make sure you’re leaving a lasting (good) impression on your new contacts. Give them more than just an email to open, how about an attention-grabbing Postcard or Flyer too? 

If you want more MOO tips on trade show planning, check out our guide on how to attract people to your event stand.

MOO is here for all your trade show and event needs. Discover our range of engaging products right here. Or better yet fill in our short form below and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your project.

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