Setting Up Camp At Home With Amazon Handmade

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Amazon Handmade

I can’t say that staying at home was exactly what I had in mind for my summer plans, but until it’s safe for me to go back to flea market hunting, traveling with my boo, and enjoying nights out with the friends I’m missing so much, I’m not only starting to adapt — I’ve actually found new ways to cherish my time around our little abode. I’ve always been pretty crafty, but Amazon Handmade’s new Camp Handmade offerings have gotten me in the mood for some old fashioned, childlike fun that’s turning home into our very own summer camp. 

As you probably figured out by now, I’m a homebody by nature. So at the beginning of quarantining here in Los Angeles, I just kept on with my usual content creating and home renovations/rearranging. We’ve poured a lot of love and energy into our home the past few years since moving back, so in many ways my heartmate and I are lucky to have a place to shelter with our furry fam that’s cozy and inspiring. But no matter how much we love our home, things inevitably have gotten a little boring, and since we can’t do a lot of the traditional summer activities, I needed something to give me a fresh jolt of creativity.

Like many of you, Amazon’s been keeping me sane through quarantine, since it’s my go-to place to get pretty much everything without leaving the house. But recently they’ve connected with an impressive group of makers and artisans who have put together the cutest DIY kits that can give you something wholesome to do with your time: Think felt toys, flower paintings, scented candles from Banter & Bliss Candle Co, and bath soaks. Additionally, Amazon Handmade paired up content creators like myself with these lovely artisans for Fireside Chats that give customers a chance to learn more about the small businesses they’re supporting.

I was lucky enough to interview Kennedy of Live By Being, and it couldn’t have been a more perfect partnership. Kennedy switched over to the wellness/self-care industry after working in the bustling real estate biz, inspired by the nostalgic and grounding ritual of bath time that she remembered from childhood. And as someone who’s been especially stressed and saying yes to everything during the pandemic, her business model really spoke to me — and to be honest, so did the idea of a good old soak in a heavenly scented tub!

Kennedy and I instantly bonded over the fact that we’re both “recovering perfectionists” and run our own small businesses. During our chat, we also discussed why it’s so important to be present, what past business decisions we’d do differently, what advice she has for fellow entrepreneurs, and how Amazon Handmade has been a game changer for getting her brand out to a wider audience. I was grateful to not only get a chance to connect with a new face (something we’re all missing right now!), but also her perspective on business was the refresh I needed. 

Live By Being’s DIY comes with everything you need to whip up the most luxurious Floral Bath Soak: jasmine and lavender essential oil, dead sea salt, coconut milk, baking soda, lavender flower buds, a bottle with a label, and a muslin bag. It’s basically stress relief in a bottle that’s great to make for yourself to give to a friend who needs some pampering right about now.

But that’s not the only Amazon Camp Handmade project I’m looking forward to: I can’t wait to craft me a coconut wax candle, make some art, and more. Plus the welcome package they sent me includes a little notepad to jot down daily thoughts and ideas from their maker Ruff House Print Shop. Now all we need is a tent in the backyard, a fire pit, and some star gazing to turn home into our very own summer camp. Project staycation in effect!