Free Wallpaper for January 2020

I really like the concept of choosing a word for the new year to focus on what’s important. So for 2020 I’ve chosen the word realign. My goals these days are more about creating the life + feelings that I want to experience rather than trying to attain something. Over the last year I’ve had to redefine what makes me successful, motivated and essentially who I am as a person. And I’m so excited to keep working on it this year. So the free wallpaper for January is a bit of a celebration and I hope it brings some fun into your life! Slap this confetti pattern on all your digital devices for a reason to party! Please share and enjoy!

Download the size you need here: Desktop Size, Mobile Size, or No Calendar Version.


December was crazy and wonderful all wrapped up into one month. I spent the first half of the month running around like a headless chicken trying to keep up with work + wrap projects up before the holidays. But it was worth it to take the last 2 weeks of the month off from client work. Christmas was spent at my parents house, then my husband and I got to leave the baby and take a few days for a quick trip to New Orleans just for fun. It was the perfect end to the year and the perfect birthday present for me. I also took a minute to do some reflection on the last decade and wrote a little letter to my younger self that you can check out right here.


After recharging my batteries I’m ready to charge right into 2020 like a bat outta heck! I’m looking forward to putting some new brand strategies into place for my clients and I’ve got a bunch of projects in the works that I can’t quite share yet, but I’m stoked about. I’m already booking new projects for March so if you’ve been wanting to get in my schedule then click right here and shoot me a message.

Have an amazing January!

Lindsey Gira

Graphic + Web Designer | Six Leaf Design

Free Wallpaper for February 2020


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