Useful Tools for Web Developers: Create Safe and User-friendly Websites

If you have thought of creating your own website from the ground up, there has been no better time than now. Web development has come a long way since the early days. Now, even people with no experience in web development can create their projects. Therefore, the introduction of solutions like WordPress has transformed web development for good.

Today, web developers have several tools that make their jobs much more manageable. There is no reason to believe they won't work for you the same way. With this article, you'll learn about the most valuable tools for web developers that can make your website showcase the perfect vision. Additionally, some tips will provide options for offering more security for your website and data exchanges online.

Robust, customizable frameworks

When designing your website, it all starts with the basics. Sure, you can go to WordPress or Drupal to choose one out of an ocean of thousands of templates. Still, these platforms have limits and can never allow you a high degree of customization without driving up development costs.

Therefore, you should go for a robust front-end framework that lets you customize your website. It should be based on HTML to remain compatible with most web browsers. You can check out several such services since most offer a free demo. Yet, Foundation might be your preferred choice if you’re a novice in web development.

The company has a varied client base that includes the likes of Disney, Adobe, and HP. Instead of templates, Foundation has customizable “Building Blocks” that you can edit through drag-and-drop. If required, a series of webinars on the main website can familiarize you with the process.

Varied digital design tools

According to Statista, the total number of web developers and digital interface designers in the US shall reach 205,000 by 2030. Considering how the digital revolution is going, it seems there aren’t many to assist you with your website. But you need not worry, as a few digital design tools can help you revamp your website within no time.

Tools like Sketch can enable you to integrate fluid animations, customize CTA buttons, and stylize menus without needing any backend support. You can assign custom avatars to users and resize the text to increase accessibility. Sketch even has cloud synchronization to save all your data online while allowing collaboration from multiple users on the same project.

You can find inspiration for your logo with these logo templates available on Creative Fabrica.This marketplace offers a wide selection of useful digital resources perfect for all your creative and business needs!

Versatile code editors

If you’ve any idea of HTML/CSS, you know it can be hard to manage all the functions and variables with raw code. Thankfully, you can skip through manual code evaluation using a code editor like Sublime Text. It is free to download for any operating system, whether macOS, Windows, or Linux.

The best part about Sublime Text is its GoTo Anything command that instantly locates any code section within a fraction of a second. It can help you track function calls without running debug cycles. Is the code too vast for one screen? Just enter the Split Editing command, and you can use the application on multiple screens.

Intuitive product design platforms

More than half of all data on the internet is accessed through smartphones. As such, you need to design your web product that is compatible with desktop and mobile devices. It is where product design platforms like InVision come in handy. They can help you create prototypes for your final website before putting in any significant investment.

InVision is a cloud-based service that renowned brands such as Amazon, Netflix, and SoundCloud trust. With tools like an Elements Library, an inspiration board, and a navigation flow analyzer, you can experience the website for yourself before it goes live on a domain.

So, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly has never been more critical. Therefore, many services even offer separate versions for smartphone users. It usually presents a simplified version of the desktop website. Your preparation to serve mobile users will also play a role in your SEO positions, like mobile-first indexing.

Detailed SEO report generators

You can build the most detailed and intuitive website in the whole world. But if you don’t optimize it for SEO, it won’t rank on SERPs, and you will not receive the desired traffic. That is why SEO report generators are an invaluable resource to web developers.

Online tools like Yoast and Hoth can crawl your website and deliver a detailed SEO report. It explains any faults that prevent your site from ranking on search engines such as Google and Bing. These include information on metadata, page loading times, and the size of media files. Many factors can influence website loading time. For instance, owners should consider the following procedures and techniques:

  • Image optimization.
  • Reducing redirects.
  • Enabling compression.
  • Adopting a content distribution network.
  • Manage browsing caching.

Secure VPN

Web development is a hard task, and it improves continuously. Thus, you need to embrace all crucial security software. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one of the tools to consider getting. You can download VPN software in seconds and connect to remote servers. After that, all data transfers leave your device and reach their destinations safely. It can be crucial to ensure that you always exchange information on a secured network.

A VPN encrypts your incoming and outgoing data packets. You can change your location by masking your IP address through any other server in the world. Many VPN services even allow ad blockers to keep your browsing free from corporate trackers.

Additionally, website owners can consider VPS, which stands for Virtual Private Servers. An internet hosting service usually supplies it. It provides more excellent protection than shared hosting.


Developing a website no longer involves a vast team of coders and UI designers. You can create one that suits your vision by investing enough time while saving on finances. We hope this list of useful tools for web developers can guide you on the right track. Of course, you can always find other software that boosts the development or security of your projects. Therefore, it is essential to follow the latest developments in the industry.

Don’t miss out these all-time favourites

  1. The best hosting for a WordPress website. Tap our link to get the best price on the market with 82% off. If HostPapa didn’t impress you check out other alternatives.
  2. Website Installation service - to get your template up and running within just 6 hours without hassle. No minute is wasted and the work is going.
  3. ONE Membership - to download unlimited number of WordPress themes, plugins, ppt and other products within one license. Since bigger is always better.
  4. Ready-to-Use Website service is the ultimate solution that includes full template installation & configuration, content integration, implementation of must-have plugins, security features and Extended on-page SEO optimization. A team of developers will do all the work for you.
  5. Must-Have WordPress Plugins - to get the most essential plugins for your website in one bundle. All plugins will be installed, activated and checked for proper functioning. 
  6. Finest Stock Images for Websites - to create amazing visuals. You’ll get access to to choose 15 images with unlimited topic and size selection.
  7. SSL Certificate Creation service - to get the absolute trust of your website visitors. Comodo Certificate is the most reliable https protocol that ensures users data safety against cyber attacks. 
  8. Website speed optimization service - to increase UX of your site and get a better Google PageSpeed score.

MonsterPost Editorial

Posting contributed articles about the major web design highlights and novelties. Come across a handful of useful tutorials and guides shared by experts in the web design and online marketing fields.

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