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The Impact of Video Marketing on Consumer Behaviour

The Impact of Video Marketing on Consumer Behaviour

The last few years have seen phenomenal growth in the video marketing space, with marketers increasingly using videos to promote their products and services.

This is primarily attributed to the rapid rise in various digital avenues, making videos one of the most powerful tools for brand engagement. 

Further, video marketing has recently become more action-oriented due to evolving consumer behaviour. Today, consumers aren't looking for a passive video viewing experience. Instead, video viewers want to engage with something more interactive.

Using videos as part of marketing is gaining traction across businesses of all sizes. Data also suggests that video marketers get as much as 66% more qualified leads and achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness.

The main reason behind the popularity of video marketing is the relative ease with which videos can engage prospects and existing clients across multiple platforms.

This is also why many businesses leverage video marketing to attract, convert, and retain new and existing customers.

To this end, this post aims to dig deeper into video marketing and how it impacts consumer behaviour and suggest top video marketing tips to get the maximum out of this strategy.

What is Video Marketing?

Video Marketing Strategy Visual Ads

Video marketing is a broader marketing concept that describes the strategic use of video content to either inform or promote audiences about your brand and products.

The best part is that businesses can use video across various digital channels and formats. These include social media marketing platforms, brand's website programmatic advertising, and much more.

The importance of a powerful video marketing strategy today is widely acknowledged and accepted by marketers across the board.

A survey suggests that out of over 8,000 marketing leaders surveyed in June 2021, over 80% of the respondents use pre-produced video as the leading digital consumer engagement tactic. 

Video marketing is an increasingly popular digital marketing technique involving video content to promote products and services to consumers.

The global pandemic in the last couple of years has further accelerated the trends of promotional videos, which caused a fundamental switch in consumer behaviour. Videos are now the most convenient medium for consumers to perceive information across different media channels.

Benefits Of Video Marketing 

Video Marketing Statistics 2023
Source: Promo

So, what are the benefits of video marketing? Read on to learn more.

1 – Increased Conversion Rates 

A 2022 HubSpot study suggests that incorporating videos into a business's product or service page can increase purchases by 144%.

For instance, adding video content on a product or service landing page as an explainer video enhances the chance for a customer to watch and learn details about a product or service quickly. 

Since this content is entertaining and engaging for customers, including them on product and service pages allows you to boost conversions and drive sales significantly.

2 – Higher Involvement 

Video marketing is a great way to ensure higher consumer involvement in your offering.

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Whether you wish to attract new customers or want the existing ones to stay with you, you only need to share as much helpful information as possible through your video content.

Since most people prefer watching videos, you can take advantage of this and develop high-quality video content to ensure higher customer involvement.

3 – Help Build Trust and Credibility 

Video marketing is a great way to build a brand personality, thus enabling you to better connect with your viewer and earn their trust.

Apart from helping customers make a buying decision faster, adding more videos (product videos, how-to videos, or explainer videos) allows you to educate and inform your customers and build a foundation of trust that ultimately translates to sales.

4 – Improve Search Engine Rankings

When it comes to the success of any digital marketing campaign, one of the most critical factors for success is generating organic traffic to your business.

This kind of organic traffic comes mainly from users who click on your content, which leads to ranking higher in search engine results, which you can achieve with video marketing.

However, it would help if you took care of the following aspects to achieve this.

  • Optimising your content for search engines is critical so potential clients can easily find you. One of the best SEO tips for freelancers is to write SEO-friendly, appealing titles and concise descriptions that include relevant keywords. Not only will this improve your search engine rankings, but it will also make it easier for people to find and click on your content.
  • Choose appropriate video platforms, such as YouTube, that tend to improve your Google rankings.
  • Build a compelling thumbnail – a static image used to represent your video as it helps improve the overall views of the video. 

5 – Videos Have a Good RoI (Return on Investment)

The return on investment a brand or business gets from video marketing depends on several things, including the quality of your videos and how well you have organised your content strategy

However, regardless of all these factors, the video gives you a good return on investment if you use the right technology to create a good video without a big budget.

The High-quality video creator tool makes it simple and easy to create a fun yet engaging explainer videos at an optimal cost. Producing videos on a low budget means getting a positive ROI is much easier.

How Video Marketing Impacts Consumer Behaviour 

Video marketing is a great tool that helps build a connection and engage with your target audiences in a far better way than lengthy texts do.

Many brands invest more in video marketing to get the maximum out of this trend and drive higher sales. 

Here are some ways video marketing can impact consumer psychology and behaviour.

1 – Videos Engage All Types of Buyers 

One of the critical ways video marketing impacts consumer behaviour is by enticing even the laziest of buyers to get the product or services offered by the brand.

Video content is not only an excellent tool for learning but is also very easy to consume. Besides, it perfectly suits the busy lifestyle of modern consumers who need more time to read lengthy product descriptions or services. 

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Unlike text, video marketing is a convenient way to capture various audiences and invest them in your offerings.

2 – Improve Product Understanding Significantly

Modern-day consumers are aware and only make purchases after thoroughly understanding your product, services, and what they do.

Besides, a brand also wants to ensure that consumers understand the various aspects of a product/service, or it can lead to negative reviews and complaints.

A product video or an explainer film can be handy here to teach your audience about complex features of the service/ products and how to use them the right way. How-to videos are, in fact, one of the most popular video categories on social platforms like YouTube.

3 – Videos Evoke Emotions Better 

Videos can generate visual and auditory interest in viewers, thus impacting potential buyers more than simple words.

Incorporating videos in your campaign enhances the probability of attracting viewer attention, an essential factor in building consumer engagement.

The best way to navigate this and improve the effectiveness of your communications with clients is to send interactive video attachments via email, as it allows you to capture information more engagingly. 

To simplify it, several high-quality video-editing software available today make it easy to make a video independently. 

4 – Videos Make it Easier for Consumers to Digest Complex Information 

Videos make it easier for consumers to retain information than simply reading it in text. Further, various interactive video elements allow people to understand and remember complex information better.

This also makes it convenient for brands to explain the finer details and features of the products and services through video marketing.

5 – Cater to A Large Population of Mobile Users 

Statista suggests there are almost 2.33 billion mobile phone video viewers (as of 2021) globally. These users are 1.5 times more likely to watch a video daily on their smart devices than on a computer.

These statistics highlight the importance of video marketing in enticing the growing tribe of mobile phone users. With the availability of the internet on an increasing number of smart devices today, the demand for engaging and entertaining video content is also at an all-time high.

Leveraging a good video editing tool or online video maker for free allows marketers to quickly make creative videos about their brand, services, and products to cater to more and more mobile users and establish a strong brand presence.

How To Add Captions To Instagram Videos

6 – Allow Businesses to Connect with Customers Better 

Video marketing today is beneficial in offering information and is suitable for telling personalised stories that allow brands to connect with their target market better. 

This is especially relevant in today's business world as consumers have become more aware, meticulous, and discerning, especially when choosing a brand. 

By showing these traits, video marketing is the best way to talk and connect with your target market.

7 – Encourage Social Shares 

Irrespective of the social media platform, videos are unanimously used everywhere. This is because video content performs best with most algorithms as it can entice and hold a viewer's interest for longer. 

Consider these facts:

  • On Instagram, videos perform better than any other content format  
  • Facebook has videos as the most watched content form
  • Twitter video tweets receive as high as ten times more likes and retweets than those without videos.
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Apart from this, the various new features offered by social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter prioritise uploading video material.

For instance, Facebook has several video-centric social apps for customers, including Live Video and the teen-focused app Life Stage. Likewise, Instagram has also introduced 60-second videos and Stories.

Video marketers, however, need to remember that when it comes to social media, many consumers do not prioritise fact-sharing but like to express their feelings.

This makes it essential to make entertaining videos that inspire more people to share them online. This consumer-driven social sharing can generate traffic and bring more people to your website.

8 – Facilitate Lead Generation

Including videos in marketing campaigns can significantly impact sales, revenue, numbers, conversions, and lead generation. Adding videos to demonstrate your products and services is a great way to increase sales by adding them to your landing page. 

Videos encourage customers to make the buying decision on the spot or continue their research on a website, ultimately increasing the chances of generating new leads.

It is essential, however, to keep in mind that the video should be brief and enticing enough to capture the customer's attention immediately.

Overall, based on the specific purpose, video marketing should be used by the brands either to show how the product may be used to solve a problem or pique the consumer's interest in knowing more about the product. 

9 – Videos Help Create Associations

One of the critical advantages of videos is that they help create an instant association between the consumer and your brand. For instance, seeing or hearing ‘I'm lovin' it' reminds people of McDonald's.

These kinds of instant associations result from powerful branding efforts. Videos are the best and most effective way to navigate this, leading to more conversions and purchases due to high brand association and recall.

The only thing to remember is that these brand associations take time to build. Consumers need to see your ad campaign many times before they develop connections and begin recognising the ads, products, or services.

Videos are one of the fastest and easiest ways to reach your audience, mainly if you include characters in your videos that represent your target consumer segment.

Different Templates Marketers Use for Video Marketing 

Best Video Production Apps Tools

From how-to videos, brand videos, instructional videos, explainers, FAQs, and more, you can make several videos for your marketing strategy and impact consumer behaviour positively.

Among some of these types are the following:

1 – How-To (Educational) Videos 

How-to videos are a compelling way for any brand or business to let consumers learn how to do something online. If you do not have the experience and skill, then you can learn these in-demand skills that make the product easier to understand for consumers, make the process self-explanatory, and show them exactly how to do it.

2 – Social Content Videos 

Marketers create short video clips mainly for social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more.

The highlight of this type of video is that they are usually fun and engaging and are designed to be shared. You can include anything from lifestyle shots, short interview sound bites, or a collage of scenes relating to your product or service here.

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3 – Product Demo Videos 

When purchasing a product or a service, consumers would want to know how to use it.

You can achieve this by making a quick demo video that lets them understand how to use your product or service and maximise their purchase. This also gives you the advantage of satisfied customers, better consumer retention, and a more successful business.

4 – Explainers 

Explainer videos are similar to how-to videos and can help educate consumers about your product or service and how they can use it with instructions, customer service activities, and a whole other range of applications.

5 – Testimonial Videos 

Today's consumers are likelier to trust testimonials made in videos about how a product or service has changed how it does business.

6 – Webinar Videos 

Webinars are an excellent way to interact with your consumers or target audiences over a live channel where you can genuinely engage with them. The live interactions here can be in the form of Q&As and live chatting sessions to build more interest and excitement about the product or services 

7 – Live Streaming Videos

Many businesses and brands today are utilising live-streaming videos to support their marketing efforts better and connect with their audiences.

8 – Podcast Videos 

Video podcasting is rising in popularity and could be a significant step up for your brand if you wish to tap into an audience that already trusts and engages with you and is willing to learn about the new offerings by your business.

9 – Q&A Videos 

Question and answer videos are helpful, especially when you wish to answer your audience's most common queries or questions about a specific topic. These videos help you build trust with your target audience and attract more traffic online.

10 – Vlogs

A vlog is a video blog allowing a brand to vlog about various topics. It is instrumental in the vlog related to your brand, and your consumers want to see it. It lets you put the information in a vlog format and engage with them.

Best Practices in Video Marketing 

Lumen5 Ai Video Tool

So, you are convinced about the benefits of using videos for your marketing activities. But how to make a truly engaging, fun, and yet fully optimised video?

Here are some video marketing tips that you can use.

1 – Ideal Video Length 

The first thing you need to figure out is the ideal video length for the platform you are uploading your video. The recommended video lengths are as follows: 

  • Facebook: 1 minute
  • YouTube: 2 minutes 
  • Instagram: 30 seconds
  • Twitter: 45 seconds 

2 – Use Captions for Autoplay 

The other thing you need to do to ensure a better video engagement rate and boost your SEO includes using captions for autoplay.

Also, keep the video silent if it's on a landing page. Remember that the videos on landing pages can be very effective only if they entice the viewers immediately. 

3 – Transcribe Video Scripts

When you transcribe text from sound in your video, you ensure that Google bots can crawl your content more accurately. This enhances the chances of your website featuring in various internet searches.

4 – Optimise Your Videos 

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Another best practice is to optimise your videos by adding relevant titles, descriptions, subtext, and meta tags to help search engine bots crawl your video more efficiently.

In a Nutshell

The importance of video marketing in helping you better interact with your potential customers and positively impact their behaviour is immense.

Video content is a great way to show your audience the product and services you have to offer them, elaborate on them in more detail, and highlight their advantage.

Reports also support that video marketing can be instrumental in a wide range of consumers' purchase decisions and will only get more popular.

To conclude, video marketing is a great tool marketers should consider at every stage of the buyer's journey. The higher the number of places you utilise well-made videos in your sales funnel, the easier for buyers to move down the path to make the final buying decision.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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