Get Ready for a Halloween Party with the Scariest Halloween Songs and Halloween SFX

  1. Halloween SFX
  2. A Bit of History
  3. Top 15 Halloween Songs for Parties
  4. Become an Author of the TemplateMonster Marketplace
  5. Conclusion
  6. Halloween Songs FAQ

The creepiest time of the year is just around the corner, so it is time to create a Halloween mood and get ready for the most bone-chilling party ever. According to tradition, on the night of October 31 - November 1, evil spirits can leave the other world and get to earth. And to protect the house and family from them, we decorate it with symbolic attributes, dress up in intimidating costumes, and listen to Halloween songs.

Modern Halloween has nothing to do with evil spirits. Today, this is a fun holiday – a great occasion to arrange a costume party, turn on Halloween songs, and decorate the gray everyday life or your web projects with Halloween templates. And the observance of traditions will only add magic to the holiday.


Now we will talk about a funny party exclusively for fans of horror movies, knee-trembling, and goosebumps. Occult motives, otherworldly phenomena, hoaxes, bloody plots – do not scare the hell out of your friends, let them laugh themselves to tears.

It is quite easy to make a real horror movie at home. Embroider black and dirty gray fabric with skulls, bats, crows, spiders, and cobwebs, witches on broomsticks. After, decorate the furniture, windows, and part of the walls - the background for the scenery is ready. Fill the space with the terrifying horror silhouettes that come to your mind and think over a few festive cocktails. Since music carries a much more powerful emotional charge, Halloween songs for parties are an important part of such an event.

We understand you are busy enough with an overall preparation, so we covered a playlist part and collected the best scary tracks for your party. And here are a few words about the history of the holiday to set up the right mood for you.

Halloween SFX

Heartbeat Suspense Intro Fx

Heartbeat Suspense Intro Fx.

Halloween Urban Night Scary Swoosh 8 Sound Effect

Halloween Urban Night Scary Swoosh 8 Sound Effect.

Scary Countdown Monster Vocal 1 Sound Effect

Scary Countdown Monster Vocal 1 Sound Effect.

Cinematic Metal Hit Sound Effect

Cinematic Metal Hit Sound Effect.

Cinematic Trailer Impact Sound Effect 16

Cinematic Trailer Impact Sound Effect 16.

Ghost Darkness Cinematic Miscellaneous Riser 2 Sound Effect

Get your Halloween party rocking with this stylish sound effect. Want to win the attention? Use this futuristic, high-tech, abstract sound. It is suitable for montages, business videos, startups, promos, and inspiring projects.

Dark Piano Logo Sound Effects

Dark Piano Logo sound effects will get you pumped up. This Halloween theme works for games, animations, commercials, or TV shows. Let’s shake off all of your workout demons.

Ghost Darkness Cinematic Miscellaneous Riser 1 Sound Effect

This abstract sound effect will get your heart pumping. It works best for inspiring projects, corporate, business openers, or video games. Check it out to get in the mood of the Halloween atmosphere.

Ghost Darkness Cinematic Miscellaneous Riser 4 Sound Effect

If there is ever a sound effect worth knowing, it would have to be it. Meet the Ghost Darkness Cinematic Miscellaneous Riser 4. It will give your project the right atmosphere.

Dark Swoosh Transitions 2 Sound Effects

Let’s give your Halloween theme more attention with Dark Swoosh Transitions 2 sound effects. It is perfect for business openers or commercials. Also, use it for sound design, infographics, or trailers. There is always the need for more attention. 

Ghost Darkness Cinematic Miscellaneous Riser 5 Sound Effect

Enjoy this extra-special sound effect for your next Halloween-themed holiday. Get the audience into the Halloween spirit with this Ghost Darkness riser 5 sound effect. If you want the background to sound experimental, that is it.

Horror And Fear Transitions Sound Effects

Let’s bring out the hardcode essence of the Halloween holiday with this sound effect. Listen to it, and you are more likely to add it to your advertising, game, movie, or commercial. That is a great tune to get people to listen. 

Dark Swoosh Transitions 4 Sound Effects

Enjoy Dark Swoosh Transition 4 sound effects. You might want to add it to your TV show, video game, or infographic videos. Add it to your Halloween party playlist and let it get under your audience's skin. 

Horror Riser Sound Effect

Horror Riser sound effect is the solution if you’re planning a Halloween party and want your guests to have a good time. It uses a massive synth, water sound effects, and more. 

Creepy Drone Horror Whoosh 5 Sound Effect

If you want to beef up your Halloween holiday with sound effects, you need to try Creepy Drone Horror Woosh 5. It will work for all video promos, commercials, or media projects. That can also be a fun new anthem to shout out at your Halloween party. 

Evil Laughter Sound Effects

Evil Laughter Sound Effects

That is what the Evil Laughter sound effect is about: Creepy, spooky, weird. It will work for YouTube movies, animations, or video games. Use it to get people out of their seats.

A Bit of History

Initially, the name of the holiday sounds like "All Hallow's Eve” and literally is translated as "All Saints’ Evening". Catholics celebrate All Saints' Day on November 1 and Memorial Day on November 2. Thus, Halloween precedes these holidays.

For the first time, the ancient celts began to celebrate this day more than two thousand years ago. From October 31 to November 1, according to the Celtic calendar, the dark time of the year came, and Samhain was celebrated. According to beliefs, this night, evil spirits made their way to earth. To prevent evil spirits from entering the house, the celts changed their clothes and held processions. At the dwelling entrance, they put turnips with the eyes and mouth cut out and a burning candle inside.

The traditions of the ancient celts celebrating Halloween have been preserved to this day, except, of course, sacrifices. These traditions have undoubtedly changed somewhat, but the main thing remains the same - the same symbols, the same entertainment.

Top 15 Halloween Songs for Parties

From tunes about the devil to songs about the living dead, and stories about monsters dancing all night long, Halloween songs are "devilishly" good. Otherworldly, strange, dark, sinister… Turn off the lights and enjoy the collection of the creepiest horror Halloween songs for parties.

Danny Elfman - This is Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween

Pumpkins scream in the dead of night…

A recognized Halloween anthem is the song "This is Halloween" by Danny Elfman, which became the soundtrack to the cult cartoon “The Nightmare Before Christmas". It has already been sung by world performers from the United States and China, who made the song famous worldwide.

Michael Jackson - Thriller

The track of a well-known pop king Michael Jackson ‘Thriller’ was released in 1983 and became a classic of the genre. You should pay special attention to the video clip for this song, known for its fascinating plot and 14 minutes duration. The plot is very Halloween-like: in a cemetery among zombies and other horror movie characters, Michael dances to Thriller's song. The video won a Grammy award for best video in 1985, and the song has since been associated with ghosts, werewolves, zombies, and the dead. This song should be in your playlist of Halloween songs for parties.

Bobby Picket - Monster Mash

One of the most recognizable Halloween songs is Bobby Picket's "Monster Mash". The single became popular in the 20s of October 1962, when it reached the Billboard Hot 100 chart's top position. Since then, the track has been a Halloween classic, reissued and covered by young musicians. And this song like the rest of the tracks from our collection always gets into the coolest Halloween parties' playlists. After all, the classics are always popular.

Ray Parker, Jr. - Original GhostBusters Theme Song

You cannot ignore the main music theme of the 1984 film Ghostbusters, starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Sigourney Weaver. The film, about three scientists who are interested in ghosts, was released with unfinished special effects and plot inaccuracies. But even so, the audience immediately fell in love with the movie, and for sure, the melody performed by musician Ray Parker played a significant role. This light, dancing, festive song reminds us that Halloween is a good occasion for us to dress up, have fun, and dance. It is a great representative of the best Halloween songs.

Lady Gaga - Monster

Lady Gaga's first albums are the perfect combination of glamour and horror movie monsters. Play uplifting songs and sing about how a bloodthirsty creature stole your heart. Incorporating the usage of heavy bass lines, descending keyboard lines and "massive" choruses, "Monster" contains zombie-like metaphors and a reference to Gaga's debut single "Just Dance”.

Trans Sylvanian Orchestra - Satan's Lair

Considering the high demand for scary music at this time of the year, some bands release entire albums of organ tracks. Add them to your playlist of Halloween songs so that everyone can hear how powerful the sound of an ordinary violin is.

CHARMED - Love Spit Love - How Soon Is Now

Most likely, everyone has watched "Charmed". And the title song of the series probably remained forever in the hearts of many, as well as the story of the witch sisters fighting evil and all sorts of evil spirits.

Misfits - Halloween

These bright representatives of horror-punk could not ignore such a powerful source of musical inspiration. In addition to a bunch of songs about zombies, mummies, and other horrors, they created an atmospheric hit, which immediately turned into the title soundtrack of the holiday. The song itself is a kind of occult report from the center of the festival: pumpkins with burning eyes, lights everywhere you look, dead people, and other nonsense.

Sting - Moon Over Bourbon Street

Stylized as melancholic New Orleans jazz, the song reminds of gothic and horror classic soundtracks. Deep bass, a ghostly singing of a tenor saxophone, eerie romantic lyrics. Sting once again proves that he is a master of his craft, and the vampire theme has rarely found such a beautiful and effective reflection in music. «You will never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet, while there’s a moon over Bourbon street…»

Steven Wilson - Track One

The lone vocals and guitar that open the song soon go through an unexpected change of tune, with the addition of instruments and voices. After that, a pressing, dark, sprawling theme with grating strings and heavy percussion abruptly enters. When it comes to the final, it ends just as abruptly. This song's special feature is that it comes as a surprise for listeners several times during the four-minute track. Update your playlist of Halloween songs with Steven Wilson - Track One.

The Cranberries - Zombie

Although the song's theme does not match the selection, the mood of this track fits perfectly into the concept of the holiday. It causes goosebumps, and the clip is quite scary and dark. If you are looking for Halloween songs that disturb the conscience, that is the one.

Harry Potter Theme Song

This saga about the boy who survived is not scary, but atmospheric enough to get into this top list, especially since people can come to the party in the characters' costumes from these books and movies.

The Addams Family Theme song

Dramatic identification into the character of Morticia Addams is considered a classic of the genre, and not a lack of imagination. And the film itself is not boring, despite its “age".

The Walker Brothers - The Electrician

What about this eerie beginning of the track, which sets an ominous tone everywhere? A dissonant orchestra, and Scott Walker's charming baritone convince us that "there will be no help”. Enthusiastic main part of the song creates a thriller atmosphere. The Electrician is a good option of Halloween songs for your party.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll

Dark electro-pop from Yeah Yeah Yeahs is a good fit into any party. Moreover, they have a separate track for Halloween. "Dance before you die" is the perfect song to move around on the dance floor.

Further, we will have an important diversion for developers of audio products. If you develop audio and video for commercials, TV, and films, you can join the TemplateMonster marketplace as an author and sell your crafts along with other audio products.

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TemplatesMonster is not just a website, it is a creative platform where everyone can find a solution for their website and sell their digital products. TemplateMonster marketplace successfully sells tons of WordPress themes, eCommerce templates, graphics, audio, and video products.

If by chance, you are creating Halloween songs, you can sell video and audio files to more than 2 million monthly visitors and monetize your business.

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As of September 1, 2020, all authors selling exclusive and non-exclusive products in the marketplace earn a 65% commission from every sale.

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Halloween is a great time to run around in scary costumes, cut pumpkins, and listen to music. If you are going to have a big party on the night of all saints, then our collection of Halloween songs will help you create a creepy and fun atmosphere. Whether you want to have a traditional Halloween party with "eyeballs" floating in wine, or plan a more modern interpretation of the holiday, you can pick up a song for every occasion.

Halloween Songs FAQ

?How to sell Halloween songs in the TemplateMonster marketplace?

To start selling Halloween songs, you have to become an author of the TemplateMonster marketplace. Create and verify your account, your Powerpoint templates, and wait for the approval from the TemplateMonster’s experts.

?How do I upload my Halloween songs to TemplateMonster marketplace?

Name your product, choose the appropriate product category and upload a zip file.  Your zip file should contain product source files, documentation, and any other files that a customer may need.

?Are there any Halloween songs more preferable for sale?

We welcome all Halloween songs that you send us. To be updated on the most popular products, you can subscribe to our newsletter.

?What does it mean to sell Halloween songs exclusively at TemplateMonster?

Exclusive Halloween songs are sold on TemplateMonster marketplace only. They cannot be distributed for sale on other websites.

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Katherine Crayon

copywriter reporting on tech news and all aspects of the web design industry. Anyone looking for more inspirational posts, tips and advice or simply the latest industry news, meet her in person on Quora and Twitter.

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