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11 Luxury Branding Trends To Pay Attention To

11 Luxury Branding Trends To Pay Attention To

The luxury goods market has seen tremendous growth over the past decade, fueled by rising incomes and changing consumer attitudes, especially among younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z. As the tastes and preferences of luxury consumers evolve, brands must adapt their strategies to remain competitive. This article will explore key trends shaping luxury branding in 2024 and beyond. From sustainability to digital innovation, brands are rethinking their identities to attract established and emerging luxury buyers.

Defining the Luxury Consumer

Tips For Marketing A Luxury Brand

Before diving into current trends, it's essential to understand who makes up the luxury goods market. The term “luxury consumer” encompasses more demographics than ever before.

The Established Luxury Buyer

This group represents the traditional luxury goods buyer – generally older, already wealthy, and more conservative. Well-established brands like Louis Vuitton, Rolex, and Mercedes rely heavily on these consumers who appreciate heritage and provenance.

The Emerging Luxury Buyer

Younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z are driving growth thanks to their appetite for designer goods. Compared to established buyers, these groups favour “accessible luxury” at slightly lower prices. Emerging buyers are also more likely to research and purchase goods digitally.

Globalised Tastes

Increasingly connected global consumers are exposing luxury brands to new markets. Tastes now reflect a fusion of influences – as seen in streetwear collaborations melding Western and Eastern sensibilities. Brands must calibrate their image carefully to appeal to demographics.

Sustainability Becomes a Luxury Priority

With luxury consumers becoming more conscious of their environmental impact, sustainability has grown from an afterthought to a core branding focus across the industry.

Reduced Environmental Footprint

From raw material sourcing to manufacturing processes, brands are thinking green. Kering (owner of Gucci, Saint Laurent & Brioni) has gone carbon neutral and emphasises animal welfare and fair wages. Many brands aim to increase energy efficiency in production facilities as part of larger Corporate Social Responsibility plans.

Ethical Practices

Fair pay, safe working conditions, and diversity initiatives demonstrate a brand's values to socially-conscious luxury buyers. Consumers want to associate with brands that align not just with their taste but also their ethics. Actions speak louder than words – brands must back up mission statements with measurable progress.

Sustainable Materials

Eco-friendly alternatives provide new branding opportunities while answering consumer demand. Stella McCartney built its brand around vegetarian leather and ocean plastic clothing. Prada and others use recycled nylon. Upcycling scraps into new products shows creativity while cutting waste.

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Luxury consumers want insight into sourcing and production processes. Blockchain technology offers supply chain transparency – with some brands highlighting this safeguard. Tracing an item's entire lifecycle authenticates claims around sustainability.

Technology Becomes a Luxury Experience

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While heritage anchors traditional luxury branding, technology delivers new ways for brands to interact with digitally-native luxury consumers through immersive online experiences.

Digital Storefronts

Ecommerce platforms feature sleek interfaces translating a brand's identity for the digital space while easing purchases. Mobile-first, omnichannel shopping eliminates friction. Augmented and virtual realities simulate trying or customising purchases.

Tech-Forward Products

Wearable tech, smart home devices, and electronics integrate tech elegantly into high-end lifestyles. These products boast functionality and status, appealing especially to younger or more gadget-oriented luxury buyers.

Enhanced In-Person Experiences

Innovations in brick-and-mortar stores enhance rather than replace human connection. One example is RFID tags enabling touchscreen product look-ups—augmented reality previews custom-designed goods. In-store education talks build the brand experience. The goal is leveraging tech to enrich customer relationships and brand loyalty.

Digital First Mindset

While luxury brands were once hesitant about ecommerce and digital marketing, adopting a digital-first mindset is now mandatory. Online sales represent a crucial part of expansion, especially with younger demographics.

Elevated Website Experiences

Luxury brand websites must provide exceptional user experiences that align with their positioning. Well-designed sites feature compelling visuals, sharp copywriting, intuitive navigation, mobile responsiveness, augmented reality try-ons (e.g. virtual makeup), and seamless checkout.

Social Media Creative Freedom

Creative social campaigns capture consumer attention and increase reach and engagement for luxury brands. Balenciaga and Gucci continually break the internet with meme-worthy and shocking social content. While riskier, granting creative freedom can pay dividends.

“Global online sales of personal luxury goods are expected to grow to €62.7 billion by 2027.”

Digital Exclusivity

Some brands offer exclusive digital products to mimic the captivating feeling of owning something unique and scarce. For example, Dior released its social media app Dior ID, which provides access to customised NFTs and collectables. Digital exclusivity sustains luxury perception, especially among younger demographics who spend more time online.

Streetwear Collaborations Go High Fashion

What Is A Luxury Brand

Younger generations mix high fashion with casual silhouettes like hoodies, caps, and sneakers. Over the past decade, luxury brands have tapped into “streetwear” to attract these buyers.

Logo-Mania Meets Iconic Designs

By adding bold logos to classic items, streetwear generates demand via scarcity. Applying this tactic, luxury brands limit edition sizes of branded sweatsuits, caps, and sneakers. Lines often sell out instantly, spiking secondhand resale value.

High Profile Collabs

Luxury houses frequently collaborate with athletes, musicians, anime franchises, and artists for capsule collections. Recent examples include Gucci x Disney, Louis Vuitton x NBA, and Prada x Adidas. These partnerships merge iconic brands and personalities to capture attention.

Blurring High/Low Fashion

Streetwear's casual silhouettes merged with luxury materials and finishes demonstrate the fading divide between high fashion and the mass market. Consumers now wear luxury brands more casually. In turn, luxury brands must craft an aura of effortless cool rather than formal prestige.

Reshaping Flagship Stores

While ecommerce expands access, flagship stores remain vital for luxury brands by providing immersive branded environments. Many brands transform flagship locations into experiential playgrounds that attract foot traffic and media buzz.

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Multisensory Art Installations

Leading luxury houses feature rotating art installations, making their stores consistently fresh and enticing destinations. Chanel owns multi-level boutiques showcasing light exhibits synchronised with music and projections. Brands also collaborate with hyped contemporary artists to infuse cultural relevance.

Cafes & Restaurants

Flagship “maisons” increasingly contain posh cafes and restaurants with proprietary menus engineered to embody the brand's essence through taste profiles. Dior operates the upscale Dior Chez Moi cafĂ© in Seoul, serving French-Asian fusion and reflecting the influences of house founder Christian Dior.

Event Spaces

Luxury stores adapt for special events like press previews, influencer parties, panel discussions, and runway shows. Convertible spaces allow brands to host cultural experiences aligning with arts, entertainment, travel, architecture, and design. Blending retail and experiential marketing heightens store visits.

“78% of affluent shoppers say communicating sustainability helps justify and offset luxury purchases’ high price points.”

Regional Influences Reshape Brand Identities

Luxury Branding Trends Regional Influence

Exposure to global style has decentralised branding aesthetics. Design now reflects regional identities – Asian minimalism, African prints, Middle Eastern architectural motifs, etc. This blending redefines luxury, weaving in diverse cultural touchpoints.

Targeting Regional Consumers

Adapting branding to resonate locale by locale is vital for luxury brands expanding into new markets. Strategies may range from opening regionally-themed stores to spotlighting local brand ambassadors. Communicating cultural awareness helps attract consumers seeking representation.

Fusion Fashion

Many Western luxury brands incorporate Eastern silhouettes like kimono-style jackets or chopstick hairpins. These hybrid garments display an eclectic panache. Some Eastern brands add Western styling to classic Eastern costume shapes like the hanbok or sari.

Heritage as Inspiration

Looking inward at forgotten regional craft techniques breathes new life into luxury brands. Examples include Ghanaian Kente cloth or Aboriginal dot art translated into apparel and accessories. This celebrates heritage while allowing brands to claim artisanal, small-batch production.

Targeting BIPOC Consumers

While historically positioned for white consumers, luxury brands recognise the importance of creating inclusive messaging and products that resonate across multicultural demographics.

Inclusive Marketing

Diverse brand photography and advertising casting help luxury brands project accessibility and challenge exclusion perceptions. In 2022, Ralph Lauren proclaimed, “Our Runway is the World”, using actual citizens shot around the globe instead of models.

Diversity Officers & Audits

Many prominent houses instituted executives dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion roles tasked with overseeing multicultural consumer outreach. Some conduct internal audits analysing minority representation at all corporate levels to address systemic inequities.

Product Ranges for Darker Skin Tones

Beauty and fashion brands tailor previously limited product ranges for darker skin tones. Foundation collections, once notoriously lacking diversity, expand tenfold. Learning gaps help luxury brands serve ignored segments with precision.

“The Black luxury consumer market reached $96 billion in 2021 and could expand to over $223 billion by 2026.”

Targeting Gender Neutrality

Luxury Branding Gender Neutral

Rejecting gender binaries in branding and products caters to younger generations increasingly identifying as gender-neutral or non-binary.

Androgynous Models & Campaigns

Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Valentino blended masculine and feminine aesthetics across advertising images, runway shows, and store designs. Androgyny challenges norms by combining attire, beauty, and attitudes across the gender spectrum.

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Gender-Neutral Products

Apparel brands design sized, styled garments, and merchandised sans gender distinctions. Charvet’s luxury shirts no longer separate men’s and women's products. Fragrance brands use models of various gender expressions to convey the scent’s universal appeal.

“56% of Gen Z respondents agree that gender no longer defines a person as much as it used to.”

Purpose-Driven Brand Stories

Younger luxury buyers favour brands reflecting their values. Developing a brand purpose tied to social impact or sustainability helps forge emotional connections beyond a logo.

Behind-the-Seams Content

Short films, podcasts, and publishing arms reveal the craftsmanship, heritage, and principles that guide the brand. LVMH spotlights its artisans Claridge’s shared recipes, while Lane Crawford produces unscripted films advancing Asian talent. This engages consumers seeking substance.

Ambassador Initiatives

Figureheads like ambassadors and designers voice support for social/environmental causes: their initiatives, charitable partnerships and activism shape perceptions of the brand itself. For instance, Armani’s plastic reduction efforts build off Giorgio Armani’s advocacy.

Fundraising & Awareness Campaigns

Brands collaborate with charities or launch special collections donating proceeds to causes like disease research, disaster relief or conservation. While benefitting charitable partners, these initiatives also enable brands to demonstrate care for issues affecting their communities.

Investing in Craftsmanship

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While tech opens new frontiers for branding, luxury items remain rooted in exceptional craftsmanship passed between generations of artisans. Brands are actively nurturing atelier skills to preserve their market position.

Artisan Spotlights

Short films and brand narrative content highlight master craftspeople keeping rare talents alive – from Swiss embroiderers to Italian shoemakers. This showcases human excellence while justifying higher prices for labour-intensive production.

Internal Training Programs

LVMH, Richemont, and Kering all fund artisan academies that train younger recruits in time-honoured decorative arts like leatherworking, jewellery sets, and floral arrangements. Investing in specialised talent ensures brands retain access to the finest workshop techniques.

Automation With Care

Some production processes utilise automation for efficiencies, but true luxury contains irreplaceable hand finishing. Brands strategically apply tech enhancements without compromising the human touch, which is crucial to the luxury appeal. Each item thus remains unique – avoiding the uniformity mass manufacturing brings.

Fierce Resale Market

The booming resale market threatens full-price sales, prompting luxury brands to intelligently participate instead of remaining aloof. Secondhand reselling injects greater access and affordability for aspirational buyers.

Branded Resale Partnerships

To maintain control, brands strike deals where speciality retailers exclusively receive and vet used merchandise for resale on consignment. Stella McCartney with The RealReal and Gucci with Vestiaire Collective elevate resale by ensuring authenticity and quality.

House Archival Collections

Louis Vuitton, Prada, and other iconic names reintroduce archival designs from past seasons as limited-edition capsule collections. For devotees who missed certain coveted pieces initially, the archived revivals provide a rare second chance to spark buzz.

“The total value of unused clothing sitting in closets is estimated at almost $50 billion in the UK.”


While heritage and provenance still anchor the allure of legacy luxury brands, younger generations expect even icons to progress alongside accelerating technological and ethical advancements. Luxury branding must balance timelessness with responsiveness to shifting consumer priorities around sustainability, diversity, and digital experiences.

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Brand showcases of purpose and artistry build lasting consumer investment. Ultimately, quality craftsmanship cements luxury’s worth – guaranteeing resale value as items become future heirlooms. The interplay between past and future makes modern luxury branding a study of graceful evolution.

By embracing new branding strategies while safeguarding essential elements like material purity and workshop excellence, luxury brands may thrive for centuries more as arbiters of lifestyle aspirations.

Luxury Branding Trends FAQs

What consumer groups represent growth opportunities for luxury brands?

Younger luxury buyers like Millennials and Gen Z present strong growth potential thanks to their appetite for designer goods, interest in digital experiences, and consciousness of ethics/sustainability issues. Emerging middle classes offer expansion possibilities, especially across Asia, Africa, and South America.

How are luxury brands infusing technology into their offerings?

Digital interfaces facilitate omni-channel shopping. Tech also provides immersive opportunities – augmented reality lets consumers preview products, while store RFID tags enable touchscreen item look-ups. Some brands also seamlessly incorporate functionality into electronics and smart home offerings.

Why are luxury brands partnering with streetwear labels and significant franchises?

By collaborating with streetwear brands, athletic franchises, musicians and even Disney, luxury houses generate buzz. Limited edition pieces blending iconic logos command attention while breaking down barriers between high fashion and mainstream pop culture.

How do global influences reshape luxury branding?

Global connectivity exposes consumers to diverse aesthetics. Many Western brands now integrate Eastern silhouettes and vice versa. Some reinterpret heritage craft techniques locally onto luxury apparel and accessories. This cultural fusion helps brands appeal to new regional demographics.

Why is nurturing artisan skills still critical despite tech advancements?

From raw materials to finishing touches, luxury still depends profoundly on exceptional human craftsmanship. Brand investment in artisan training and showcases helps justify higher pricing by signalling pure material sourcing and labour intensity. This irreplaceable individual care remains the heart of true luxury.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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