Studio Futura created a fun brand identity and packaging range for Bueno Chao.

The creative people at studio Futura just completed another exceptional brand and packaging project. Using ironic illustrations, they masterfully complemented the graphic line between the serious and the funny. With the use of organized and simple grids, the editorial design intensifies the adult character through its typography. The color palette is based on opaque tones that help to distinguish the different presentations of the Hard Seltzer according to its four flavors: coffee, ginger with lemon, matte, and natural. Just have a look below. For more of Futura’s creative work, feel free to visit their website.

Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura
Bueno Chao - brand and packaging design by studio Futura

All images © by studio Futura. Do not hesitate to find more inspiring projects in our Graphic Design, Branding, and Packaging Design categories.