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Why Curating a Sustainable Brand Image is Good for Business

Why Curating a Sustainable Brand Image is Good for Business

Sustainability has become a more critical issue in recent years as people have become more aware of the impact businesses can have on the environment. As a result, many companies are now trying to adopt sustainable practices, to appear more responsible and environmentally friendly.

While some businesses may be cynical about this trend, believing that they should only focus on profits and not worry about sustainability, there are many reasons why companies need to care about these issues. There are several benefits to being a sustainable business.

Let's face it – your brand identity matters, maybe more than you think.

Sustainable Brands Graphic Web Dimensions

When it comes to your business, it's crucial to have a strong brand identity that sets you apart from the competition. This involves creating a visual style and associating certain qualities with your company, which will help customers remember you. However, it's not just about having a cool logo or a catchy slogan – your brand identity should be consistent across all aspects of your business, from your website to your customer service.

Maintaining a strong brand identity is crucial for businesses of all sizes, but it can be vital for startups and small businesses. To make an excellent first impression and attract customers, you need to show that you're professional and capable of delivering on your promises. A strong brand identity can help build trust with potential customers and give them confidence in your products or services.

So how can you create a strong brand identity for your business?

  1. Create a visual style that reflects your company values.
  2. Make sure your marketing materials are consistent in design and messaging.
  3. Train your employees to deliver the same high-quality customer service experience every time.
  4. Stay true to your company's identity, even when things get tough.

Your brand identity is essential to who you are as a business, so pay attention to it. By creating a solid brand image and sticking to it, you'll be well on your way to success.

What is sustainability, and why is it essential to my brand?

Considering all of the above, your brand image matters a lot. Sustainability may have been a buzzword or a quirky, hippie thing that some brands adopted but most dismissed as nothing significant in the past, but now, things are changing. Today, sustainability is becoming something prospective customers are looking for as a requirement in the products or services they buy, driven in part by their sustainability targets. They also realise that their customers are looking for it too.

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The 2021 Global Sustainability Study by the global strategy consultancy shows that 63% of consumers have made “modest to significant shifts towards being more sustainable” in the past five years. Let's dig into that report a bit deeper here:

Sustainability is an essential purchase criterion for 1) Energy/utilities (74%), followed by 2) Construction/home (66%), Consumer goods (63%), Travel and tourism (62%), Automotive (61%); and 3) Financial services (44%).

50% of consumers rank sustainability as a top 5 value driver.”

So, your brand image is essential; that's clear to many, but what I hope is starting to get clearer is how ‘green' that image matters, and it increasingly matters to more people, especially Gen Z, like it or not your future clients, as time rolls by.

The benefits of being a sustainable business

Sustainability is about more than just being environmentally friendly – it's about creating a business model that you can sustain long-term by implementing green marketing techniques. You can reduce your environmental impact by making minor changes to your operations and help create a more sustainable future. Here are some of the benefits of being a sustainable business:

You give your business a competitive advantage by ‘Greening' your brand image.

There are many reasons why pivoting your brand to a more environmentally friendly brand one can be good for your business. For starters, sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for consumers. In a 2017 study, it was found that 66 per cent of global consumers would pay more for sustainable brands. This is because more and more people realise the importance of taking care of our planet and are looking for businesses that share their values.

However, your potential customers need to know that you are an environmentally responsible brand to choose you; in one study by Sustainable Brands, of potential consumers interviewed, a whopping 78% said that they want to support companies that align with their values but do not know how to identify them.

Pivoting your brand to a greener one can be good for business, but your message to consumers needs to be clear and to make it obvious.

Reduces expenses and amplifies productivity.

Transitioning to a more environmentally conscious brand can be beneficial in several ways. First, it can help reduce expenses, as businesses often find that they can save money by making more environmentally friendly changes.

When a company commits to being sustainable, that sends a message to employees that they are valued and that the company cares about their well-being. A sustainable workplace is environmentally friendly and supports employee health and wellness. It can improve employee retention by creating a positive work environment where people feel appreciated and supported.

People generally want to work for companies that care about sustainability and do their best to reduce their environmental impact. When employees feel good about where they work, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long haul.

Go towards zero waste and also improve your innovation.

Sustainable Brand Statistic

The transition to a more environmentally conscious brand can also improve innovation within a company. Many business owners find that their company's move towards zero waste has increased innovation and problem-solving. Zero waste is the goal of eliminating all waste from a process, which can take time to achieve. However, there are many ways that companies can try to move towards this goal.

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One way to achieve zero waste is by improving communication between different departments within the company. This will help ensure everyone is on the same page regarding waste reduction goals.

Additionally, businesses can reduce waste by innovating their products and services. This could mean developing new products that are more environmentally friendly or finding new ways to recycle or reuse materials.

Ultimately, moving towards zero waste requires much effort, but it is worth it in the end. Not only does it help the environment, but it can also save businesses money and improve productivity.

Helps the company meet regulatory standards.

More countries are bringing in new mandates for companies to adhere to sustainability requirements, requiring transparent Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data to prove it. One example is the European Union (EU), where new directives are being researched, driven by pressure from governments and investors. One thing is for sure, though, the EU will not be the last country to start to mandate sustainability requirements into law.

The UK, for example, at the start of its 2022 tax season, enacted two mandatory ESG disclosure laws. Other countries have bought similar ESG requirements, name Malaysia, China & New Zealand. The US has yet to create disclosure laws, but this will undoubtedly change.

Your company's tax records tell a story to future investors and customers.

Regarding sustainability, your company's tax records can tell a story to future investors and customers. By disclosing your Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data, you prove that you are a responsible and sustainable business. This is important as more and more countries are bringing in new mandates for companies to adhere to sustainability requirements. Disclosing your ESG data is not only important from a legal standpoint, but it can also be beneficial to your company's bottom line.

A study by Ernst & Young found that nearly 90% of investors said that they place greater importance now on a company's ESG reporting when determining their investment strategy. Disclosing your ESG data is also crucial for building trust with customers; being transparent about your sustainability efforts shows customers that you care about the environment and social issues. This can help build trust and customer loyalty, which is essential for any business. Ultimately, disclosing your ESG data is vital for several reasons. It can help your company meet regulatory standards, attract investors, and build customer trust.

Consumers are more likely to invest in companies with a meaning or purpose.

When making purchasing decisions, consumers often want to know that the brands they support are ethical and positively impact the world. This is especially true regarding sustainability, as more and more people are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact.

Companies focusing on sustainability and social responsibility can be advantageous, as consumers are more likely to invest in brands with a meaning or purpose. By being more mindful of how your company conducts itself, you can set an excellent example for others and create a more positive image for your brand. This will also help to attract customers who care about sustainability and help your company to be more environmentally friendly.

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There are many ways to make your brand more sustainable, but it's essential to be a sustainable company; you can set an example for others and create a more positive image for your brand. This can attract customers who care about sustainability and help your business to be more environmentally friendly.

The future is embracing sustainability.

Sustainability Brand Image

Many companies are embracing sustainability for the future. They realise that it is not only important to be environmentally friendly, but it is also essential to be socially responsible. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and are looking for brands that share their values.

Case studies of businesses that have succeeded in sustainability

Sustainability is not only about being environmentally friendly but also about being economically and socially responsible. Numerous businesses have found success by implementing sustainable practices in their operations. Here are a few case studies of companies that have been able to thrive while maintaining a sustainable brand image.

Cisco has long been a proponent of sustainability and has embraced several initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. One of the company's most notable efforts is achieving net zero emissions by 2040.

Cisco is also working to reduce the amount of waste it produces and has partnered with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to help create a more circular economy. Additionally, the company has developed many more energy-efficient products and offers recycling programs for its customers. By embracing sustainability, Cisco is helping the environment and positioning itself as a leader in innovation and sustainability. This can attract customers who care about these issues and help the company be more environmentally friendly.

Ben & Jerry's is another company that has been successful with sustainability. They became famous for their ice cream, but many people don't know they are also committed to social and environmental causes. Ben & Jerry's has a history of supporting progressive causes, such as marriage equality and climate change activism. They also use sustainable practices in their business operations, such as using recycled materials and reducing energy consumption. As a result of their commitment to sustainability, Ben & Jerry's has seen increased sales and profits. They were recently ranked as one of the most sustainable brands in the world.

Walmart is not typically known for being environmentally friendly or sustainable, but it has made some recent changes to become greener. One example is Walmart's initiative to sell more organic food. They have also pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 18% by 2025. Walmart is also making its packaging more recyclable and using more renewable energy sources. While Walmart has faced some criticism for its past actions, they are trying to become more sustainable. And so far, this appears to be paying off for them; Walmart's profits have increased in recent years.

Patagonia is a company that makes apparel and gear for the outdoors. They are well-known for their commitment to sustainability and have been praised for their efforts to reduce their environmental impact. For example, Patagonia has a program called “Worn Wear”, which encourages customers to repair their clothes instead of buying new ones. This helps to reduce waste and also saves the customer money. Patagonia also uses recycled materials in their products and has pledged to eliminate all virgin polyester from its supply chain by 2021. As a result of its sustainable practices, Patagonia has seen an increase in sales and profits. In fact, in 2017, they had their most profitable year ever.

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We have all heard of Amazon, and it is a great way to start building a business, but did you also know that Amazon has big plans for becoming more sustainable? Amazon aims to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 and be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2025. So far, they have ordered over 100,000 fully-electric delivery vehicles and plan to invest $100 million in reforestation projects worldwide. To further this initiative, Amazon created the Climate Pledge Fund, a $2 billion fund for companies committed to transitioning into a low-carbon economy.

These are just a few examples of businesses that have been successful with sustainability. Sustainability can be good for business in many ways; it can help you reduce your environmental impact, attract customers who care about sustainability, and save money on resources. So if you're looking to make your business more sustainable, take some inspiration from these case studies. It's good for your bottom line too.

Tips for making your brand more sustainable

Sustainable Printing Going Green Brands

Business owners can do a few things to make their brand more sustainable. One is to use recycled materials in their packaging and advertising. You can also use biodegradable materials whenever possible and make sure your company operates in an environmentally friendly way. Try to reduce your energy consumption, and recycle or compost any waste.

You can also promote sustainability among your customers and employees. Teach them about the importance of environmental responsibility and how they can help make a difference. Please encourage them to shop at ethical businesses and to choose sustainable products whenever possible.

By making these small changes, you can create a more sustainable brand image that is good for business. Not only will you be helping the environment, but you will also be attracting more customers who care about sustainability. And as more and more people become interested in this issue, it will only become more critical for businesses to adopt sustainable practices. So why not get started today?

Using a green web hosting service to help reduce your carbon footprint.

Web hosting services come in all shapes and sizes, and when it comes to going green, some are more environmentally responsible than others. If you're looking for a web host that takes sustainability seriously, you should check out a green web hosting service.

Green web hosts use renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to run their data centres, which helps to reduce their carbon footprint. They also typically recycle or reuse old hardware and server equipment, use less packaging material, and print on recycled paper.

This helps create a more sustainable image for your company, which can be good for business. Many consumers are interested in sustainability and are likelier to do business with companies that share their values.

Additionally, going green can save you money in the long run. Renewable energy is becoming increasingly affordable, and many green web hosts offer discounts to customers who use their services.

If you're looking for a way to reduce your environmental impact and improve your brand image simultaneously, consider switching to a green web host.

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Make your building more energy efficient.

The first step in transitioning to clean energy is to reduce energy consumption. One way to do this is to build or retrofit commercial buildings to be more energy efficient. Governments worldwide recognise the importance of energy efficiency and offer financial assistance or incentives for companies to improve their efficiency. In the United States, the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act increased tax incentives for companies to improve their building efficiencies. In the United Kingdom, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets provides:

  • Small business energy grants.
  • Schemes.
  • Advice for lowering carbon emissions and making commercial energy use more efficient.

Get your power from renewable energy sources.

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of the importance of sustainability. Not only are these sources environmentally friendly, but they also offer several other benefits for businesses.

For one, renewable energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Using solar or wind power instead of traditional energy sources like coal or oil can significantly reduce your emissions, which is good for the environment and your brand image. In addition, renewable energy is becoming increasingly affordable, so it's an excellent option for businesses looking to save money.

Another benefit of using renewable energy is that it helps to build a positive brand image. Customers today are more interested than ever in sustainability, and by using renewable energy, you can show them that your company cares about the environment. This can attract new customers and help to set your company apart from the competition. Overall, renewable energy is a great way to improve your brand image and simultaneously help the environment. Renewable energy is the way to go if you're looking for an affordable and sustainable way to power your business.

Look for sustainably sourced materials.

Eco Friendly Business Card Design

Sustainably sourced, eco-friendly materials are essential for two reasons: they are better for the environment, and they can be good for your company's brand image. When you use sustainable materials, you send a message to your customers that you care about the environment and are trying to do your part to protect it. This is a positive image that can help to attract customers who care about sustainability, and it can also help your company to be more environmentally friendly.

Using sustainable materials is also suitable for business because it can save you money in the long run. Sustainable materials are often cheaper than traditional materials, so you can save on production costs. Additionally, using sustainable materials can help you qualify for green certifications, leading to increased sales and a stronger brand image.

Overall, using sustainably sourced materials is a win-win proposition. It's good for the environment, it's good for your business, and it sends a positive message to your customers. Using sustainable materials is a great place to start if you're looking for ways to make your company more sustainable.

Opt for a remote or hybrid work setup.

When it comes to the workplace, many companies are starting to see the value in remote and hybrid setups. Businesses can save on office space and equipment by allowing employees to work from home. And by allowing employees to work remotely part-time, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint. Remote work has other benefits as well. It can help employees feel more connected to their company and improve work-life balance. Additionally, remote work can improve employee productivity, social issues and creativity.

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Hybrid work setups are also becoming more popular. This setup allows employees to work from home sometimes and come to the office for meetings and collaboration. This is a good option for businesses that want the benefits of remote work but also need face-to-face interaction in an office setting. Both remote and hybrid setups can be good for your company's brand image. By offering these options, you show that you care about your employees and are willing to adapt to changing times. You may also attract customers who care about sustainability and environmental issues.

Collaborate with an environmental organisation.

When it comes to sustainable branding, many business owners think the only thing that matters is the product or service they offer. However, there is a lot more to branding than just the product. Your company's image is also essential, and it can be a significant factor in whether or not customers decide to do business with you.

One of the best ways to improve your company's image is to collaborate with an environmental organisation. This will show customers that you are committed to sustainability and make you look like a responsible community member. By working with an organisation like this, you can help promote positive environmental awareness and inspire others to take action.

There are many environmental organisations, so choosing one that aligns with your values and mission statement is essential. If you need help figuring out where to start, you can check out websites like Green America or Eco-friendly Brands. These organisations can help connect you with reputable environmental groups, and they can also provide advice on how to make your business more sustainable.

When it comes to branding, creating a sustainable image is vital. Collaborating with an environmental organisation can show customers that you care about the planet and are doing your part to make a difference. This will help attract socially conscious consumers, and it will also make your brand more environmentally friendly. So, if you want to improve your company's image, consider collaborating with an environmental organisation today.

Opt for packaging that won't hurt the environment & Neutralise your carbon footprint with eco-friendly shipping options.

Product Packaging Tip Know Audience

Opting for packaging that won't hurt the environment is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and can help to improve your brand image. Many customers are looking for environmentally friendly companies, so choosing sustainable packaging can help you stand out from the competition. Additionally, eco-friendly packing materials can be less expensive than traditional options, so it's a win-win for your business!

For several reasons, efficient shipping options can benefit your company's brand image. Firstly, by choosing environmentally friendly shipping methods, you are setting an example for others and showing that you care about sustainability. This can attract customers who care about the environment and help your company to be more environmentally friendly. Additionally, eco-friendly shipping options can help to reduce your carbon footprint, which is good for the planet. This can improve your company's reputation and create a positive image for your brand.

Resources for learning more about sustainable branding:

If you're looking for more information on how to make your business more environmentally friendly, here are a few resources to get you started:

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1. The EPA's website has excellent information on sustainability and how to reduce your environmental impact.

2. The Green Business Guide from the Sierra Club is a comprehensive resource for businesses of all sizes.

3. The Sustainable Business Network of Massachusetts has tons of resources for businesses in New England.

4. The Global Sustainable Business Council is an excellent resource for businesses worldwide.

Author Bio: Adam is a freelance writer and online marketer passionate about sustainability and green tech. He is the founder of, a blog dedicated to promoting sustainable business practices.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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