Worldwide Shopify Statistics 2021: Latest Interesting Facts & Trends

We got astonished at the time of writing Shopify Statistics 2021. From 2006 to 2021, Shopify has driven massive growth in the eCommerce industry. TODAY, Shopify has become one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, hosting a diverse range of businesses. You might be wondering how big Shopify is? How much revenue has it generated? What is the total number of Shopify stores? Well, we have all the answers to your questions.

In this Shopify Statistics 2021 guide, I compiled the most up-to-date and mind-blowing Shopify trends and facts, including sales, traffic, revenue, growth, and more.

So, stick with us till the end. We've got a lot to share.

Let’s get started.

Is Shopify Really a Big Company?

When there are such big companies as WooCommerce, Wix, BigCommerce, and Squarespace, then this question is obvious. As of 2021, Shopify is the world's third-largest eCommerce company in the USA, with live stores over 1 million. It means that the United States has the most Shopify store owners.

But if we see it as a whole (all over the world) there are over 2.1 million active stores on Shopify.

Let’s check out more this type of statistics:

  • As of May 2021, the company reported over 1,700,000 businesses currently using Shopify in approximately 175 countries.
Wikipedia - Is Shopify Really a Big Company.
  • WooCommerce Checkout was the most popular name in the U.S. eCommerce software market in 2021, with approximately 28% of websites using eCommerce technologies.
WooCommerce Checkout - Is Shopify Really a Big Company.
  • Shopify merchants are also expanding; there are currently around 1.75 million merchants, which raised from 1.74 million in 2020.

What is Global eCommerce?

Global eCommerce means selling your products and services worldwide from the company’s origin or location. To simply put, selling products/services via online sales into a non-native country or origin. However, let’s go over some of the benefits of Global eCommerce:

  1. Reduced entry barriers
  2. B2B sales cycles are got shorter
  3. Product-market fit is easier to find
  4. Expansion into new markets made easy
  5. Faster building of international presence

Global eCommerce Statistics

It’s time to see how huge the global eCommerce is.

As per the latest global eCommerce statistics by Shopify, global eCommerce is expected to reach $4.89 trillion in 2021, which also represents a 400% increase in seven years.

Global eCommerce Statistics.

Moreover, it has been projected by the end of 2021 that around 2.14 billion people are expected to buy products/services online.

By 2024, eCommerce sales are expected to account for 21.8% of global retail sales.

Let’s check out some global eCommerce stats:

  • Mobile eCommerce has grown at a particularly high pace worldwide, with Insider Intelligence estimating that mobile eCommerce will increase at a compound annual rate of 25.5% until 2024.
  • Around 57% of online buyers made purchases from retailers around the world.
  • China leads the way in total eCommerce sales with $2.8 trillion, while the United States comes in second with $843 billion.

All in all, China has the largest portion of global eCommerce size and sales, outranking the United States.

Shopify Statistics 2021:

Let’s go over Shopify statistics such as usage, sales, traffic, growth, and other interesting facts.

Shopify Usage Stats:

  • Almost 80% of third-party apps are used by Shopify retailers, with an installed app ratio of 25.8 million apps.
  • Many popular stores are made on Shopify, such as myraymond, Royalenfield, Pepsi, Tesla, Nestle, and Budweiser.
Popular stores.
  • The most-installed apps are Product reviews, Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Instafeed, Printful, Loox, Privy, Oberlo,, and Messenger channel.
  • Eva, Elomus Shop, Roxxe, and Workie are the most popular Shopify themes.
  • Ten thousand salesbig brands use Shopify and Shopify Plus.
  • Shopify holds around 71.27% of store domains in the USA, the highest share. Following that, the United Kingdom comes in second, followed by Australia and Canada.
Shopify store world.
  • According to Shopify website data, as of June 2021, Shopify customers were close to 2.3 million.
  • Shopify gets around 42.92% direct traffic. The rest of the traffic comes from searches (26.75% ), referrals (25.27%), social (2.68%), mail (2.06%), and display advertising (0.31%).

Latest Shopify Sales & Traffic Stats:

You're going to be shocked when you see these figures.

  • Shopify sees a 57% revenue increase as it rolls out new payment and shipping features.

Shopify's earnings for the second quarter of 2021 were outstanding.

After that, it's 3.04%for searches, 2.93% for direct marketing, and 1.81% for social media.

  • The majority of traffic to Shopify stores comes from mobile devices, accounting for nearly 79%.

It was 50% in 2014, and it has steadily increased through the years to 2021.

  • In 2019, Shopify businesses saw a 50% increase in online sales, compared to the global eCommerce market's 21% increase.

There is a significant difference in sales growth between businesses that use Shopify and the rest of the global eCommerce market.

It has been noticed that usually, a buyer buys from the same store around 3.8 times.

Repeat Purchase.
  • According to current projections, Shopify will surpass 2020’s revenue in 2021, with revenue of $3.6 billion expected by the end of the year.
  • Shopify stores with a focus on fashion and apparel are among the most popular.

Patagonia, a US outdoor clothing and gear company, is among the top-grossing Shopify stores, with sales of more than $24 million.

  • In 2018, merchants' total Shopify sales were $41 billion, rising to more than $200 billion just a few years later.

Other Fascinating Shopify Statistics

  • The majority of Shopify merchants are first-time business owners.
  • Shopify's market capitalization positions it among the top internet and online service providers.
Market capitalization.

According to Shopify corporate statistics, Amazon is first with a market cap of $1.6 trillion, while Shopify is fourth with a market cap of $120.8 billion as of September 2020.

Shopify market cap.
  • The Shopify App Store contains approximately 6,600 apps.
    According to data, 87% of Shopify merchants consider apps to be essential to their business.
  • According to imrhys, the best conversion-friendly themes that have been reported are Konversion, eCom Turbo, Booster. 

These themes are optimized for conversions and are reported to convert traffic.

  • T-shirts, tops, accessories, dresses, and other clothing items are among the top 17 types of products sold on Shopify, accounting for 40% of all products sold.
  • On Shopify, mobile users account for a little under seven out of ten sales volume.

Shopify Statistics: Common Shopify Questions

What is the maximum number of Shopify stores you can have?

There’s no limit to the number of stores you can have. You need to have a subscription plan to own and run a store. If you wish to run numerous Shopify stores, you'll need to set up separate accounts for each one.

How many Shopify stores have proven to be successful?

First and foremost, Shopify never discloses such information, but we can estimate from the Gross Merchandise Volume, which is the total sales volume across all merchant stores.

Shopify's Gross Merchandise Volume was $37.30 billion in the last reported quarter of 2021, up 114% year over year from $17.40 billion.

Shopify stores have proven to be successful.

What is the number of Shopify sellers?

Shopify is used by over 1.7 million merchants worldwide, and the number of Shopify stores is very certainly much higher than 1.7 million.

How much can one earn from Shopify?

It depends on how you sell.

It also depends on several other factors, such as the type of products you sell, the traffic you get, your marketing, and more.

There is no set number. The numbers are not as impressive at first, but this number can even exceed millions as you grow.

Where is Shopify's headquarters?

Ottawa, Canada is home to the well-known eCommerce platform Shopify. Shopify has a total of 17 offices in 12 countries and employs around 5,000 people. Due to the pandemic situation, the majority of office workers began working remotely in 2020. And also there’s no plan to open new offices till now.

Shopify Facts 2021

  • In Los Angeles, Shopify built its first storefront in 2018.
  • You don't have to be a tech whiz to use Shopify; it's extremely user-friendly, and anyone can launch their store in minutes.
  • Another great thing about Shopify is that Most business owners can afford Shopify's pricing packages, which start at only $29 per month for the basic package.
Shopify Pricing.
  • With a 23 percent market share in the United States, it is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the planet.
  • With over 6000 apps accessible on the Shopify App Store to tailor the user experience, it becomes a very adaptable and simple to use platform.
  • The Shopify Plus enterprise edition, among other things, provides for more customization.
  • When it comes to affiliates, you can earn $58 from Shopify, when a user signs up for a premium plan from your link.
  • Shopify has a big pool of Shopify professionals who can help you with marketing.

Some Best & Amazing Shopify Themes

If you're just starting out, you should pay close attention here. Check out some of the best-rated, stunning, and fully featured Shopify themes.

MegaSell: Multipurpose Shopify Theme

MegaSell - Multipurpose Store Shopify Theme,

MegaSell Shopify theme is an elegant and clean eCommerce template created to build a professional online multipurpose store for businesses. 

It doesn’t matter what type of business you own. This theme is suitable for any type of business. 

Furthermore, this theme is responsive, which means it works on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. 

MegaSell is a Shopify theme that features a popular drag-and-drop page builder, many theme settings and options, and premium sliders. 

MegaSell is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to launch a multipurpose online store in Shopify.

Poveria: Fashion Store Shopify Theme

Poveria - Fashion Store Shopify Theme.

The Poveria theme is a visually appealing theme that will help you attract more visitors to your website.

The theme includes a variety of eye-catching shop page layouts, blog and portfolio templates, a drop-down shopping cart, quick product view, and more.

Some of the best features of Poveria are:

  • Google fonts
  • HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap 3
  • SEO optimized
  • Multi-language & currency
  • Compatible with all browser

It also includes documentation, PSD files, installation videos, and support for child themes, and so on.

This theme is well-known for high quality, best price, and premium support.

Crafter: Art and Furniture Shopify Theme

Crafter - Art and Furniture Shopify Theme.

The theme will help you build the store you have desired.

Crafter Shopify Theme is a classy and elegant eCommerce template created to build a professional online art and décor store for businesses.

The Crafter Shopify theme is an innovative, responsive theme with a good UX design that adapts to any screen size.

It keeps users engaged with your site thanks to its modern interface.

Not only that, but the theme's excellent code quality, easy-to-understand documentation, and user-friendly support will make creating a website easier than ever.

Eyespire: Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, Fashion Shopify Theme

Eyespire - Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, Fashion Shopify Theme.

Installing this theme in your Shopify store will give you complete control over your store’s look, design, and feel.

The theme is designed for selling every type of eyeglasses & sunglasses. So, if you want to sell eyewear online, this theme is a great place to start.

The Stera theme provides a great mobile experience thanks to its mobile-first design language.

The Stera theme was created with SEO in mind and adheres to HTML 5 standards.

It's also built to load pages quickly, whether you have many articles or a lot of different products that all load simultaneously.

Sarcom: Shopify Fashion Store

Sarcom - Shopify Fashion Store.

Sarcom is a powerful and highly professional Shopify theme.

The Fashion & Clothes Shopify theme will meet all of your needs.

Responsive layouts, powerful modules, an intuitive design, and a professional appearance are also included in the theme, making it ideal for your online store.

Sarcom Shopify theme has been created with a lot of hard work and effort.

The clean & straightforward Sarcom theme will assist you in blasting off your business. Overall, Sarcom's features make it more powerful and distinct from others.

Shopify Statistics 2021: Final Words

So that was all about the latest Shopify trends and stats for 2021.

Shopify is rapidly expanding; according to market share, it ranks third behind WooCommerce and Squarespace.

The global e-commerce platform is rapidly expanding, and despite not having the largest market share, Shopify has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years.

The above Shopify statistics paint a detailed image of how far the platform has come and where it is headed in the future.

We hope that you now have all of your questions answered.

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