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How to Apply Brand Visuals in Web Design

How to Apply Brand Visuals in Web Design

In today's digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for businesses to succeed. Your website serves as the virtual face of your brand, making it essential to apply brand visuals effectively. By incorporating consistent and appealing visual elements into your web design, you can create a compelling user experience that aligns with your brand identity and values. This article explores the key strategies and best practices for applying brand visuals to web design, enabling you to make a lasting impression on your audience.

Understand Your Brand Identity

Web Design Centred Layout

Before diving into web design, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your brand identity. Your brand's visual elements, such as logo, colour palette, typography, and imagery, should reflect your brand's personality, values, and target audience. 

Take the time to define your brand guidelines, including specific design rules and principles, to ensure consistency across all platforms, including your website.

Here are some steps to help you gain a deeper understanding of your brand identity:

1 – Define your mission and values.

Start by clarifying your brand's purpose and the values it stands for. Ask yourself why your brand exists, what it aims to achieve, and what principles guide its actions. This foundation will serve as the core of your brand identity.

2 – Identify your target audience. 

Understand who your ideal customers are. Research their demographics, preferences, behaviours, and needs. This knowledge will help you align your brand identity with your target audience's expectations and desires.

3 – Conduct a competitive analysis. 

Analyse your competitors' branding strategies and their position in the market. Identify what sets your brand apart and what unique value you bring to your customers. This analysis will help you identify your brand's differentiating factors.

4 – Develop a brand persona.

Personify your brand by creating a character that embodies its personality traits. Consider attributes like the tone of voice, values, and communication style that align with your brand. This persona will help you maintain consistency in your messaging and visual elements.

5 – Audit your existing brand assets.

Review your current brand elements, such as your logo, colours, typography, and visual style. Ensure they are aligned with your desired brand identity and resonate with your target audience. Make any necessary adjustments or updates to reflect your brand's essence better.

6 – Craft your brand story. 

Develop a compelling narrative encapsulating your brand's journey, values, and mission. Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience emotionally and create a special connection with your brand.

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7 – Consistency across touchpoints.

 Establish guidelines for how your brand should be represented across different touchpoints, including your website, social media, packaging, advertising, and customer interactions. Consistency in messaging, visual identity, and user experience is essential for building brand recognition and trust.

8 – Seek feedback and iterate. 

Collect feedback from your customers, employees, and stakeholders. Listen to their perceptions of your brand and make adjustments as needed. Continuously refine and evolve your brand identity based on market insights and changing consumer preferences.

9 – Embrace authenticity. 

Stay true to your brand's identity and values. Authenticity builds trust and fosters long-term relationships with your audience. Avoid imitating other brands or trying to be something you're not. Instead, highlight your unique strengths and deliver on your brand promises.

Remember, understanding your brand identity is an ongoing process. As your brand evolves and grows, periodically revisit these steps to ensure your identity remains aligned with your vision and resonates with your target audience.

Developing a Visual Brand Identity

What Is A Website Refresh

What Visual Elements Do Consumers Value on Company Websites

According to HubSpot Web Design Statistics: 40% of consumers said images, 39% said colour and 21% said video. (Top Design Firms, 2021)

Consumers highly value visual elements such as images, colours, and videos for a company website. Approximately 40% of consumers emphasise the importance of pictures and colour, while 21% specifically highlight the significance of video. 

Therefore, your business needs to prioritise adding images and selecting a suitable colour scheme as the initial steps. Subsequently, you can concentrate on incorporating video content and other visually appealing elements such as typography, infographics, and animations, as mentioned.

Consistent Branding Elements

Consistency is vital when it comes to branding. Ensure that your brand visuals are consistently applied throughout your website. Start with your logo; it should be prominently displayed and visible on every page. 

The logo placement should follow standard practices, typically positioned in the top left corner and linked to the homepage. Use the appropriate file formats and sizes to maintain a crisp and clear logo display on different devices.

Colour Palette and Typography

Colours and typography play a crucial role in brand recognition. Use your brand's colour palette consistently throughout your website. Select colours that align with your brand's personality and evoke the desired emotions. 

Consider the psychological effects of colours and how they can influence user perception. Similarly, choose typography that is in line with your brand identity. Select fonts that are legible and convey the right tone.

Imagery and Graphics

Visual imagery can be a powerful storytelling tool and create an emotional connection with users. 

Choose high-quality visuals that reflect your brand's style and values. Whether you use photographs, illustrations, or graphics, ensure they are relevant to your brand and resonate with your target audience. Image style and tone consistency is crucial for a cohesive look and feel.

Applying Brand Visuals to Web Design

Best Website Builders

User Experience and Navigation

Integrating brand visuals goes beyond the surface level. It should also enhance the user experience. Ensure that your web design is intuitive, user-friendly, and visually engaging. Pay attention to the overall layout, hierarchy, and placement of elements. 

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Use white space strategically to create a clean and uncluttered look. Incorporate brand visuals to guide users and make their journey through your website seamless and enjoyable.

Examples of the Scientific Research Conducted in the Field of UX and Navigation

Researchers have conducted studies to understand user behaviour, preferences, and the impact of different design elements on user experience. Here are a few critical areas of scientific research related to UX and navigation:

1 – Usability Studies.

Usability studies evaluate how easily users can accomplish tasks on a website or application. Researchers use observation, interviews, and surveys to gather data on user interactions, identify usability issues, and propose design improvements.

2 – Information Architecture.

Information architecture research explores organising and structuring information to improve user navigation and findability. Studies investigate the effectiveness of different navigation schemes, such as hierarchical menus, faceted navigation, or search interfaces. They also examine techniques like card sorting and tree testing to inform information architecture decisions.

3 – User Behaviour Analysis.

Researchers use various methods, including eye-tracking studies and clickstream analysis, to understand how users interact with websites and navigate different interfaces. These studies provide insights into user attention patterns, reading behaviour, and navigation strategies.

4 – Mobile UX.

With the proliferation of mobile devices, research on mobile UX has gained significant attention. Studies focus on the unique challenges of designing for small screens, touch interactions, and mobile contexts. Topics include mobile navigation patterns, gestures, and responsive design techniques.

5 – User-Centred Design (UCD).

UCD research emphasises involving users throughout the design process. It examines techniques such as user personas, user journey mapping, and iterative prototyping to create designs that meet user needs and preferences. Researchers also investigate the impact of user involvement on the success of design outcomes.

6 – Accessibility.

Accessibility research explores how to design websites and applications that are usable and inclusive for people with disabilities. It investigates guidelines, standards, and techniques to improve accessibility in navigation, content presentation, and interaction design.

7 – User Satisfaction and Emotional Design.

Studies in this area focus on understanding how design elements, aesthetics, and user interactions impact user satisfaction and emotional responses. Researchers examine the role of visual design, colour, typography, and micro-interactions in creating positive user experiences.

Responsive Design

Mobile Responsive Design Example

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it's essential to have a responsive website design. Your brand visuals should adapt seamlessly across different screen sizes and resolutions. 

Test your website on various devices and browsers to ensure the visual elements remain consistent and appealing.

Do's and Don'ts for Responsive Design


  • Plan for mobile-first. Start designing and developing your website with mobile devices in mind first, and then progressively enhance the design for larger screens.
  • Use a responsive framework or grid system. Frameworks like Bootstrap provide a responsive grid system that simplifies creating responsive layouts.
  • Prioritise content. Ensure your most important content is easily accessible and readable on all screen sizes. Consider using progressive disclosure to hide less critical content on smaller screens.
  • Optimise images. Use responsive image techniques such as the srcset attribute or CSS media queries to serve appropriately sized photos based on the user's device.
  • Implement breakpoints. Define breakpoints in your CSS to adapt the layout and design at specific screen widths. Test your design at various screen sizes to ensure a smooth transition between breakpoints.
  • Use relative units. Utilise percentages, ems, or rems instead of fixed pixels for font sizes, widths, and heights. This allows elements to scale proportionally across different devices.
  • Test across devices. Regularly test your website on different devices, browsers, and screen sizes to ensure a consistent and optimised user experience.
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  • Rely solely on device detection. Avoid using device-specific detection techniques for responsive design. Instead, use feature detection to adapt your layout and functionality based on the capabilities of the user's device.
  • Overload with unnecessary content. Don't overwhelm mobile users with excessive content or cluttered layouts. Keep the design clean, concise, and focused on essential information.
  • Ignore performance optimisation. Large images, unnecessary scripts, and excessive CSS can impact the performance of your responsive design. Optimise your code and assets to ensure fast loading times on all devices.
  • Forget about touch interactions. Ensure your website is touch-friendly and supports gestures like swiping, tapping, and pinch-to-zoom. Avoid using elements that require hover interactions on touch devices.
  • Neglect user testing. Please don't assume your responsive design will work flawlessly without testing it with real users. Conduct usability testing on different devices to identify and address any usability issues.
  • Sacrifice accessibility. Accessibility should be a priority in responsive design. Ensure that your website is accessible to users with disabilities, including proper keyboard navigation, clear focus states, and semantic markup.

Remember that responsive design is an iterative process, and it's essential to continuously improve and refine your design based on user feedback and evolving technologies.

Test and Iterate

Web design is an ongoing process. It's crucial to continuously test and iterate your design to improve user experience and optimise brand visuals. 

Solicit user feedback and analyse website analytics to understand how users interact with your website. Make data-driven decisions and implement changes to enhance your brand visuals and website performance.

Here are some specific roles or job titles that are responsible for testing and iterating:

1 – UX Researcher.

UX Researchers are responsible for planning and conducting user research activities, including usability testing, interviews, surveys, and data analysis. They gather user feedback, identify pain points, and generate insights to inform design improvements.

2 – UX Designer.

UX Designers work on creating intuitive and user-centred designs. They are involved in prototyping, wireframing, and designing user interfaces. As part of their iterative design process, UX Designers often conduct usability testing and iterate on their designs based on user feedback.

3 – Interaction Designer.

Interaction Designers focus on designing interactive elements, and user flows within a digital product. They create prototypes and conduct usability testing to refine the interaction design and ensure a smooth user experience.

3 – Product Manager.

Product Managers are responsible for overseeing the development and improvement of a product or service. They collaborate with UX designers and researchers to define product goals, prioritise features, and ensure that iterative design and testing processes are implemented.

4 – Usability Specialist.

Usability Specialists have expertise in evaluating digital products' usability and user experience. They conduct usability testing sessions, analyse user feedback, and recommend iterative design improvements.

It's important to note that in smaller organisations or cross-functional teams, individuals may wear multiple hats and take on responsibilities related to testing and iteration. The specific job titles and roles can vary depending on the organisation and the team structure.

User Interface (UI) Design 

Rules Of User Interface Design

Incorporate your brand visuals into the user interface design elements, such as buttons, navigation menus, and icons. This ensures a cohesive and visually appealing user experience that aligns with your brand identity. 

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Consider using intuitive design elements that enhance usability and make navigation seamless.

There are several popular software programs and tools available for user interface (UI) design:

1 – Adobe XD.

Adobe XD is a robust UI/UX design and prototyping tool that allows designers to create interactive designs, wireframes, and prototypes. It offers features like artboard layouts, design components, and collaboration capabilities.

2 – Sketch.

Sketch is a popular vector-based design tool primarily used for UI and web design. It provides an intuitive interface, symbol libraries, and plugins that streamline the design process. The sketch is available only for macOS.

3 – Figma.

Figma is a web-based collaborative design tool that enables teams to create and iterate on UI designs in real-time. It offers features like prototyping, design components, and version control, making it a popular choice for remote collaboration.

4 – Adobe Photoshop.

While primarily known for photo editing, Adobe Photoshop is also widely used for UI design. It provides extensive graphic editing capabilities and allows designers to create high-fidelity UI designs.

5 – InVision.

InVision is a design collaboration platform offering UI design tools, prototyping, and design-sharing features. It allows designers to create interactive prototypes and gather feedback from stakeholders and users.

6 – Axure RP.

Axure RP is a comprehensive prototyping and wireframing tool that supports UI design. It enables designers to create interactive prototypes with advanced interactions and animations.

7 – Marvel.

Marvel is a web-based prototyping tool that also offers UI design capabilities. It allows designers to create interactive prototypes and offers integrations with design software like Sketch and Adobe XD.

These are just a few examples of UI design programs available. The choice of software often depends on personal preference, team collaboration requirements, and specific project needs.

White Space and Layout 

White Space Around Fonts Online

Adequate white space and layout help highlight your brand visuals and improve readability. Ensure your website layout is intuitive, easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing, providing a positive user experience. 

Use grid systems and visual hierarchy to organise content and guide users' attention.

Achieving a balanced layout is crucial for a visually pleasing design. Distribute elements evenly and avoid overcrowding or leaving sections too sparse. Strive for symmetry or asymmetrical balance, depending on your brand's aesthetic and the message you want to convey.

Visual Storytelling

Leverage brand visuals to tell a compelling story and engage your audience. Use imagery, videos, and animations strategically to convey your brand's message and values. 

Visual storytelling creates a memorable and immersive experience for visitors, fostering a stronger connection with your brand.

Select images that align with your brand story and evoke the desired emotions in your audience. Images should be relatable and help convey the message you want to communicate.

The Cost of Developing a Website

How Much Does A Website Cost

Developing a website involves various factors that contribute to the overall cost. The cost of website development can vary depending on the complexity of the design, functionality requirements, and the development team's expertise. Here are some factors to consider:


The level of customisation required for your website will impact the cost. A highly customised website with unique design elements and complex features will typically require more time and expertise, thus increasing the cost.

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Content Management System (CMS)

The choice of CMS can affect the cost of website development. Popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla may have lower development costs due to the availability of pre-designed templates and plugins. 

However, the cost may be higher if you require a more bespoke CMS solution.

Functionality and Features

The complexity and number of features you want to incorporate into your website will affect the cost. For instance, e-commerce functionality, membership portals, advanced search capabilities, and integration with third-party services all require additional development time and expertise.


The cost may increase if you integrate your website with external systems or APIs, such as payment gateways, CRM software, or inventory management systems. 

These integrations require technical expertise and custom development to ensure seamless functionality.

How Responsive Design Affects Cost

Developing a responsive website that adapts to different screen sizes and devices requires additional design and development work. Ensuring a consistent and visually appealing experience across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices can impact costs.

How Testing and Quality Assurance Affect Cost

Rigorous testing and quality assurance are essential to ensure your website functions correctly and provides a seamless user experience. The cost may include testing different browsers, devices, and operating systems to identify and address any issues.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

Websites require regular maintenance and updates to ensure optimal performance, security, and compatibility with evolving technologies. Consider the cost of ongoing maintenance, including hosting fees, domain renewal, software updates, and backups.


Applying brand visuals effectively in web design is crucial for creating a solid online presence and engaging your target audience. Developing a cohesive visual brand identity and using it consistently throughout your website can enhance user experience, reinforce brand recognition, and build trust. 

Consider the cost factors in website development, such as customisation, functionality, integration, and ongoing maintenance, to ensure a successful and cost-effective web presence. With a well-designed and visually appealing website, you can establish a memorable brand image, stand out in today's competitive digital landscape, and drive business growth.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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