Turning users into AI, UX personality test, modeling components in Figma

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
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4 min readFeb 27, 2023


Modern products often have a large amount of user research data from different sources: user research interviews, intercom conversations, customer e-mails, surveys, customer reviews on various platforms, and whatnot. Making sense of all that data is a challenging task. A traditional way to do that is to maintain a neatly organized database with various corresponding tags.

But what if we can have our personal AI chatbot that can answer any question about our user research data?

I built an AI that answers questions based on UX research data
By Irina Nik

Editor picks

The UX Collective is celebrating its 15th anniversary as an independent design publication. Here’s a letter from our editors about what we’re not doing.

Lessons of Design
For many years I thought I was the one in the driver’s seat. That I was the one creating the products. But after writing down these notes, I realized Design has shaped me in more ways than I could have imagined. Design has changed how I view the world, how I make decisions.”


  • Senior Product UX Designer @ IKEA
    It is a great time to be in Digital Experience Design at IKEA! At Ventures & Services we strive to find and open opportunities for many people in new areas such as Sustainability and B2B. You can help us explore and shape this bold new future for IKEA.

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Make me think

  • The apocalyptic delusions of the Silicon Valley elite
    “But to tech bros, physical reality is like the first stage of a rocket: The rocket launches, it falls and crashes down to the earth in a fireball, and you keep going up. That’s the way these gentlemen look at not only the physical world, but at us, the human beings who are alive now in this civilization. We are the first stage of the rocket, whose job is to work like drone bees to build their crafts, computers, trans-matter substantiators, and whatever it is that gets them to the next place, and we’re all left behind.”
  • Design systems in the time of AI
    “For the longest time, I’ve been extolling the virtues of how a ready-to-use design system can help teams go from whiteboard sketch to working prototype in a matter of minutes. These AI tools can take that process down to seconds. Moreover, it lowers the barriers to entry so product managers, marketers, and the CEO can quickly generate new product screens without having to know how to sling Figma or code. (Designers, I can feel you squirming in your seats right now.)”

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