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Learn something new this year and take this online course by Nay Jiménez to produce eye-catching photography and videos for mobile and social media.

Nay Jiménez is a professional publicist and photographer specializing in art direction. In her online course, she will show you how to take full advantage of your mobile phone to create visual content in the form of stunning photos and videos for your social media presence. The course focuses on color and composition to give your work a coherent visual style. You will learn photo and video editing to craft an editorial line that brings consistency to your Instagram stories and feed posts.

The online course consists of 18 individual lessons. They are online at any time—so you can learn at your own pace. It’s the perfect online course for anyone interested in enhancing the quality of their photos and videos to create engaging visual content. No prior knowledge is necessary to take this course. Just click on the following link to learn more.

Learn Professional Photography and Video for Mobile and Social Media — Online Course by Nay Jiménez
Learn Professional Photography and Video for Mobile and Social Media — Online Course by Nay Jiménez

You can find more recommended online courses for different creative fields on WE AND THE COLOR.