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12 Marketing Challenges that Entrepreneurs Face

12 Marketing Challenges that Entrepreneurs Face

With the rise of social media, online shopping and big data, the marketing landscape has changed dramatically.

When starting a new venture, many marketing challenges can get in the way of your success. For example, you may need capital but don't have the money available. Or, perhaps you're in a position where you feel compelled to keep your current revenue stream while exploring a new idea. 

Regardless of the circumstances, entrepreneurs often find themselves in situations where they have to pick between taking action on one idea or another. The good news is that there are ways to overcome some marketing challenges, primarily when combining creative problem solving, self-awareness, and effective communication.

Marketing can be demanding, from creating content that gets read to getting your product or service in front of your customers. Here are some of the marketing challenges I've faced as an entrepreneur myself and what I've done to overcome them.

1 – Identifying Your Niche

How To Find Your Niche

Identifying your niche is one of the most important things in running a successful online business. Once you have identified your niche, you can build your business quickly. Your niche should be something that you love doing and that you can easily talk about.

The process of identifying your niche is different for everyone. Here are some tips to help you narrow down your niche:

  • Find out what interests you
  • Find out what you do well
  • Find out what you don't like
  • Keep your niche simple
  • Create a list of possible niches
  • Start looking at the potential profits
  • Choose a profitable niche

You can find out your niche by doing the following:

1 – Research your competitors.

When you're trying to figure out your niche, you want to know what your competition is. Is it a brand, or is it a generic product? Who are your competitors?

Are they making more money than you? Why do you think that they are making more money? What are their products and services like?

2 – Do some keyword research.

Once you've found your competition, you need keyword research. You need to look at what keywords people are using. You must learn how to rank your products or services on page 1 of Google.

You'll need to find out what people are searching for and try to rank your site first. How do you know what people are searching for?

3 – Learn SEO.

Now that you've figured out what people are searching for, it's time to learn how to rank your site on the first page of Google. There are many ways to do this. You can hire an SEO expert to help you rank your site. Or you can learn it yourself.

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Once you know how to rank your site, you can use Google Adwords and create your own ads. These ads are called PPC ads. People who click on them will pay you money every time they click on them.

2 – Identifying Your Audience

Target Market Vs Audience

It is imperative to know who your target audience is. This will help you plan what marketing challenges you need to overcome.

When planning a marketing strategy, your first task is to define your target audience. This will help you to understand the needs of your customers.

When marketing products or services, you need to know your ideal customers. You will want to cater your marketing strategy to your customer's needs.

The first step in marketing is understanding your audience and deciding what kind of product or service you will provide them.

Audience identification is the process of identifying your ideal audience. You should know whom you want your audience to be and what they want from your product or service.

Let's start with a few examples.

A local grocery store might identify its ideal customer as someone who lives in the neighbourhood. They don't want to sell to everyone who walks in their door. They would only want to sell to people who live within walking distance.

This is not as difficult as it may sound. Just think about who is your audience. 

  • Are they men or women? 
  • Children? Adults? 
  • What are their age groups? 
  • Are they single, married or widowed? 
  • Are they retired or employed?
  • Do they drive, walk, or use public transportation? 
  • Do they work at home or commute to an office? 
  • Do they have many children? 
  • Do they live alone? 
  • Do they shop online or in-store?

There are many more things to consider.

Once you have identified your target audience, you will need to determine who is your ideal customer. Once you know your ideal customer, you can market to them. You will also need to understand the different marketing strategies you can use.

Let's look at some of these marketing strategies.

1 – Traditional marketing

Traditional marketing is the oldest type of marketing. It involves advertising your product or service to everyone. Your primary target audience is people familiar with your product or service.

It doesn't matter if they like your product or not. It's all about awareness. If your product or service is not well known, you can make it known through traditional marketing. This is the most common type of marketing.

2 – Direct marketing

Direct marketing is more targeted than traditional marketing. It requires that you focus on a specific group of people. It's usually done with a mailing list.

This allows you to send your information to people interested in your product or service. You can even use a third party to send your information to them. It is also called mass marketing.

3 – Word of mouth marketing

Your target audience shares your product or service with their friends, family and colleagues. They tell their friends and family about your product or service.

3 – Deciding How to Position Your Brand

Brand Positioning Strategy Examples

Branding is an integral part of marketing. To market your business or products, you need a brand image that people can recognise quickly.

Here, we'll provide tips on positioning your brand to avoid these marketing challenges.

Brand positioning

Understanding consumers' needs are the most effective way to position your brand. Brand positioning can provide a clear and concise way of describing what your product or service does. It can also provide a reasonable basis for a brand identity.

A brand positioning is the first step in positioning your brand. It includes defining the product or service you offer and understanding the target customer.

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It's essential to understand who your target customers are. What problems do they have, and what solutions can you offer to meet those problems?

The consumer is the key to successful brand positioning. By listening carefully to what they say and don't say, you can determine whether they are looking for a product that meets a specific need.

How to create brand positioning

Brand positioning is a process that takes time. Brand positioning is a process that takes time. To position your brand, you need first to find out who your target customers are and what their problems are.

Once you know who they are and their problems, you can create a positioning statement describing your product or service.

Here are a few ways to create brand positioning:

  1. Brainstorming: You can brainstorm ideas by using the target customers' problems. You can also use brainstorming to think about the brand identity.
  2. Observation: You can observe your target customers get a feel for their needs and problems.
  3. Interview: You can interview your target customers and ask them about their problems.
  4. Focus groups: You can also form focus groups to discuss your product or service.

Once you have created the brand positioning, you can use it as the basis for a brand identity.

4 – Choosing a Product Strategy

Marketing Challenges Product Strategy

A product strategy is a strategic plan for a product. It helps marketers to focus on specific features and services to create a clear vision of their products. It also provides a framework for developing and executing business strategies and plans. A well-conceived product strategy is a crucial component to the success of any organisation.

There are five main stages that a product strategy goes through:

1) Product Vision â€“ In this stage, a product vision is developed and refined. The main goal of this stage is to develop a clear understanding of what the product should do, what it looks like and what its features will be.

2) Brand Positioning â€“ Brand positioning focuses on the overall personality and values of the product. A brand positioning statement clarifies the core beliefs and promises that a company makes. This statement describes the unique position and identity of a product and provides a rationale for why customers should buy it.

3) Target Customer â€“ The target customer is the person who uses the product or service. Knowing the customer's needs and preferences is essential to providing a better product.

4) Differentiation â€“ In this stage, a product strategy becomes a marketing plan. Differentiation is the unique selling proposition (USP). It's the differentiating feature that distinguishes one product from others. Differentiation is critical in making a product stand out from its competitors.

5) Development & Launch â€“ In this stage, a product strategy becomes a plan to develop and launch the product. The development process includes gathering data about market demand, building prototypes, and testing the product in the market.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when choosing a product strategy for your product.

1 – What is my product trying to achieve?

Your product needs to solve a problem for your customers. This is what makes it unique.

2 – What do I want my customers to say about me?

To choose a product strategy, you must consider what people say about your product. The right product strategy will make customers want to say good things about your company.

3 – How does my product compare with the competition?

Think about how your product compares with the competition. Is there room for improvement? Can you differentiate your product from the competition?

Compare the two products. Which one is more appealing?

4 – Who is my ideal customer?

Think about the kind of people who would use your product. Do they have the exact needs of the people who currently use your competitors?

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5 – What is the price of the product?

The price is a crucial factor when choosing a product strategy. It's essential to make sure you understand how much money it will cost your customers.

5 – Choosing the Right Platform for Your Business

How To Choose A Business Platform

Your business platform is the foundation that supports your business. A good business platform must have outstanding performance, security, and scalability. And it should offer many essential features for running a successful business. Here is a list of things you should consider when choosing your business platform.

Which Platform Is Best For Your Business?

Many platforms can support your business, but you must decide which is the best for you. Here are the five types of platforms that you should choose depending on your business needs.

Web-Based Platforms

They are free web-based platforms but require technical knowledge to install and configure. They are suitable for small businesses without much traffic or requiring limited functionality. Web-based platforms are easy to use but can become expensive over time.

On-Premise Software Solutions

These are hosted solutions that are installed on your servers. They provide many advantages over web-based solutions. But installing and configuring these solutions requires technical expertise, and the installation and configuration may cost you money. They offer better performance, scalability, and security.

Cloud-Based Software Solutions

They are cloud-based solutions that are accessed via the Internet. They are suitable for medium-sized businesses that need lots of capacity and have the budget to spend on proper infrastructure. Cloud-based software solutions are easy to use and can be hosted anywhere, even if you have no technical expertise.

Hosted SaaS (Software as a Service)

They are cloud-based solutions hosted by an external company and accessed through the Internet. They are suitable for large businesses with high traffic and need lots of capacity. Hosted SaaS solutions are easy to use and offer the best performance and security.

When choosing a business platform, you need to consider the following factors.


The type of features you need for your business is the first factor you need to consider.

Ease of Use

You must consider the usability and the ease of use of the platform.


Security is essential, especially for a business dealing with sensitive information.


You must consider the cost of the platform.

Technical Support

You also need to consider the technical support for the platform. Having someone with the technical knowledge to support your business when needed.

6 – Building a Website

Google Seo Website Ranking Algorithm

Building a fantastic website is not an easy task. It requires much effort and investment. You have to create a solid and unique identity. Also, it needs to be functional and SEO optimised.

A well-built website should be visually appealing and functional. The site should contain all the information about the company that you want to reach. A robust website design should be engaging and exciting. It should also include information about the products and services offered.

An impressive and unique website will encourage users to purchase online. Your website should have an eye-catching design, a user-friendly interface, and compelling content.

Let's discuss what makes a good website for marketing:

  • Eye-catching design
  • Functional
  • User-friendly interface
  • Easy navigation
  • Good search engine optimisation
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to update
  • Efficient
  • SEO-friendly
  • Clean coding
  • Unique and informative

Many websites offer information and help business owners with their marketing challenges. However, choosing a reliable website that will deliver the correct information is vital. It is essential to know that many sites claim to provide quality service, but they only want to make money out of you.

To build a website for marketing, you need a developer who knows how to create a website that attracts customers and encourages them to buy your product.

If you're looking for a trustworthy website development company, we can help you. Our highly qualified developers will create a website that will meet your expectations.

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We use WordPress, a simple yet powerful CMS (content management system). The website has the potential to become your primary source of information and sales. It will also be the base for your social media pages, such as Facebook and Instagram.

WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems. It is known for its reliability and scalability. It has many features so that you can customise it to your liking.

We can build a fantastic website for you. Our team of webmasters will create a functional and engaging website that will help you with your marketing needs. We will create a website that is unique and attractive.

7 – Setting Up an Email Campaign

Best Email Marketing Tools Hubspot

There is no doubt that Email marketing is one of the most effective ways of reaching your customers through emails. In today's competitive world, every business wants to get its hands on the maximum number of clients possible. A well-crafted email campaign can differentiate a company's success and failure.

For small businesses, the importance of an email marketing campaign is even higher than for big companies. Small businesses can benefit immensely from using email marketing as their primary means of communication with clients and prospects. An email campaign is cost-effective and helps you build a solid customer base. As such, here's how to create a successful email marketing campaign for your small business:

Set up an email campaign plan

You should first plan what email marketing campaign you want to set up. Are you planning to send a simple welcome email, or are you planning to promote a new product or service to your clients? You should be clear about what you are trying to achieve. This will help you come up with a detailed email marketing strategy.

Once you have decided the purpose of your campaign, you should determine the target audience. You can choose between two audiences for your campaign: a) existing customers and b) potential customers. 

You should know who your existing customers are to focus on them. They are the ones who already know you, and they are the easiest to reach. Your existing customers may include clients, contacts, subscribers and fans. They may also include those who buy from you once a year or once a month.

You can also target a potential audience. This is the group of people who do not yet know you. You may not know anything about them, but they may be interested in your business.

Think about the audience

You should also think about the content of your email. For example, if you send out a sales email, you should ensure that it is relevant to your products or services.

Think about the type of email

It is crucial to consider the type of email you want to send out. The most common type of email is the welcome email. It will let your customers know they have reached your site. It can also include a link to a signup form or a special offer. You can also send regular emails to your existing customers. These emails can include news or announcements about your business.

Think about the timing

It is also vital to decide when you will be sending your emails. Sending emails at the end of the day can be too late. You should send out emails at the time when your clients are online.

Now that you have thought about your email marketing strategy, you can start planning your email campaign. You can use a free template like Mailchimp to help you.

8 – Getting Started with Social Media

Best Content Type Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is essential for businesses and internet users as well. The reason for starting with these sites is because they are the most visited and popular on the Internet.

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What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the act of marketing using social networking sites. This involves building a fan base by offering helpful information, posting exciting material and commenting on other people's work.

The most common type of social media marketing is known as networking marketing. The objective here is to connect with others using similar products and services.

Here are some of the critical characteristics of social media marketing:

The social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram are practical tools. They have a vast audience who use them every day. These sites are great for getting your message out to a more significant number of people.

There are many different ways to use social media. Some of the most popular ones include:

Advertising: You can use Facebook or Twitter ads to advertise on social media.

Content marketing: This combines creating great content and sharing it with your fans and followers. You can use various social media sites to promote this content.

Customer service: Here, you can interact directly with your customers. You can offer them support, solve their problems, etc.

Email marketing: Using social media, you can send promotional emails directly to your email list.

Forums: You can create forums on social media sites to allow your customers and potential customers to discuss your product or service.

Lead generation: One can use social media to generate leads and prospective customers for one's business.

Online reputation management: You can use social media to manage your online reputation and keep an eye on negative comments about you and your company.

Search engine optimisation: One can improve the website's visibility and boost its rankings on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.

Social media monitoring: You can monitor what your customers and potential customers say about you and your company on social media sites.

Video marketing: You can also use video content to promote your product and services. You can use YouTube, Vimeo, etc., to do this.

Webinars: You can hold a webinar using a video conferencing tool and let your customers and potential customers participate

9 – Finding Customers

Reward Customers

Business is one of the most challenging things to do in the world. It is one of the hardest things to start and one of the hardest things to continue. Every business person wants to become a millionaire or a billionaire, but only a few will achieve this. Many say business is an art, and some say it is a science.

It depends on how much you are ready to spend; if you are ready to invest money, then the business is a science. The business is an art if you are ready to work hard. Let me share some crucial tips to help you find the most profitable customers for your business.

Create a list of potential customers

If you are planning to start any business, the first of the marketing challenges is creating a list of potential customers. This is the most important thing because if you don't have a list of potential customers, you don't know what you are doing.

You will need to find out the most valuable customers for your business. For this, you can conduct a survey and ask your friends, family members and even your colleagues.

Make a list of possible customers

You will need to list all the possible customers who can be your target audience. Make sure that the list is complete and there are no gaps. You can start the list with friends, family members, colleagues, and your school or college.

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Ask your customers

You can ask your customers directly why they are using your product. Ask them what they like about your product and what they don't like.

Make your product or service more valuable

If your product or service is less expensive than others, then it will be a good idea to make your product more valuable. You can do this by offering something extra than what others offer.

Add some value to your product

You can add some value to your product, making it more profitable. For example, if you sell t-shirts, you can make your t-shirt more attractive and add a design.

These are the crucial tips to find the most profitable customers for your business. Always make your list of potential customers complete.

10 – Developing a Customer Acquisition Plan

Customer Acquisition Plan

A customer acquisition plan (CAP) is a detailed, organised marketing plan that describes what activities will be used to acquire new customers. A customer acquisition plan is a crucial part of every business and is an essential tool that businesses use to market to their target audience. 

The goal of a customer acquisition plan is to identify which marketing channels will work best for your business, where your budget should go, and what type of marketing campaigns will produce the most results. 

Your customer acquisition plan will also describe how you track your progress and measure your success.

There are many different types of customer acquisition plans. Some are broad and cover a range of possible customer acquisition methods. Others are particular and describe a single type of customer acquisition. 

Regardless of the type, the customer acquisition plan should always include at least these two sections:

  1. An Introduction
  2. Marketing Channels

The introduction section should briefly describe why you need to develop a customer acquisition plan and explain why developing one is a good idea.

The marketing channels section should detail which marketing channels you think will be most effective for your business. 

This could include social media marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing, direct mail, public relations, word-of-mouth advertising, etc. The critical point here is that the marketing channels section should cover only those channels that you think will be effective in your industry.

A customer acquisition plan should not be limited to only marketing channels that are available to you. For example, if you sell a product online, your customer acquisition plan would not include offline marketing channels such as print advertising.

If you have questions about developing a customer acquisition plan, feel free to ask them below.

11 – Attracting Visitors

Monthly Blog Posts Impact Traffic

Attracting visitors to your website is quite important. Here, we have prepared a simple guide to attract visitors to your website. This guide can help you to improve website traffic and attract more visitors to your website.

1: Keep your website fresh

When visitors visit your website for the first time, they can't decide whether to visit your website or not. You need to keep your website fresh and unique to attract more visitors. Visitors won't revisit your website if you do not provide engaging content. To keep your website fresh, you can regularly add new content to your website.

2: Make your website mobile-friendly

There are many websites these days that are not mobile-friendly. Visitors don't want to visit such websites. You should optimise your website to work on mobile devices like mobiles and tablets. It should load quickly and provide easy navigation. You'll lose traffic if your website is not optimised to work on mobiles and tablets.

3: Optimise the content

Optimising the content is one of the most important things to attract visitors to your website. You should optimise the content to make it easier for the users to navigate the website. You can optimise the content using keywords, SEO titles and meta description tags.

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4: Add social media buttons

Social media is one of the best ways to get traffic to your website. Social media buttons like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and Pinterest can help you get more traffic. Adding these buttons to your website helps you promote your website on social media.

5: Add video

You can also use videos to attract more visitors to your website. Videos are more engaging than images and text. You can use them to highlight the features and services of your website.

6: Use responsive design

Responsive web design is a trend nowadays. It makes your website look good on mobile devices. Responsive web design is necessary to make your website look good on all devices.

7: Add a sitemap

Sitemaps are used to create a map of all the pages on your website. It helps to organise all the pages of your website. You can easily understand which pages are more important and which ones are less important.

8: Optimise the website

Optimising the website is a continuous process. You can improve your website and make it better and more effective.

9: Increase site speed

Your website needs to load quickly to attract more visitors. If it takes more than 3 seconds to load, it will decrease your site's ranking on search engines. You can increase the site speed by making it mobile-friendly and optimising the content.

10: Add a feedback form

A feedback form is used to collect user reviews and comments on your website. People love to share their experiences with other people.

12 – Converting Traffic into Sales

Improve Conversions Online

As a webmaster or web developer, you must know how to make the most of your website. But there are two things you should consider first before converting traffic into sales.

What is your conversion rate?

The conversion rate is the number of people who take action after they land on your website. This number may vary depending on the type of website.

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who do something when they visit your website. For example, if the conversion rate is 10%, it means that for every 100 people who visit your website, ten will do something. This means that 90% of people who visit your website will just leave without taking action.

So, you must know your website's conversion rate before making money from it.

How do I know how much traffic I have?

There are many ways to find out how much traffic you have on your website. The easiest one is to use Google Analytics. The other option is to use your site's statistics tool. If you do not have either, there are other alternatives you can use.

How to know how much traffic you have

First, look at your website's source code. You can find it by going to your website's dashboard. Then, go to Source, and you'll see how much traffic your website receives.

After that, you can check the number of visitors on your site's statistics page. You can do this by going to the Dashboard and then to Statistics.

Then, if you want to know how much traffic you receive per day or week, you can also check your website's statistics tool.

How to convert traffic into sales

Now that you know how much traffic you have and what is your conversion rate, it's time to find out how to turn it into sales.

You can use tools such as Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. These are the most popular platforms to promote your website and generate revenue.

If you don't want to spend much money on these ads, you can also use social media channels such as Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

These are great ways to get free traffic to your website. But before you start, you should know how to optimise your content.


To succeed in your entrepreneurial journey, you must ensure that your marketing strategy reflects your core values and culture. Otherwise, your marketing efforts will fail to capture your ideal client's attention, resulting in missed opportunities. 

If you believe you can succeed as an entrepreneur, you must decide what you're willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals. And when it comes to building your brand, the key to successful marketing lies in how you communicate your vision.

And I'd be happy to help you figure it out. Sign up for my newsletter, and you'll discover how you can fix the most significant marketing challenges facing small business owners.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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