Everyday Objects Inspired An Artist To Illustrate These Bad Puns, Here Are The 30 Best – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Everyday Objects Inspired An Artist To Illustrate These Bad Puns, Here Are The 30 Best

According to an artist Irina Blok: “As 2020 comes to an end, it feels exhausting with a never-ending cycle of bad news and endless doomscrolling. It’s been a difficult year for all of us and my way to cope has been cooking and drawing cartoons.

I work during the day as a designer, and in my spare time, I started drawing the series that I called Covid Life.

I’ve also started another series called Pretty Bad Puns that’s more lighthearted and not related to corona. It’s a collection of silly “dad jokes,” as my daughter calls them, just making fun of words in English. I get inspired by everyday objects—such as a coffee mug, bagel, clock, and others. Sometimes when I read the news, all of a sudden, I see some words like “salad dressing” and imagine that salad is actually dressing in clothes. If I have the idea, I grab the iPad and draw it really quick.

Some puns are pretty cringeworthy, but some are so bad they might be actually good.

I had fun drawing these, hope you enjoy these too!”

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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