Chinese Recipes Brought to Life: 12 Favorite Recipes Illustrated in Comics for Improved Memory – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Chinese Recipes Brought to Life: 12 Favorite Recipes Illustrated in Comics for Improved Memory

Sichuan Starter Pack

Linda Yi is an artist and a lover of Chinese food. As a Sichuanese American, she grew up cooking and eating the delicious cuisine of her heritage.

But, despite her love of cooking, Linda struggled with feeding herself consistently in her 20s. She felt overwhelmed by the thought of having to choose a recipe, grocery shop, and prepare a meal, leading her to resort to takeout or cold cereal for dinner.

More: Kickstarter h/t: boredpanda

Minute Chili Oil 红油 (Hóng Yóu)

This all changed last year when Linda discovered the power of drawing recipes. She found that by sketching the family recipes she was trying to learn, she no longer struggled with remembering the steps. The act of drawing each ingredient and arranging them on one page not only helped her consistently cook for herself but also transformed her relationship with food from a source of anxiety to one of joy.

Smacked Garlicky Cucumber 拍黄瓜 / 凉拌黄瓜 (Pāi Huángguā/ Liángbàn Huángguā)

Linda’s goal is to continue making more drawings and recipe card comics this year, and with support from her backers, she hopes to pay herself a living wage while doing so. By pre-ordering her recipe cards through her Kickstarter campaign, you can support Linda’s work and bring a touch of food art into your own kitchen.

Tomato And Egg Stir-Fry 番茄鸡蛋 (Fānqié Jīdàn)

Century Egg And Pork Congee 皮蛋瘦肉粥(pídàn Shòu Ròu Zhōu)

Drizzle-On-Anything Panda Sauce

Cold Tossed Chicken 凉拌鸡 (Liángbàn Jī)

Mapo Tofu 麻婆豆腐 (Má Pó Dòufu)

Cold Spicy Sesame Noodles 四川凉面 (Sìchuān Liáng Miàn)

Hand Torn Cabbage 手撕包菜 (Shǒu Sī Bāo Cài)

DIY Hot Pot Party

Dumplings X3 (饺子)

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