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Modern Professional PowerPoint Templates 2022

It doesn’t matter what your specialty is — a manager, teacher, marketer, designer, lawyer, or something else — the need to create a professional-thematic presentation can always arise. And unlike school years, when the design was not always critical, the quality of the presentation can affect your success and the very image of your product/service. Well-made slides will allow the audience to better understand the speaker, while bad ones will only bore people.

The designers’ team is ready to share useful tips on how to create stylish, professional presentations that can easily hold the attention of listeners. To create great slides, you do not need to be an artist or apply Photoshop, just use one of the quality templates from MasterBundles and listen to the recommendations of experts!

How to work with information?

So, before choosing the best professional PowerPoint templates, it is worth studying the basic rules for compiling slides, searching for and distributing information, because this affects the degree of perception of data by listeners. Here are the main recommendations:

  1. State the topic clearly. It should be narrow enough so that the audience does not have to think about several things at once, and so that unambiguous conclusions can be drawn at the end.
  2. Determine the purpose of your presentation. It should be specific and useful. For example, not “promote a new car model”, but “show potential customers that the new model consumes 20% less gasoline”.
  3. Define an understandable script for the slides. If the goal is what you want to change in the listener’s head, then the script is how you will arrive at those changes. In order for the structure of the presentation to be convenient, it should a) inform, b) intrigue, c) show the main thesis, d) present the antithesis as the opposite side of the coin, e) sum up a logical conclusion.
  4. After finishing the main part of the presentation, inform the audience what to do next. As experts say, a bad presentation ends with a slide “That’s all. Questions?.” Instead of leaving the listener alone with their own thoughts, it is better to revisit the main points of the speech and then present an extra slide with links to additional information.
  5. Do not burden the reader with a lot of text. Alternate text slides with pages of illustrations and graphics. However, the choice of images should be approached responsibly, refusing meaningless thematic pictures. It is better to focus on a short infographic.

By the way, with regards to infographics, you should initially look for professional PowerPoint templates that have blanks for statistics, graphs, and charts that are suitable for your field of activity. But fortunately, the MasterBundles platform has a huge number of free and premium options for every taste.

How to make professional presentations?

Now let’s move on to the second most important issue — namely, presentation design. And although this issue is second only to content, its criticality should not be underestimated.

How to make professional presentations

Careful choice of color palette

If you look at a few popular & clean professional PowerPoint templates, you will ensure that they only contain 1 or 2 primary colors (for background, text, and icons). And this is the right approach because adherence to the chosen palette with a minimum of compatible shades gives the presentation a style and does not tire the eyes of the audience.

If you are creating a presentation for a specific company, then it’s best to focus on corporate colors. And if there are no such characteristic shades, then you can use certain sites for selecting colors like flatuicolors.com.

Contrast? Definitely yes!

While you don’t have to be a designer to create the perfect presentation, it’s worth knowing about the rules of contrast. For example, white on blue might look nice on your Retina computer. But if you have to show the presentation through the projector, the text will not be read. So, always use contrasting colors.

As a rule, modern professional PowerPoint templates already contain a palette of contrasting shades, so this will save you a lot of time. Otherwise, contrast check services can be used to ensure a good match.

Don’t bother with fonts

One font is enough to create a high-quality and readable presentation. Take a modern sans-serif: Open Sans, Roboto, PT Sans, for instance — simple ones that are easy to read. Checking readability is simple: step away from the screen and try to read the title. If it’s easy to read, then congratulations, you have chosen a great font. Accents can be done by changing the saturation of the words or phrases.

«Rule of thirds»

This presentation rule helps you arrange the objects on the slide so that the eye immediately highlights the most important. Divide the slide into thirds lengthwise and across. Place significant objects at intersections (usually, the most significant ones are titles, main thesis, and illustrations).

Short text = readable text

Try to allocate one slide for one thought/idea/thesis, because then it will be easy to read and remember. In addition, in public speaking, such slides will successfully hold the attention of listeners. How much text will be on the slide depends on the size of the audience:

  • if the audience is reading a presentation on the screen of their laptops or PCs, a paragraph of text will not frighten them;
  • if the presentation needs to be shown to an audience of one hundred people or more, it will be difficult to read more than 30-50 words on a slide.

Slides must fit together

The compatibility of slides, their similarity and uniformity is a critical rule for creating a quality presentation. Make several templates for each type of slide: a text slide, an image slide, and a graph slide. Then just duplicate them and change only the text and images. A presentation where the same type of elements occupies the same place on each slide looks super neat.

15 Best Professional PowerPoint Templates

Well, it’s time to move on to the most interesting part — choosing a stylish base! The MasterBundles website offers a fairly wide range of customizable premium and free professional PowerPoint templates that will reduce the time to create a stylish design. Also, cool options can be found on third-party platforms. We have selected fifteen of the best options for 2022, explore them and choose the most appropriate one!

Professional Business PowerPoint Template

This template will present most of the ideas clearly — this option is ideal for creating a visual business plan. The modern design will help to present the work and profile of the company in the most favorable light.

Huge Real Estate Presentation Bundle: 300 Slides PPTX, KEY, Google Slides

Want to create an aesthetically appealing and informative real estate presentation? Make it a breeze with this gorgeous template of 300 premium slides.

Art School Presentation: 50 Slides PPTX, KEY, Google Slides

Initially, the template was created for the presentation of the art school, but it (like most of the options on the site) is easily customized for other similar industries. The soft color combinations and futuristic design will delight users.

Purple SWOT Presentation: 50 Slides PPTX, KEY, Google Slides

The 50-slide template with a streamlined design is ideal for presentations that reflect the results of a swot analysis. Lots of graphs and charts – just what you need!

Presentation Bundle: 18 Professional PowerPoint Templates

If you often make presentations and each time you need another attractive base, then it is better to choose a versatile set of eighteen templates, each containing 50 slides. They are focused on different industries, have the most organic combination of colors, excellent animation, and convenient object organization. Plus, they are fully customizable.

Author PowerPoint Presentation Template

A delicate combination of dusty pink and pastel lilac immediately attracts the attention of aesthetic lovers. This template for the presentation of services and products in the content writing or editing industry is ideal for copywriting agencies or independent freelancers.

Airforce Military Presentation Template

For such highly specialized industries as the air force, it is quite difficult to find a decent basis for presentations. But with the help of this template, experts will be able to present their topic in the most favorable light. In addition to the standard PowerPoint, the package contains files suitable for Keynote and Google Slides.

Dance Teacher Presentation: 50 Slides PPTX, KEY, Google Slides

And here is a chic template for decorating the presentation of a new dance school. The perfect palette of colors, the cool design of each of the fifty slides, and the highly readable distribution of the text blocks make this option very attractive. Thanks to high customization, each specialist can customize the template for their dance/sports brand.

50 Slides Colorful Music Presentation Template 2022

Brightness, style, and high contrast — this is how you can characterize this template for creating a presentation of a music album, music project, event or some special thematic platform. Fifty slides are perfect for PowerPoint, Google Slides & Keynote.

50 Slides Teacher Education Presentation Template 2022

This option is suitable for teachers and professors who are constantly working with the processing of information to provide it in the most understandable form for schoolchildren and students. The theme comes with five main color palettes that allow you to design it in different ways depending on the topic of the story. Available for PowerPoint, Google Slides & Keynote.

Photographic Corporate: Free PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

If you were looking for a quality free template for creating a corporate presentation, then this is it! Discreet, neat, and professional design will attract the audience, but customization can also be used to make the slides more unique and specialized.

Business Photographic: Free PowerPoint Template & Google Slides Theme

A versatile template with a bright yellow border that suits a variety of industries, be sure to consider this as an option for your presentation. 25 interesting slides can be used in both PowerPoint and Google Slides. Icons and layouts are customizable to the user’s preference.

Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Template

SMM services certainly require proper representation, so there are special templates for such purposes. This one contains 48 slides with a similar but attractive and clear design, as well as good infographic objects.

Medical Plan PowerPoint Template

To create a great presentation on a medical topic, you can use this template, which consists of 48 free slides with tons of cool images and elements. Specialists will be delighted with easily editable data-driven charts, rational distribution of information blocks, and various infographics. This theme is suitable both for introducing a new medical institution (clinic, hospital or laboratory), and for diverse scientific purposes.

Industry 4.0 Revolution PowerPoint Template

Based on the idea of the fourth industrial revolution, this template is ideal for professionals who want to create a presentation on any technical topic. The set consists of 48 slides with about 135 customizable icons, convenient «drag and drop» image placeholders, as well as customizable colors, fonts, and sizes.

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