
Cove Glows With Architectural Ambiance While Charging EVs

09.04.23 | By
Cove Glows With Architectural Ambiance While Charging EVs

Operating concurrently from two outposts in Oakland, California and Salt Lake City, Utah, design studio Enlisted has amassed an impressive portfolio of products and branding running the gamut from toothbrushes, wall storage systems, to home security systems. Their latest efforts take form of Cove, a wall mounted EV charging system for EverCharge inspired by contemporary wall sconces designed to glow with pleasing ambiance.

Woman with long dark hair in black top reaching to either remove Cove charging port from wall mounted holder.

Cove is designed to expand EverCharge’s existing charging station options beyond the commercial grade EVO2 designed for apartments, condos, and workplaces into the category of EV charging solutions aimed at single family owners who’ve switched to electric vehicles. One glance at the EVO2’s pragmatic industrial design, and it’s obvious the EverCharge’s decision to recruit Enlisted’s aid was a prudent one.

White and Black version of the Cove EV charger both shown with an optional charging port storage, each wall mounted, with white option on stucco wall and the black topic on dark brick surface.

An optional storage accessory allows for the charging plug and cable to store neatly. The charging cable can also be conveniently wrapped around the Cove itself, with the holder dedicated to the plug.

Inspiration board of contemporary modern wall sconces, with the majority of designs featuring a circular indirect lighting design.

Cove’s serene simplicity can be attributed to Enlisted’s decision to look toward minimalist architectural wall lighting as inspiration in its form and function.

“We played around in this stage with architectural lighting design to give the product a premium and homey feel. As we continued to look at the product from the home owners POV we separated the charging-handle mount from the main body of the product, to give the users freedom to configure the mounting style to fit their personal style and preferences.”

Various scored white paper models and 3D-printed components used to design the Cove during the preliminary design phase.

Woman holding a wood prototype of the Cove's primary charging unit installed onto a wall used to review its size and shape, with smaller charging plug holder also in wood to the left.

Preliminary early sketches of the Cove's industrial design numbering in the tens of designs, revealing the numerous explorations of form design studio Enlisted investigated.

Enlisted’s work went beyond designing the charger unit itself, extending into the brand strategy, identity, and online design surrounding the Cove.

Animation of the various ways Cove's charging handle and cable can be wrapped around the main unit and handle holder.

Enlisted designed the Cove’s cable and handle charging port to store away in a variety of configurations.

Render of Cove with charging cable wrapped diagonally across both the main unit and the smaller handle holder.

Render of the main Cove EV charging system in black with interior edges glowing softly and EverCharge logo in the middle.

Designed to be compatible with all electrical vehicles, the 48A output circular charger can be connected indoors (within a garage) or outdoors using a NEMA 14-50 outlet or hardwired for a cleaner look. Owners will also be able to keep tabs on whether their EV is fully charged from the convenience of a compatible app via WiFi and Bluetooth.

Cove EV charging system wall mounted onto a black brick carport with black EV parked to the right with forested residential neighborhood in the background.

Cove is rated to operate indoors or outdoors within environmental limits ranging from -22°F to 122°F.

EverCharge is planning to launch Cove this summer (2023), with price and availability TBD. To sign up for release date updates and how to purchase, scroll down to the bottom here to learn more.

Gregory Han is a Senior Editor at Design Milk. A Los Angeles native with a profound love and curiosity for design, hiking, tide pools, and road trips, a selection of his adventures and musings can be found at