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Graphic Design Internships: Kickstart Your Creative Career

Graphic Design Internships: Kickstart Your Creative Career

Are you a budding graphic designer looking to kickstart your career? Or are you a seasoned pro seeking a fresh perspective? Whichever camp you fall into, a graphic design internship might be the ticket to unlocking your true potential.

Graphic design is all about visual communication, translating ideas and messages into captivating visuals that grab attention and leave a lasting impression. And what better way to hone your skills than by getting your hands dirty in a real-world setting?

Why Pursue a Graphic Design Internship?

How To Get A Design Internship

Let's be honest – the world of graphic design is as competitive as it comes. With many talented creatives vying for the same jobs, standing out from the crowd can be challenging. That's where internships come into play.

By taking on an internship, you'll gain invaluable experience working on actual projects for real clients. You'll learn to navigate design briefs, collaborate with team members, and produce work that meets professional standards. You'll also get to build an impressive portfolio showcasing your abilities and versatility.

But the benefits don't stop there. Internships also provide a unique opportunity to network with industry professionals, learn about different career paths, and potentially even land a full-time job with the company you intern for.

Finding the Right Internship

With so many graphic design internships, how do you find the right one? Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Define your goals: Would you specialise in a particular area, like web design or branding? Or do you prefer a more generalist approach? Knowing your objectives will help you narrow down your search.
  2. Leverage your connections: Reach out to friends, family, professors, and alums – anyone with insights into available internships or connections at design firms.
  3. Scour online job boards: Sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn are treasure troves of internship postings. Set up alerts to stay on top of new opportunities.
  4. Attend career fairs: Many universities and design organisations host career fairs where you can meet with potential employers and learn about open internships.
  5. Be proactive: Be bold and reach out to companies you admire, even if they're not advertising internships. A well-crafted email or portfolio submission could open doors.

What to Expect During Your Internship

So, you've landed a graphic design internship – congratulations! But what can you expect once you step through those office doors?

The Onboarding Process

Every company has its onboarding process for new interns, but you can generally expect a few common elements:

  1. Introductions: You'll likely be given a tour of the office and introduced to your fellow designers, project managers, and other team members.
  2. Training: Depending on the company, you might receive training on specific software, design processes, or company protocols.
  3. Goal-setting: Your supervisor will likely sit down with you to discuss your strengths, areas for improvement, and objectives for the internship.
  4. Shadowing: In the early days, you might be paired with a more experienced designer to observe their workflow and gain insights into the company's design process.
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Day-to-Day Responsibilities

As an intern, you'll likely be tasked with various design projects, ranging from simple tasks to more complex assignments. Here are a few everyday responsibilities you might encounter:

  1. Design concepts and mockups: You'll be asked to generate ideas and create preliminary designs for various projects, such as logos, brochures, or website layouts.
  2. Asset creation: From illustrations and icons to photos and graphics, you'll be responsible for producing visual assets to support more significant design initiatives.
  3. Research and creativity: Conducting market research, analysing design trends, and brainstorming creative concepts will be critical components of your role.
  4. Collaboration and feedback: You'll work closely with other designers, copywriters, developers, and clients to refine your designs and ensure they align with project goals.
  5. File organisation and archiving: Maintaining an organised file structure and properly archiving completed projects will be essential to your success.

Learning Opportunities

While the hands-on experience is invaluable, your internship will also provide ample opportunities to expand your knowledge and grow as a designer:

  1. Attend meetings and presentations: Sit in on client pitches, project reviews, and team meetings to gain insights into the design process and learn from more experienced professionals.
  2. Participate in critiques: Formal and informal critiques will help you develop a thicker skin and learn to accept constructive feedback.
  3. Explore new tools and techniques: With access to professional software and resources, you can experiment with new design tools and techniques to expand your skill set.
  4. Observe seasoned designers: Pay close attention to how senior designers approach problems, manage their time, and communicate with clients – these are invaluable lessons you can apply to your work.
  5. Ask questions: Ask your supervisor or coworkers for clarification, advice, or feedback. Their expertise can be a rich resource for your growth.

Making the Most of Your Internship

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Now that you know what to expect, let's discuss some strategies for maximising your internship experience:

Set Achievable Goals

Before you start your internship, take some time to reflect on what you hope to accomplish. Do you want to improve your skills in a particular area, like typography or user experience design? Or is your primary goal to build a robust portfolio that showcases your versatility?

Whatever your objectives, set specific, achievable goals that you can work towards throughout your internship. Share these goals with your supervisor, who can help you identify opportunities that align with your aspirations.

Embrace Feedback

You'll inevitably receive positive and negative feedback on your design work. It's essential to approach this feedback with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

When receiving critiques, avoid becoming defensive or taking comments personally. Instead, view them as opportunities to improve your craft. Ask questions to clarify any feedback you don't understand, and be proactive about implementing suggested changes or improvements.

Remember, even the most experienced designers receive feedback regularly. Embracing it gracefully will enhance your skills and demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to growth.

Build Relationships

Your internship is about more than just completing design projects – it's also a chance to build relationships with industry professionals who can become valuable mentors, references, and connections throughout your career.

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Make an effort to connect with your coworkers in and out of the design department. Attend team lunches, participate in office events, and engage in casual conversations to build rapport and establish yourself as a friendly, approachable colleague.

Building strong relationships can also lead to valuable networking opportunities. Ask your coworkers about their career paths, industry insights, or advice for aspiring designers. You never know where these connections might lead.

Treat It Like a Job

While an internship is a temporary position, it's essential to approach it with the same level of professionalism and dedication as a full-time job.

Show up on time (or even a bit early), dress appropriately for the office culture, and maintain a positive, hardworking attitude. Treat deadlines and project requirements with the utmost respect, and don't hesitate to give extra effort when necessary.

By demonstrating your reliability, work ethic, and commitment, you'll gain valuable experience and increase your chances of securing a glowing reference or even a job offer from the company you intern for.

Turning Your Internship into a Career

Chief Marketing Officer Career

As your internship draws close, it's natural to start thinking about your next steps. For many interns, the ultimate goal is to secure a full-time position with the company they interned for.

Making a Good Impression

Throughout your internship, you should have focused on building relationships, embracing feedback, and demonstrating professionalism and commitment to the job. These efforts will pay dividends when it comes time to discuss potential employment opportunities.

Make sure to express your interest in a full-time role to your supervisor and critical decision-makers well before your internship ends. This will give them ample time to consider your candidacy and advocate.

Negotiating an Offer

If you receive a job offer from the company you interned for, congratulations! This is a testament to your hard work and positive impression during your time there.

However, before accepting any offer, reviewing the details carefully is essential. Consider salary, benefits, job responsibilities, growth opportunities, and company culture to ensure the position aligns with your goals and expectations.

Don't hesitate to negotiate if the initial offer doesn't meet your needs. Come prepared with research on industry-standard compensation, and make a respectful case for why you deserve better terms.

Remember, the company has already invested time and resources into training you, and they likely see value in retaining your knowledge and experience. Approach negotiations with confidence and a spirit of collaboration.

Exploring Other Options

Even if your internship doesn't result in a job offer, the experience is invaluable. You've gained real-world experience, built a portfolio, and expanded your professional network – all assets that will serve you well as you continue your job search.

Leverage the connections you've made during your internship to learn about other job opportunities in the industry. Contact your coworkers, supervisors, and any clients you interacted with to let them know you're actively seeking employment.

Be encouraged if your first internship doesn't lead directly to a job. The design world is vast, and countless opportunities await talented, hardworking individuals like yourself.


A graphic design internship can be a transformative experience, equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and connections necessary to thrive in the industry. By embracing the challenges, learning from seasoned professionals, and demonstrating your commitment to growth, you'll set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling career in design.

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Remember, an internship is more than just a stepping stone – it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the real-world challenges and collaborative processes that define the graphic design profession. Approach it with enthusiasm, professionalism, and a willingness to learn, and you'll emerge as a more well-rounded, capable designer.

So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring internship opportunities, refine your portfolio, and get ready to embark on an exciting journey that will shape your future as a designer.


How long do graphic design internships typically last?

Most graphic design internships range from 3 to 6 months, though some may be as short as a single semester or as long as a year, depending on the company and your educational requirements.

Will I be paid during my internship?

It depends on the company and the specific internship program. Some internships are paid, while others are unpaid but may offer course credit or a stipend to help cover expenses. Be sure to clarify the compensation details before accepting an internship offer.

Do I need to be a graphic design student to qualify for internships?

Not necessarily. While many internships are geared towards current students or recent graduates, some companies are open to candidates with self-taught or non-traditional backgrounds as long as they can demonstrate strong design skills and a passion for the field.

What software and design skills should I have before applying for internships?

While specific software requirements vary between companies, it's generally advisable to have a solid grasp of industry-standard tools like Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), as well as a strong understanding of design principles, typography, colour theory, and user experience (UX) design.

How important is a portfolio for securing a graphic design internship?

Your portfolio is one of the most critical factors in landing a competitive internship. It should showcase your best work, demonstrating your versatility across various design disciplines (e.g., branding, print design, web design) and your ability to solve real-world design problems creatively and effectively.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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