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How To Make An Effective Logo

How To Make An Effective Logo (Pro Tips)

Logos are the face of your brand, the first thing people often see when they encounter your business.

A unique logo is distinctive, appropriate, memorable, practical, and simple in form. It conveys the brand's intended message. 

So, how do you craft such an effective logo?

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the principles of effective logo design in easy-to-understand language.

Understanding Your Brand

Nike Brand Identity Prism Example

Define Your Brand Identity

Your logo must reflect your brand, so it's essential to understand your brand's core identity. Identify what makes your business unique. 

What are your brand values? Who is your target audience? What is your brand personality – professional, playful, innovative, traditional, etc.? 

All these will guide your logo design process.

Research the Industry

To create a logo that stands out, familiarise yourself with the market. Look at your competitors. What does their logo look like? 

What message are they conveying? 

Understanding the landscape will help you define what works and doesn't and guide you towards a unique yet industry-appropriate logo.

Most Effective Logo Design Examples

Basics of Logo Design

Elements of a Good Logo

  1. Simplicity: A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable.
  2. Memorability: An effective logo design should be memorable, which is achieved by keeping it simple yet appropriate.
  3. Timelessness: An effective logo should be timeless. Will your logo still be effective in 10, 20, or 50 years?
  4. Versatility: Logos should work across various mediums and applications, hence should be scalable, easy to reproduce, and impactful both in colour and in black and white.
  5. Appropriateness: A logo must be appropriate for the business it identifies.

Choosing the Right Type of Logo

There are several types of logos you can choose from:

  1. Wordmarks (Text): Stylised text logos like Google, Coca-Cola, or Samsung.
  2. Letter marks (Initials): These logos are often used when a company has a long name, such as IBM or HBO.
  3. Pictorial Marks (Symbol/Icon): These are image-based logos, like Apple's apple or Twitter's bird.
  4. Combination Marks: These logos combine text and symbols, like Adidas or Lacoste.
  5. Emblems: These logos have text inside a symbol, like Starbucks or Harley-Davidson.

Your decision should be based on how you plan to use your logo and the message you want it to convey.

The Power of Colour

Colours are crucial in logo design as they can stir emotions and perceptions. 

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Every colour has a different implication and can bring nuance to your message. 

For example, red can signify passion and energy, while blue can convey trust and reliability.

Crafting Your Logo

Sketch and Conceptualise

Before you start designing your logo digitally, put your ideas on paper. 

Sketch as many ideas as possible – remember, there are good ideas at this stage. This creative, unfiltered brainstorming can lead to innovative and unexpected solutions.

Logo Sketches

Design Digitally

Use design software like Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, or even free Canva or Gravit Designer options. 

Begin with your sketched ideas, and make sure your designs maintain their impact, whether in colour or black and white.

Get Feedback

Once you have a few decent logo designs, get feedback. 

This can be from friends, family, or, ideally, from potential customers. You might have personal attachments to a specific design but remember: the logo isn't for you. It's for the public.

Refine Your Logo

Based on feedback, refine and improve your logo

This may mean tweaking colours, changing fonts, or redesigning logo elements.

Common Mistakes in Logo Design

Arc Logo Design Cliches

Designing a logo is a delicate process that requires a balance of creativity, business sense, psychology, and design knowledge. 

However, even with the best intentions, common mistakes can undermine a logo's effectiveness. 

Here are some of the most common pitfalls to avoid.

Too Many Elements

One of the most common mistakes in logo design is over-complication. A logo should be simple and easy to understand at a glance.

When a logo has too many elements—multiple fonts, many colours, or complex imagery—it can become confusing and difficult to decipher. 

Remember, the goal of a logo is to convey a brand's identity quickly and effectively.

Complex Typography

Similarly, using complex or hard-to-read fonts can also lead to a logo that's difficult to understand. 

While unique typography can add character to a logo, it's vital to ensure it remains legible across various sizes and mediums.

Neglecting Different Mediums

A logo isn't just for a website or a business card—it will be used across various mediums, from billboards to social media profiles to product packaging.

Ignoring this versatility can lead to a logo that looks great on a website but needs to be recognised on a business card or illegible on a billboard. 

Always consider how the logo will appear in different contexts and sizes.

Over-reliance on Colour

While colour can play a crucial role in a logo's design, relying too heavily on it can lead to problems. 

A logo should be recognisable and influential, even in black and white or grayscale. 

This ensures the logo remains versatile across different mediums, including those without colour support.

Pro Tips To Make A Good Logo

These tips are not rules set in stone but offer some guidelines that can assist you in making the best decisions for your brand.

The Use of Colour Psychology

Colours can evoke emotions and leave lasting impressions. 

Understanding colour psychology is crucial to logo design, as different colours can trigger different responses. 

For example, blue often instils trust, green can symbolise nature or eco-friendliness, and red can signal excitement or urgency. 

When choosing your logo's colours, you should align them with the message and feeling you want to convey to your audience. 

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However, remember that a great logo should also work well in monochrome versions.

Colour Psychology In Logo Design

Typography Matters

Choosing the right font type for your logo is equally important as picking colours. Different typefaces convey different emotions and messages. 

Serif fonts can give an image of respectability and tradition, sans serif fonts often look modern and clean, script fonts may appear elegant and creative, and display fonts can be unique and expressive. 

The font should be readable at various sizes and stand alone without the other elements if necessary.

Famous Logotypes

Negative Space

Negative space, or the space surrounding an object in an image, can be used cleverly to convey more than one message in a logo. 

One of the most famous examples is the FedEx logo, which uses negative space between the ‘E' and ‘x' to create an arrow, symbolising speed and precision. 

This intelligent use of negative space adds an element of surprise and makes the logo memorable.

The Golden Ratio in Logo Design

The golden ratio, approximately 1.618, is a mathematical ratio found in nature, which is aesthetically pleasing to the human eye.

Many well-known logos, such as those for Apple, Twitter, and Pepsi, are said to use the golden ratio. 

Using the golden ratio in your logo can make it balanced and harmonious, increasing its aesthetic appeal.

Golden Ratio In Logo Design

Test Various Applications

A logo will appear everywhere – from company stationery to billboards and websites to social media. 

Therefore, testing your logo in different formats, sizes, and backgrounds is crucial to ensure it looks good everywhere. 

A good logo should be scalable, versatile, and effective without colour.

Following these pro tips can aid in the creation of a unique, effective, and memorable logo that not only represents your brand but also connects with your target audience.

Case Study: Effective Logo Designs

Understanding the success stories behind some of the world's most recognised logos can provide valuable insights into effective logo design. 

For this case study, we will focus on one of the most recognised logos in the digital world: the Google logo.

The Google Logo

Google's logo, known for its simplicity and playful colour palette, is one of the most identifiable logos worldwide. 

But the logo was only sometimes as it is now; it has evolved, retaining its core elements while adapting to the changing digital landscape.

Google Logo History


Using an open-source graphics program, Google's initial logo was created in 1997 by its co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. 

But the logo we know today, which first appeared in 1999, was designed by Ruth Kedar. It featured the same colour sequence—blue, red, yellow, blue, green, red—as the logo we see today.

Logo Evolution

Over the years, Google's logo has undergone subtle changes. For instance, in 2010, the logo colours were brightened, and the drop shadow was reduced to give it a fresher look. 

The most significant transformation came in 2015 when Google updated its logo following a major corporate restructuring under the new parent company, Alphabet. 

The logo was redesigned to reflect the new reality and uses of Google.

The 2015 Redesign

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The 2015 redesign replaced the old serif font with a geometric sans-serif font called Product Sans, created in-house at Google. 

The new typeface offers a more modern look, aligning with Google's innovative brand image. 

The designers also introduced an animation while loading search results—a rotating coloured ball that morphs into the Google logo—a touch that brings the logo to life.

The Colour Palette

Google's logo stands out due to its use of primary colours but with a twist. 

The sequence is primarily the three primary colours, repeated: blue-red-yellow. But instead of repeating the line exactly, there's a secondary colour, green, on the ‘l'. 

This break-in pattern reflects Google's desire to break the rules and be unconventional—a nod to its innovative and disruptive nature.

Google Logo Colours

Simplicity and Scalability

Despite the colour changes and font updates, Google's logo retained simplicity, one of its most vital aspects. It is straightforward, uncluttered, and easy to recognise. 

It scales well, too; the logo is always clear and identifiable on a browser or billboard tab.


The Google logo accurately represents the company's brand personality—friendly, approachable, and easy to understand. 

The simple, colourful design captures Google's mission to make information universally accessible and helpful.


The versatility of Google's logo is evident in its adaptability. 

The company regularly transforms its logo into fun, interactive ‘doodles' to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists. 

These Google Doodles have become a popular feature, adding an element of surprise and delight to the user's experience, further enhancing its brand appeal.

Best Apps To Design Your Logo

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is arguably the industry standard for logo design.

This vector-based design tool allows you to create logos scaled to any size without losing quality, which is crucial for versatile logo designs. 

Illustrator offers many tools and features, including shape and pen tools, colour and gradient options, and typography settings. Its compatibility with other Adobe products makes it great for designers working across multiple mediums.

Adobe Illustrator


Canva is a web-based design tool that is known for its user-friendly interface. It offers a variety of pre-made logo templates that can be customised to fit your brand. 

Canva also provides a vast library of fonts, colours, and graphics, making it an excellent choice for beginners or those needing to create a logo quickly. 

While it may offer less flexibility than Illustrator, its simplicity and convenience make it a popular choice for basic logo design.

Gravit Designer

Gravit Designer is a full-featured vector design app suitable for all jobs, from screen and icon designs to presentations, illustration and animation. 

With a clean and intuitive interface that adjusts itself as you need it, this free graphic design software packs a wealth of tools for creating detailed and beautiful vector imagery, including non-destructive booleans, a knife tool and path graphs, plus multiple fills and blending modes, and a powerful text engine.

Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer is a professional-grade design application that offers a robust set of tools for logo design. 

Like Illustrator, it is a vector-based design tool, which means it's excellent for creating scalable logos. 

Affinity Designer offers a variety of features, including a pen tool for creating custom shapes, a gradient tool for adding depth to your designs, and a typography tool for implementing custom fonts. 

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It's a great alternative to Adobe Illustrator, especially for those who prefer a one-time purchase over a subscription.


Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor. This software can be used for various graphic design tasks, including logo design. 

Inkscape provides flexible drawing tools compliant with XML, SVG, and CSS standards. It also offers a powerful text tool for fine-tuned control over text styling.

Each application has strengths and can be the best choice depending on your needs. Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer offer the most comprehensive tools and are ideal for professional designers. 

Canva and Inkscape are great for beginners or those needing to create a simple logo quickly. 

Gravit Designer stands out for its balance between precise control and a user-friendly interface. Trying several applications to see which works best for you is always a good idea.

Gravit Designer

Logo Maker by Ucraft

Logo Maker by Ucraft is a free app for iOS and Android users. It is a dedicated logo design app that allows users to create stunning logos in a few minutes. 

The app offers a wide variety of ready-to-use templates, shapes, and icons. It also allows users to upload their images.

Hatchful by Shopify

Hatchful is a free logo maker from Shopify. The app guides you through questions about your business and personal style to create a logo that fits your brand. 

It offers numerous templates, and your logos can be downloaded in high-quality PNG format.

Gravit Designer

Gravit Designer is a cross-platform design tool operating on different operating systems. 

It's a robust vector graphic design application that works well for logo creation, offering precision and variety. 

Gravit Designer also supports print and digital mediums design, making it a versatile choice.


Logaster is an online logo maker and generator that allows users to create logos in a few easy steps. 

It's easy to use, and the user can download a small-sized logo for free or purchase the high-resolution version.

Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer is a professional graphic design software that provides a robust, smooth, and precise platform. 

It's a cost-effective alternative to Adobe Illustrator, known for its speed and flexibility. It has excellent tools for creating logos, branding, and other types of graphics.


DesignEvo is an online logo maker that helps users create custom logos in minutes. 

It offers a massive library of icons, shapes, and fonts that users can easily incorporate into their designs. 

The user-friendly interface makes DesignEvo an excellent choice for beginners.

Design Evo

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is another product from Adobe that offers a simple, quick logo design. 

The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it an excellent option for those new to design. It also provides a variety of templates and customisation options.


Formerly known as LogoJoy, Looka uses artificial intelligence to generate custom logo ideas based on a brief questionnaire about your business and style preferences. 

It's an AI-powered design platform that helps non-designers easily create professional-looking logos.


How do I choose the right font for my logo?

The font should align with your brand's personality. 
Serif fonts (like Times New Roman) convey tradition and respectability, while sans-serif fonts (like Helvetica) project a modern, clean feel. 
Script fonts can offer elegance, and display fonts can be used for a unique look.

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How many colours should I use in my logo?

It's best to keep your colour count low — two to three colours should suffice. 
Too many colours can confuse and make the logo difficult to reproduce and maintain.

Can I design a logo if I'm not a designer?

Absolutely. With the many tools and resources available, anyone can create a logo. 
However, understanding the principles of good logo design is crucial. If you're struggling, feel free to hire a professional.

How do I protect my logo?

You can apply for a trademark to protect your logo. 
The process varies depending on your location, so it's best to consult a legal expert.


Designing a logo is a journey of discovery about your brand. It's an exciting process that can be a cornerstone of your brand's identity. 

Remember the principles of simplicity, memorability, timelessness, versatility, and appropriateness, and you're on your way to crafting a logo that your audience will love and remember. 

Author Bio: Manvendra Singh is a content strategist, SEO Professional, and full-time blogger at PCSynced. He is passionate about growing businesses on top of digital platforms. Instagram: @teamasli 

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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