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13 Essential Web Design Elements You Need

13 Essential Web Design Elements You Need

A website is one of the most critical elements of a successful business. To ensure that your website is effective, you need to focus on a few key web design elements.

This blog post will discuss the essential web design elements you need to create a successful website. We will cover layout, colour, typography, and content. By the end of this post, you will have a solid understanding of what it takes to design a website that looks great and functions well.

1 – Beautiful Aesthetic

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No one likes an ugly or poorly formatted website. To be successful in web design, you need to focus on creating a beautiful aesthetic for your site. This means choosing the right colours, fonts, and imagery. Remember, first impressions are everything when it comes to web design!

If you want people to take your website seriously, you need to make sure it looks good. Investing in a quality web designer is worth it if you want your website to look its best.

Your web designer should also be able to help you choose the right colours and fonts for your brand. They will know how to create a visually appealing website that accurately represents your company.

To have a beautiful website, you need to ensure that your web designer understands your vision.

2 – Consistent Branding

Your website is the face of your brand online – it needs to represent your brand consistently, so potential customers know where they are.

Your website should have the same colours, fonts, and overall feel as your other marketing materials. This includes things like your business cards, brochures, and social media accounts.

If you want to create a robust online presence for your brand, you need to ensure that all of your web design elements are consistent with your offline branding.

Your web designer can help you ensure that your website accurately represents your brand identity. They will know how to incorporate your branding into every aspect of your web design.

Consistency is critical for web design – potential customers should be able to quickly tell that they’re on your website just by looking at it.

3 – Menu Navigation

Logical Page Structure And Navigation

Navigating a website is critical for a good user experience. Make sure that your menu is easy to find and easy to use. The last thing you want is for a user to get lost on your website.

Menu navigation should be intuitive and easy to use. It should be prominently displayed on the page so that users can easily find it. Ensure that the menu items are clearly labelled so that users know where they are going.

If you have a lot of content on your website, consider using a drop-down menu so that users can easily access all of the information. Drop-down menus make it easy for users to access all of the content on your site without scrolling through a long list of items.

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4 – White Space to Breathe

White space (or empty space) is crucial to good web design. Having all your web design elements cluttered together not only looks terrible, but it pushes users away.

White space gives your web design elements room to breathe and makes your website more visually appealing. It also makes it easier for users to find what they’re looking for on your website.

Make sure that you use white space effectively on your website. Use it to break up the text, highlight important content, and create a more visually appealing design.

Too much white space can make a website look empty, so make sure you strike the right balance. Your web designer can help you figure out how to use white space in your web design correctly.

5 – Mobile-Friendly Design

Mobile Responsive Design Example

With the most recent Google updates, having a mobile-friendly website is essential. With more than 50% of web traffic on mobile devices, many lost customers if they cannot access your site properly.

Your web designer should be able to create a responsive website design that looks good on all devices. This means that your website will automatically adjust to fit the screen size of the device it is being viewed on.

Mobile-friendly design is essential for any business with an online presence. If you want to ensure that your website is accessible to all users, you need to make sure it’s designed with mobile devices.

6 – A Bold Call-To-Action (CTA)

Getting potential customers to your site is only half the battle. You want them to convert into paying customers.

A call-to-action (CTA) typically can be found in a simple button on the site. The button should stand out from the rest of the web design elements on the page.

Your CTA should be clear and concise. The text should tell users exactly what you want them to do, such as “sign up for our newsletter” or “buy now”.

The CTA button should be placed in a prominent location on the page so that users can easily find it. Your web designer can help you create a compelling CTA for your website. They will know how to incorporate it into your web design to stand out and easily find.

7 – Customer Support Features

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Most businesses with customers need customer support if things go wrong or questions need answering.

Some customer support features you may want to consider are:

  • A live chat feature so customers can get help in real-time.
  • An FAQ section where customers can find answers to common questions.
  • A contact form so customers can reach out to you directly.
  • A phone number or email address so customers can contact you outside the website.

Customer support is essential for any business, especially if you have an online presence. Make sure that your website has all the necessary customer support features so that your customers can get the help they need.

8 – Up-to-date Content

Google loves fresh content, so keep your content up-to-date and accurate. Your information from 2005 probably isn’t accurate, and therefore, can be unreliable.

Your web designer can help you create a content management system (CMS) that makes it easy to update your website content yourself. You can keep your website content fresh and up-to-date without hiring someone to do it for you.

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Outdated content is one of the biggest turn-offs for users. If they see that your information is outdated, they will likely leave your site and go to a competitor’s site. Keep your content fresh so that users will keep coming back.

9 – An “About Us” Page

Example Of A Good About Us Page Branding

Having a clear “about us” page is essential as it lets people put a face to the name. It doesn’t matter if you are a solo freelancer or a Fortune 500 company with thousands of employees – you still have a brand story that people will be interested in learning about.

Your web designer can help you create an “about us” page that engagingly tells your story. Be sure to include information about your history, mission, and team.

People want to do business with other people, not faceless companies. This core page humanises your business and makes you more relatable to potential customers. If you want people to do business with you, make sure you have a strong “about us” page on your website.

10 – Big, Clear Images and Visual Content

Visual content sticks quicker in people’s minds better than the written word. Make sure that your visuals are sharp (not pixellated) and draw the eye to communicate your message. Be sure that the images you use are relevant to the text on the page.

Your web designer can help you choose appropriate visuals for your website and incorporate them into your web design elements. They will know how to format the visuals to look great on all devices and load quickly.

Images and visual content are essential for any website. Be sure to use high-quality visuals that are relevant to your content.

11 – Search Functionality

Having a search box allows users to find exactly what they want. Maybe they found your article on one topic, and they wanted to see something different – search functionality can allow them to do so.

Your web designer can help you add a search box to your website so that users can easily find what they are looking for.

12 – Simple Pricing Tables

9 Missinglettr Pricing

If you offer a product or service, make it clear and straightforward how much it costs. Things like hidden fees and sneaky pricing can put off potential customers and send them to competitors.

Your web designer can help you create a pricing table that is easy to understand and use. Be sure to include all the relevant information so that users know exactly what they are getting.

Pricing tables are essential for any website that offers products or services. Be sure to make your pricing tables straightforward. Include all relevant information and remove any hidden costs.

13 – Testimonials from Happy Customers

Let potential customers see the results of existing customers that have used your product or service. For those on the fence about purchasing, this can help close the deal.

Your web designer can help you add testimonials to your website. Be sure to choose relevant testimonials and showcase your product or service results. Testimonials are a great way to show potential customers the results of your product or service.

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Finally – Don’t Forget SEO

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is something you can overlook for your business website nowadays. It is the process of making your website more “findable” by Google and other popular search engines.

Your web designer should be able to help you with basic SEO for your website. They can incorporate keywords into your web design elements and help you create quality content to improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO is essential if you want people to find your website when searching for businesses like yours. Be sure to ask your web designer how they can help you with SEO.

These are just a few essential web design elements for a successful website. Contact a web design professional if you have any questions or need help getting started.

You need a website, and you need it now. Not only is a website design essential for any business, but it’s also one of the most affordable investments you can make. 

With Inkbot Design, you’ll get a beautiful and professional website to help your business grow online.

A well-designed website is the key to success in today’s digital age. Let Inkbot Design help you create an online presence that will impress your customers and help your business thrive. We offer a wide range of web design services perfect for any budget.

Contact us today to learn more about our web design services!

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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