
“An eye for un ail” by Illustrator Julien Posture

A fun project by Montréal-based illustrator Julien Posture (previously featured here). “An eye for un ail” is a series of illustrations for a children’s book based on cross-language homophones between French and English. Featuring two words that sound the same yet have different meanings, Posture’s illustrations act as a kind of glue, allowing for surprising linkages across languages:

“Children learning a new language tend to be really playful with the sounds they learn and how going from one language to another can be a source of fun and experimentation. This series aims at kindling this instinct and embracing the playfulness of languages.”

Each week our members share their projects with us and we highlight our favs as Editors’ Picks. If you want to share your own work with us, you can learn more about becoming a member.

















Julien Posture’s Website

Julien Posture on Instagram

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