Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation – ready

Michal Zahornacký reflects the world of isolation with his ‘Close’ Series

Michal Zahornacký is a Slovakian photographer investigating the human place within architecture. In his “Close” series, the artists looks into the pandemic world of isolation and the feeling of closeness evoked by forced social distancing. It is captured on the impeccable angles showing the grandeur of photographed buildings – their symmetry and repetitiveness.

The question over how to build unity within monumental spaces becomes more difficult yet not impossible to answer as Zahornacký draws our attention to the power of togetherness that can emerge from solitude.

Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký reflects the world of isolationArchitecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký reflects the world of isolationArchitecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký reflects the world of isolationArchitecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký reflects the world of isolation

Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation
Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation
Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation
Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation
Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation
Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation
Architecture Photography of Michal Zahornacký in the world of isolation