
Window Chronicles Mimics the Positive Effects of a Real Window

09.06.23 | By
Window Chronicles Mimics the Positive Effects of a Real Window

After six months spent living in a one-window studio in Seoul, Noëmi Orgaer realized the importance of having a connection to the outdoors – even when you’re surrounded by four walls. Her lone window faced the neighbor’s unimpressive wall. Over time, Orgaer began to notice the impact it was having on her state of mind and overall quality of life. It makes sense, as extensive research has shown that our social, mental, and physical well-being can be effected by lack of access. “This experience ignited my curiosity to delve into the history and purpose of windows as an archetype,” she said. “It motivated me to develop a light system that could benefit individuals in similar situations and promote a healthier living environment.” Window Chronicles is an illuminated wall object that draws inspiration from the natural rhythms Orgaer has observed through her current windows in Brussels.

a person hanging an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

The lighting pays special attention to the dynamic transformation that can be achieved and its influence on interior spaces, accomplishing both through the use of two adjustable components. The interactivity lends itself to the sensation of opening a window, creating an immersive experience. To achieve this reflection of the outdoors, real-time weather data is used to ensure the lighting accurately shares the current conditions through GPS coordinates of its location.

a person hanging an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

“Window Chronicles embodies my personal interpretation of the window as a tool that enables communication with our environment, and consequently, reflection with ourselves,” Orgaer shared. “And while attempts have been made to replicate the effects of natural light through artificial means, with similar goals to my project, we must remember that the intrinsic value of natural light cannot be overstated or surpassed. It remains important for architectural design to place great emphasis on natural light and therefor windows. I believe viable solutions should be available for those living in spaces with limited to no qualitative window access, especially in situations where construction cannot be reversed or modified. The essence of windows surpasses their function as a mere transitional space, instead functioning as a medium for further exploration of our connection to our natural and artificial environments.”

oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

detail of an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

detail of an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

detail of an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

illumination emanated from an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window

illumination emanated from an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window

illumination emanated from an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window

a person adjusting an oval-shaped wall light that resembles a window when illuminated

Noëmi Orgaer

To learn more about Window Chronicles, visit

Kelly Beall is Director of Branded Content at Design Milk. The Pittsburgh-based writer and designer has had a deep love of art and design for as long as she can remember, from Fashion Plates to MoMA and far beyond. When not searching out the visual arts, she's likely sharing her favorite finds with others. Kelly can also be found tracking down new music, teaching herself to play the ukulele, or on the couch with her three pets – Bebe, Rainey, and Remy. Find her @designcrush on social.