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Turner Duckworth’s Book ‘I Love It. What Is It?’ is a Design and Branding Anthology from Creatives Around the Globe


“Room to Breathe,” “Trust & Faith,” and “Giving a Shit”—these are a small selection of the essays and think pieces inside Turner Duckworth’s new book, I Love It. What Is It? Releasing February 24th in the UK and February 28th in the US, the book features and discusses work on brands like McDonald’s, Amazon, and The Coca-Cola Company. Each piece, from the words on the page to the compelling visuals, explores creativity, marketing, and brand-building, all through the lens of “instinct.”

Sarah Moffat, global CCO at Turner Duckworth, said that the idea to create a book came about for two reasons. David Turner and Bruce Duckworth (who co-founded Turner Duckworth in 1992) planned to retire, and the timing coincided with the agency’s 30th anniversary. Everyone thought it would be nice to somehow mark the occasion. “It began as looking for something to commemorate the past thirty years,” she said, “but in the end, it really became something about the next thirty years, which was really fun.”


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