5 Bad Colleges in America


There are quite a few colleges in America that have not been able to maintain their quality standards. These schools are known as the 5 bad colleges.

Here are some of the reasons why these institutions were ranked as the worst in America:

1) They spend more time and resources talking about diversity than actually making an effort towards creating a diverse environment.
2) Some college campuses do not provide proper security for students, leaving them vulnerable to various dangers (sexual assault, for example). 3) The school does not offer enough degrees in early childhood education, which could be useful for people who want to work in this field.
3) The graduation rates for this institution are too low, ranking them at the bottom of all colleges in the nation.

1) La Guardia Community College – New York City, New York

LaGuardia Community College was started in 1967, and it is part of the City University of New York system. This college is located in Long Island City, Queens. It offers seven majors, including liberal arts and social sciences, mechanical engineering technology (which requires students to take both English composition AND Mathematics), science technologies, marketing management/marketing science and office administration. Students who enrol at this school can also participate in various activities as there are clubs for artistry such as poetry slam, spoken word performance, musical composition and creative writing.

According to reviews online, a young woman named Janet attended this school for two semesters before she transferred because she felt unsafe on campus. She said that there were fights every day, and no one seemed to care about it or do anything about it, which made her feel uncomfortable. She also wasn’t too fond of the professors at this school because they didn’t seem very welcoming or helpful when she needed help with homework assignments. Her final complaint was that she felt like her classes were too hard. If you have a problem with your studies, you should consider a legitimate essay writing service to help you.

2) University of the District of Columbia – Washington, D.C.
The first thing you’ll notice about this college is its location as it’s located in a very urban setting and seems to be surrounded by various restaurants, shops and parks. It sounds like a great place to go for someone who wants to live in a busy area or loves big city life but doesn’t want to deal with all the traffic problems and hassles associated with being in such a large metropolitan area. The university was founded in 1967 as part of Georgetown University until it broke off in 1991 when it received its accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools Board.

3) Harrington College of Design in Boston, Massachusetts
This is not just a college for business majors. This school offers programs and classes geared towards students who want to earn degrees in photography, fashion design, interior design, and graphic design. It’s located close to the Boston harbour. The campus itself is surrounded by other colleges, including Berklee College of Music (also ranked among the worst colleges) and Suffolk University Law School. Several restaurants are nearby, providing students with even more reasons to stick around after class or on their day off.

4) Santa Ana College, which is in Orange County, California. This school was founded back in 1897 and offered several programs for students to take, including digital arts, education and liberal arts, which means there are a variety of people that attend this particular college whether you want to make new friends or find someone who shares your interests.

5) Los Angeles City College was founded in 1927. This college is known for its theatre department. They offer several programs related to performing arts and include classes such as production, scriptwriting, acting and directing.