Embroidery Patterns

36 Fall-Inspired Embroidery Patterns and Kits to Get You into the Autumnal Spirit

Fall-inspired embroidery patterns and kit

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I don’t know what the weath­er is like where you are, but it is chilly and rainy in Seat­tle. This makes it the per­fect time to hun­ker down with some fall-themed embroi­dery pat­terns and kits. Boast­ing leaves, spooky imagery, and autum­nal col­ors, they are best paired with some apple cider!

Through Etsy, I’ve found embroi­dery projects for all skill lev­els and styles. One of my absolute favorites of this bunch is the Goth­ic Rose embroi­dery pat­tern by Flo­rals and Floss. I love how it’s stitched on black fab­ric and incor­po­rates a Hal­loween theme (the cof­fin) with the beau­ty of blos­som­ing flow­ers. It’s detailed enough that inter­me­di­ate stitch­ers will enjoy the chal­lenge but is suit­able for begin­ners because it teach­es you all the basics that you need to know.

Looking for a fun way to spend chilly fall days? Try these autumnal and Halloween-inspired embroidery patterns and kits!


Sweater Weath­er Pattern


Fall Mush­room Ghost


Autumn Birds Pattern


Full Moon Barn Owl


Spooky Cof­fin


Hex the Patri­archy Pattern


Squir­rel Embroi­dery Kit


Orange Full Flo­ral Embroidery


Leaf Embroi­dery Kit


Autumn Cab­in


Autumn Queen


Wood­land Embroi­dery Pat­tern Duo


Autumn Selec­tion Embroi­dery Pattern


Fall Leaves Embroi­dery Kit


Fall Botan­i­cals Embroi­dery Pattern


Cozy Koala Pattern


Autumn Hearth Pattern


Hal­loween Rain­bow Embroi­dery Pattern


Stay Dead Pattern


Autumn Mead­ow Kit


Autumn and Hal­loween Embroi­dery Pat­tern Duo


Ginko Leaves PDF Pattern

Fall Embroi­dery Kit


Witch Skull Pattern


Boo” and “Eek!” Embroi­dery Patterns


Jack O’Lantern Pattern


Haunt It Pattern


Home on the Moon Pattern


Hocus Pocus Pattern


Witchy Crys­tals Pattern


Home Sweet Home Embroi­dery Pattern


Creepin’ It Real Kit


Anatom­ic Trip­tych Kit


Goth­ic Rose Embroi­dery Pattern


Witch Girl and Kit­ty Kit


It’s The Most Won­der­ful Time Of The Year—Halloween Edition

Mind Your Needles

One of the most use­ful embroi­dery acces­sories that I’ve got is a nee­dle min­der. These mag­ne­tized pins stick to your fab­ric and pro­vide a place for your nee­dle to rest when you’re not stitch­ing or need to switch threads. My min­der has saved count­less nee­dles from enter­ing my couch and falling on the floor! If you want to get sea­son­al, pick up one (or two or three) below.

Leaf Nee­dle Minder


Bat Nee­dle Minder


Oui­ja Nee­dle Minder