New Amazon Warehouse Facility in Tijuana Slum – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

New Amazon Warehouse Facility in Tijuana Slum

Omar Martinez

Amazon will open a $21 million state-of-the-art warehouse in Tijuana, Mexico, that abuts a housing settlement made of cardboard, tarp, and wood scraps.

“Reminds me of when I went to India for business. I was put up in a very nice new hotel with lots of amenities, not different than what your see in the US or Europe, but looking outside the window it was surrounded by shacks like this. I asked someone at work about the area and they said the region didn’t have much in the way of zoning laws so there was nothing standing in the way of a hotel being built next to a shanty town with no electricity,” a one Redditor writes.

h/t: reddit, vice

Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez

Omar Martinez

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