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Top Video Marketing Platforms: Features & Comparison

Top Video Marketing Platforms: Features & Comparison

Video marketing has become an integral part of digital advertising for businesses. They’re a great way to promote businesses' products or services and engage with target audiences in general.

And specially-designed video marketing platforms are essential for creating videos that captivate your audience – in ways YouTube alone can’t match.

This article will explain their importance, the best video marketing platforms around, what they offer that free hosting sites like YouTube don’t, as well as pricing options and real-life examples of where companies have used them to achieve fantastic results.

The Importance of Video Marketing Platforms for Businesses

Promotional Marketing Videos

Businesses can use video marketing platforms to create, edit, and promote videos more effectively by using various useful tools and features. These platforms offer many options beyond the capabilities of free hosting platforms such as YouTube, including advanced customisation possibilities and data analysis abilities. As a result, companies have greater control over their content and can better reach their intended audience.

For instance, businesses may alter the look of their video player with video marketing sites to match their branding, which helps establish a standardised appearance across all videos in terms of professionalism. Moreover, easy embedding choices on these websites allow firms to integrate videos into other online materials like blogs or websites without problems. Embedding videos can be beneficial for increasing user interaction while also providing users with relevant information.

In addition, these types of web-based solutions typically come with data analytics functionality that provides insights into various aspects of video performance, viewer behaviour, and engagement levels. By studying this information closely, organisations can discover how well their videos are doing and make informed judgments about what they should do next.

What Are the Top Video Marketing Platforms in the Market?

Severaloded with top video marketing pin the marketo various business needs. These include the likes of Wave, Filmora, Vimeo, Powtoon, Wistia, WeVideo and Vidyard.

Each platform offers a different feature set that businesses can use to create videos that achieve their marketing goals.

For example, is an online video editor with cloud-based hosting, social content calendar features and automatic landing page generation. The platform makes it easy for businesses to create professional-looking videos without requiring in-depth video editing skills. Its social content calendar enables companies to plan and schedule their video releases more effectively so they take a more strategic approach to their video marketing.

Wave Video Marketing Platform Review

Filmora has an extensive array of editing features. As such, it can help firms make visually appealing videos. Overlays, filters and stock photos/videos from its library all provide creative elements that can be used to create a company’s videos better at engaging viewers. Integrating with popular video marketing strategies also means users can incorporate the software into overall campaigns as needed.

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Filmora Split Button

Vimeo provides basic analytics on how well its customers’ videos perform, making fine-tuning them more manageable. If something isn’t working or has little appeal among users, brands should get feedback on this through the platform quickly enough. Easy sharing and publishing options mean companies using Vimeo will find it simpler to ensure the right people see their work, too.

Video Marketing Platforms Vimeo

And these examples only scratch the surface of what’s possible using just some of today’s leading platforms. Each brings together different tools designed specifically for creating compelling materials that connect with target audiences – videos designed purely around driving traffic or building brand awareness won’t be difficult thanks to these services.

So, each provides something slightly different depending on individual business requirements; there is something out there regardless of whether you’re looking to add some extra sparkle or want your entire strategy rewritten from scratch!

Features and Benefits of Each Video Marketing Platform

Each video marketing platform provides a unique collection of features and perks designed to cater to the needs of different businesses., for example, offers cloud-based video hosting so that companies can store and handle their videos safely. The platform also has a social content calendar, making planning and scheduling releases efficient. Lastly, it has an automatic landing page generator to help businesses create conversion-focused landing pages quickly.

Unlike other platforms in this list, Filmora provides editing features that allow businesses to create professional-looking videos without extensive editing skills. With overlays, filters, and a library of stock photos/videos, companies have everything they need to make visually stunning videos instantly—no more struggling with seamless integration between your video marketing strategies.

Vimeo is not just about sharing videos—it also offers features for fine-tuning videos to engage viewers. It has basic analytics built in, too—so brands can see how each piece is performing—and easy sharing/publishing options that allow you to get as much reach as possible from every upload.

Powtoon's strengths lie in its templates (for quickly creating pro-looking animated content), stock footage library (brand assets sorted by industry) and guided creation process—a.k.a. what happens after you've shot your footage when you don't want hassle or complexity getting the final cut together.

Powtoons Video Marketing Platform

As well as being able to collect viewer information on behalf of users via its Turnstiles feature—which requires people to input details before watching branded clips—Wistia offers detailed analytics/reports showing exactly who’s been watching what (which means you can improve your strategy based on accurate data).

WeVideo stands out against competitors by offering collaborative tools and access to royalty-free assets/stock images. That means it's easier than ever for teams/stakeholders all over the place (who might not necessarily be tech-savvy) to work together on video projects rather than having lots of back-and-forths.

Wevideo Marketing Platforms

Vidyard is designed to help you turn viewers into customers and has the features to prove it. Choose from customisable plans, create videos with their tools, test different video thumbnails with A/B testing and even personalise your outreach with their video creation feature.

These examples highlight the features and benefits of each platform and demonstrate how they can help businesses create compelling videos that engage their target audience and drive business success.

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Video Marketing Platforms Compared to Free Hosting Platforms Like YouTube

Youtube Content Creators Best

Despite the advantages of free hosting platforms like YouTube, they may only provide some features and capabilities that a video content marketing platform can offer. Video marketing platforms are designed specifically for businesses, with enhanced customisation options, data analysis, and integrations with other online marketing activities.

A vital advantage of these platforms is customising the look and feel of the video player in line with brand guidelines. This helps to create a consistent look across all videos, making them appear more professional and helping reinforce branding. Additionally, many video marketing platforms offer advanced analytics compared with YouTube – valid for companies that want to use their videos to help generate leads or sell products by having calls-to-action (CTAs) within them.

Integration is another area where using a video marketing platform rather than YouTube can pay off – especially if you have an existing customer relationship management system (CRM) or want greater control over how videos are presented when embedded on your website or shared via social media channels.

Example: If you only use YouTube for hosting and promoting your videos, it’s difficult (if not impossible) to change how they look to match your brand guidelines, nor do you get much in the way of detailed analytics. By contrast, most video marketing platforms let you tweak the player’s appearance extensively to match your overall aesthetic.

These examples highlight the advantages of video marketing platforms over free hosting platforms like YouTube. While free hosting platforms have their place in video sharing, businesses looking to maximise the impact of their video marketing efforts should consider leveraging the advanced features and capabilities offered by video marketing platforms.

Pricing Options and Plans Offered by Video Marketing Platforms

The pricing options and plans for video marketing platforms can vary. Some platforms offer tiered pricing, which increases as features and capabilities increase. Businesses can choose a plan that aligns with their budget and requirements. It is essential to carefully evaluate each platform’s benefits and features to find the best fit for your business.

For instance, has different pricing plans, from free with limited features to more advanced plans with perks. The free plan lets businesses use basic video editing and hosting capabilities. As your company grows, you may need more advanced functions included in higher-tier plans.

Filmora offers various pricing options to select one based on your budget and requirements. Its prices range from primary through premium, each coming with particular features or benefits that others don’t have. For example, you could decide on a plan based on how much access you want to stock assets or what level of video editing functionality suits you best.

Vimeo’s offerings include free and paid plans, but there are extra perks if you opt for a paid one instead of using it gratis. Vimeo allows businesses to host videos or share them online when it's free. The paid ones come with added extras such as customising stuff, getting better analytics, priority support, etc. Just choose an offering that ticks all the boxes.

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Those were just three examples – there are plenty of other platforms, too – but they should give an idea about what kind of choices firms might have in this area.

Case Studies of Successful Video Marketing Campaigns

Plenty of case studies showcasing these platforms' successful video marketing use. These cases demonstrate how well the platforms can achieve marketing goals and business success.

For instance, a clothes company used to create and publicise a clip promoting its latest collection. Sharing it on social media made people more aware of the brand and significantly more engaged. The creative appeal of the video’s content – is facilitated by features within – meaning that people in its target audience took notice and wanted to know more about what was being promoted, thus generating extra sales.

Filmora has also been shown to do this job effectively. A software firm created tutorial films via Filmora, improving users’ understanding and increasing their satisfaction with a particular product.

Once again, easy-to-use editing features were vital because informative video tutorials could be put together swiftly and optimised for user experience.

These instances demonstrate how effective video marketing platforms can be when you want certain things out of your marketing on specific terms: audiences engage with what they’re watching, brand awareness grows, and sales increase.

Vidyard is another platform that helps businesses understand how well their videos perform as part of broader marketing efforts.…

A digital agency used Vidyard to create personalised videos as part of an email marketing campaign to get clients’ prospects closer to making purchases.

By using named people in subject lines (to try to boost open rates) and including selective content from existing emails (to drive click-throughs), open rates soared 400%+ while click-throughs jumped 600%+. Plus, enhanced analytics meant video metrics could be used when deciding which strategy needed tweaking next.

Examples like these show that if you’ve got overnight goals from some video work, then there’s every chance these products will help get them across… especially if creative input is minimal or non-existent inside your operation.


Video marketing has become an essential part of any modern marketing strategy. With so many platforms, finding one that aligns with your business goals, budget, and capabilities is necessary. The platforms discussed in this article each have strengths and weaknesses worth considering.

Ultimately, the right video marketing platform will depend on your specific needs. Look for a solution to simplify video creation and distribution while providing the necessary analytics and engagement tools. Test out a few options to see which feels like the best fit. Video can be one of the most effective ways to reach and convert modern audiences when implemented correctly using the right platform. With the major players in the industry continuing to improve their offerings, there has never been a better time to make video marketing central to your strategy.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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