
Artist Spotlight: Katia Lifshin

A selection of recent work by artist Katia Lifshin (previously featured here). Nature is a recurring theme and point of reference in Lifshin’s practice. Specifically unconventional natural phenomena such as bioluminescence or spiral tree trunks. Hers is a surrealist world, inspired by both everyday life and psychedelic experiences. Her works also express a constant shift between light and darkness — a duality that reflects an artistic interpretation of constantly-shifting emotional states. Oscillating between the human and the non-human, Lifshin’s work connects human experiences and their natural environments. Her feminine figures use their physical and mental flexibility to break boundaries and find their own way in the world.

Check out more from Katia Lifshin below!



















Katia Lifshin’s Website

Katia Lifshin on Instagram

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