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LinkedIn For Business Growth: Ultimate Guide

LinkedIn For Business Growth: Ultimate Guide

LinkedIn has become an indispensable platform for businesses looking to expand their reach, acquire new customers, and drive sustainable growth. With over 1 billion members as of 2024, LinkedIn affords access to the world's largest professional network and an engaged audience primed for business content.

Whether you're hoping to boost brand awareness, generate leads, or establish thought leadership, having a strong LinkedIn marketing strategy can pay immense dividends. Here's a comprehensive guide on successfully utilising LinkedIn to catalyse business growth.

Crafting an Impactful LinkedIn Company Page

Best Linkedin Profile For Marketing

Your LinkedIn Company Page is the hub for all activity on the platform. An optimised page inspires confidence in your brand while allowing site visitors to easily access information about your products, services, content, and job openings.

Completing Key Fields

To fully round out your Company Page, focus on the following key sections:

✔️ Company Details – Include your company's name, size, industry, type, founding year, specialities, and locations serviced.

✔️ About Us – To build authenticity, share your brand story, core values, and mission statement.

✔️ Website Links – Drive traffic by linking URLs to your homepage, contact page, resources library, etc.

✔️ Logo and Cover Photo – Display visually striking graphics that align with your brand identity.

✔️ Products and Services Tabs – Showcase every offering available to customers and clients.

Optimising for SEO

Apply search engine optimisation (SEO) best practices to help your Company Page surface in LinkedIn searches:

  • Incorporate target keywords in headings and page content
  • Include keyword-rich image file names and alt-text
  • Publish regular long-form blog posts to accumulate domain authority

Proper optimisation leads to exponentially more impressions and engagement over time.

Expanding Your LinkedIn Network Strategically

Growing your network amplifies the visibility of your content and Company Page. But balance quality over quantity by focusing on meaningful connections.

Connect with Current Contacts

Import contacts from your email account or CRM platform like Salesforce to quickly expand on LinkedIn. Send personalised connection requests to co-workers, partners, current and former customers, vendors, or investors.

Follow Competitors and Influencers

Monitor competitors' activity and subscribe to updates from key thought leaders in your space to gain market insights. Comment on their content and like their posts to intermingle your brand organically.

Join Industry Groups

Participate in niche LinkedIn Groups centred around your products, services, or target buyers. Contribute valuable insights and resources related to your expertise to groups. This visibility positions you as a trusted leader.

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Leverage Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator offers tailored insights and advanced search capabilities to help businesses identify and connect with potential leads more effectively. By mastering how to use Sales Navigator, companies can enhance their targeting strategies, ensuring that they engage with the right prospects in a highly personalised and efficient manner.

Building an Engaged LinkedIn Audience

Look Bigger Linkedin

Producing and distributing regular LinkedIn content builds recognition and loyalty with your audience. Educate and entertain them to foster genuine connections.

Share Insights Through Long-Form Posts

Publish weekly blog-style posts on relevant topics to establish your brand as an authority. Promote each post to your connections for higher reach. Consider covering:

✔️ Thought leadership content

✔️ Case studies demonstrating your offerings' value

✔️ Trends related to your industry or local community

✔️ Advice and how-to's related to your products/services

Promote Content Through LinkedIn Ads

Supplement organic content sharing with paid LinkedIn ads. Sponsored content or sponsored in-mail campaigns expose your posts to more of your target demographic based on location, age, industry, job title, interests, etc.

Measure clicks, reactions, comments, and shares to optimise future content. High engagement signals you're providing value readers want.

Go Live on LinkedIn

Broadcast short LinkedIn Live videos to supply added media variety. Live videos have much higher organic visibility. Discuss recent news related to your industry, host Q&As, spotlight employees, or demo products during your sessions.

Send Monthly Email Newsletters

Email newsletters are a reliable avenue for driving traffic to new LinkedIn content. Include links to the latest Company Page posts recapping key details to pique interest.

Establishing Your Company and Its Employees as Thought Leaders

Position yourself as a trusted authority by consistently sharing valuable insights. Some proven thought leadership tactics include:

  • Publishing long-form posts – Share trends, analysis, tips, and future outlooks for your niche.
  • Joining/starting relevant LinkedIn Groups – Weigh in on discussions and ask thought-provoking questions.
  • Commenting on others' posts – Provide thoughtful perspective on solving problems vs. self-promotion..
  • Posting regularly – Share a mix of original commentary, curated content, and company news.
  • Going live – Broadcast live streams covering topics important to your audience.

Result? You organically build a targeted, engaged following.

Sample Thought Leadership Post Framework

Structure your posts for maximum impact:

  1. Hook – Compelling stat or current event showing the post's timeliness
  2. Problem – Issue your audience faces
  3. Solution – How your product/service solves the problem
  4. Example – Customer success story
  5. Call-to-Action – Next steps for readers

Generating More Leads Through LinkedIn for Business

What Is Lead Scoring

Believe it or not, over 80% of B2B leads originate on LinkedIn. Set your sales team up for success by focusing on lead-generation tactics.

Share Specific Call-to-Actions

Clearly define the next steps within your LinkedIn posts and page sections through strategic call-to-actions (CTAs). Some options include:

  • Request free consultation
  • Sign up for the newsletter
  • Start free trial
  • Purchase product

Track CTA click-through rates to identify which invitations resonate most.

Enable Lead Generation Forms

Activate Lead Gen Forms to capture visitor info and intent instantly. Display after-gated assets like eBooks, how-to guides, or badges visitors earn for completing courses. Information gets routed into your CRM.

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Advertise Open Job Listings

Cast a wider talent net by advertising employment opportunities to qualified candidates already on LinkedIn—tailor ads based on criteria like skills, education, certifications, location, etc.

Sponsor LinkedIn Events

Increase awareness by sponsoring relevant virtual LinkedIn events. Display your logo and introductory booth to attendees as they browse the platform. Follow up with each visitor who interacts with your card or content.

Foster Referrals Through Employees

Motivate staff to promote your brand by sharing your Company Page and content across their networks. Employees' collective reach vastly eclipses your single Company Page presence.

Harnessing Content Marketing

Linkedin For Bloggers

Sharing various content types boosts brand awareness and leads. Each format serves a specific purpose.

Types of Content to Post

  • Articles – Educate audiences with long-form thought leadership content.
  • Infographics – Display critical data visually for easy consumption.
  • Videos – Tell a story that grabs attention and builds rapport.
  • Quotes – Inspire and affirm readers with short, shareable quotes.
  • Polls/Quizzes – Spark discussion and promote engagement.
  • Job Postings – Attract applicants by showcasing openings.
  • Events – Promote conferences, webinars, and networking opportunities.

Experiment with what performs best and double down on those formats.

Leveraging LinkedIn Ads

With unmatched professional targeting options, LinkedIn advertising enables precision outreach to your best-fit prospects.

Key Benefits

Compared to more saturated platforms like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn ads offer:

  • Higher click-through rates – Average CTR of 0.90% vs. 0.90% on Facebook.
  • Improved cost per lead – Average CPL of $155 on LinkedIn vs. $183 on Facebook.
  • Targeting by industry, job role, skills, and more – Reach your total addressable market.

Maximising Campaign Performance

Follow these best practices:

  • Set specific objectives – brand awareness, leads, recruitment etc.
  • Target tightly aligned audiences.
  • Test multiple ad variations – headlines, image vs video, etc.
  • Measure critical metrics – CTR, CPC, conversions etc.
  • Continually optimise based on data and learnings.

Closing Candidates with LinkedIn Recruitment

LinkedIn is unmatched for finding and engaging top talent.

Benefits Of Job Boards

  • Passive candidate access – 87% of LinkedIn's users are passive candidates open to new roles.
  • Candidate targeting – Search by industry, function, seniority, skills, location, etc.
  • Relationship building – Use InMail and messaging to establish rapport with prospects.
  • Company culture displays – Showcase work environment and employee experience.
  • Cost per hire efficiency – Average CPH is $160 on LinkedIn vs. $1,950 on job boards.

Follow these tips to get results:

  • Spotlight open roles on the Company Page.
  • Make applications mobile-friendly.
  • Enable employee referrals within the tool.
  • Contact recent applicants with custom InMail messages.

Generating Referrals & Warm Introductions

Referrals and warm introductions accelerate deals and lower customer acquisition costs. But how can you proactively spur them on LinkedIn?

Educate your network on opportunities. Share customer success metrics and inspire them to action.

Make referring easy. Provide content and messaging for contacts to share with their network.

Reward referrals. Recognise top advocates and provide referral bonuses or perks.

Request introductions. Use personalised InMail to ask for connections to target accounts and contacts.

Integrating with Marketing Automation

Crm Software Hubspot Example

Syncing LinkedIn data into your marketing automation and CRM systems unlocks powerful targeting, automation, and analytics capabilities.

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You can:

  • Append LinkedIn profiles to lead records
  • Trigger workflows based on LinkedIn interactions
  • Create hyper-targeted LinkedIn ad audiences

Leading platforms like Marketo, Eloqua, Hubspot, and more offer deep LinkedIn integrations.

Sample Use Cases

  • Account-based marketing – Syncs LinkedIn Company Pages to target accounts with highly personalised campaigns across multiple channels.
  • Lead nurturing – Automates customised content to prospects based on their LinkedIn profile and activity.
  • Intent monitoring – Alerts on LinkedIn interactions signalling buying intent like viewing your Company Page.

Tracking LinkedIn Analytics for Maximum ROI

Consistently monitoring performance metrics ensures you derive maximum ROI from LinkedIn while exposing areas needing refinement.

Monitoring Vanity Metrics

These surface-level stats indicate how well your brand cuts into the LinkedIn landscape:

  • Company Page views
  • Content impressions
  • Post reactions, comments, shares
  • Update followers
  • Employee connections

Though not sales-focused, high vanity metrics indicate growing opportunity through increased visibility.

Evaluating Business Impact Metrics

These bottom-line results directly demonstrate conversions and profitability:

  • Lead form submissions
  • Consultation requests booked
  • Free trial sign-ups
  • Paid subscription registrations
  • Job application completion rate

Continually test new content and optimise based on these tangible business outcomes.

Regular Reporting for Strategy Pivots

Designate time at least monthly to pull LinkedIn Analytics reports tracking the above metrics. Identify bright and blind spots across your efforts. Double down on what works, while course-correcting tactics show high spending but low conversions.

Following LinkedIn's Best Practices

Linkedin Marketing Trends 2021

Adhere to a few fundamental guidelines as you immerse your brand into the LinkedIn ecosystem:

✔️ Post Consistently – Share new long-form or short visual content at least 1-2 times weekly to stay top of mind.

✔️ Remain Authentic – Relatable brands inspire engagement and trust. Avoid overly salesy pitches or inauthentic post responses.

✔️ Give More Than You Take – Successful brands on LinkedIn aim to educate more than self-promote. Offer genuinely helpful resources.

✔️ Stay Active – Maintain consistent activity by posting, commenting, sharing, liking, and connecting daily to maximise impressions.

✔️ Fine-tune efforts – Let data steer your LinkedIn strategy over assumptions. Pivot based on regular analytics review.

Adhering to these best practices earns your brand goodwill while organically expanding your audience and influence.


A formidable LinkedIn presence uniquely positions your brand as a credible leader poised to capitalise on lead and revenue-producing opportunities.

However, maximising your business growth requires playing an active role in the LinkedIn community while delivering regular value.

From optimising your Company Page to generating leads through engaging content and job listings, the above guide details proven steps for interlocking LinkedIn into your lead generation and sales efforts.

Track performance through robust analytics reports to double down on what converts while realigning lower-performing tactics. Soon, LinkedIn will become a driving force fueling your business expansion plans.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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