Do You Still Need a University Degree to Get a Job in 2021?


In the past, parents and teachers convinced students that they couldn’t get a job without a college degree. But with the success of people like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, the sentiments on college degrees have changed.

Students are now dropping out at an alarming rate, primarily due to the high tuition fees. Others feel stuck in the mud since their career paths require certified degrees from accredited colleges.

Of course, this makes sense: you don’t want a self-taught doctor working on a patient, do you?
But if you are aiming for a less demanding job, spending four years in college might be a waste of your precious time.

This article will help you decide if your college degree is worth the hassle and reveal high-paying careers that don’t require a degree.

Why Are University Degrees No Longer Essential?

Most people still think a college degree is a sure ticket to a dream career. But this is no longer the case.

Here are the real reasons university degrees aren’t essential anymore:

– Degrees Don’t Show Your Experience
In the hands of a prospective employer, your university degree represents different things. It shows that you scaled through college and crossed all hurdles to arrive at their office.
Your degree also shows you speak a common language with the employer in the field, no matter how foundational.

However, it doesn’t validate your experience in the specific field. Sometimes, the knowledge you gather in college doesn’t translate to the real world.

– School Curriculums Are Limited in Scope
There’s more to being prepared for life’s demands than getting a university degree. Employers are more interested in what you offer as a professional rather than the stuff on paper.

College studies mainly teach you subject curriculum, but your intended career requires more than that. And you end up hiring do my essay help to meet up with your rigorous schoolwork.

You’ll need soft skills such as confidence, teamwork, and communication skills to land a job after graduation.

– College Doesn’t Improve Your Expertise
You’ll hardly graduate from college as an expert in your field. Alternatively, you would have barely scratched the basics.

No matter how high your grades are, a college degree only means you are a beginner with a surface understanding of the fundamentals.

Essentially, college only allows you to meet exciting people on your way to becoming a professional. Everything else comes with working experience.

– Industries Change Rapidly
Your bachelor’s degree may be hard-earned, but as tides change, they become outdated. A degree only represents the ground layer on which many years of continuous on-the-job training rests in many careers.

Besides, industry demands are changing as more technology comes into the workforce. So, don’t rule out the possibility of retraining when you get out into the labor market.

6 Lucrative Careers That Don’t Require Higher Education

For those unwilling to invest in a four-year degree, this may present a bundle of hope. Most companies now advertise jobs where your skills and experience outweigh your degrees.

Let’s lay some of them on the table:

– Franchise Owner
If you want to be your own boss and have the flexibility involved with working from home, you should consider investing in a franchise. There are millions of opportunities out there, you just have to find the one that suits your needs and fits your budget, while also factoring in your interests. For example, if you’re a dog lover, you could invest in a dog training franchise that provides multiple streams of revenue and leaves you with plenty of room to achieve your own personal goals and set time apart for family. When starting a business, the startup costs can be quite high and the cost to keep running can also skyrocket. Doing it alone in starting a business can mean a lot of financial risk and uncertainty in the profits you’ll gain. With a franchise, however, these risks are minimized.

– SEO Copywriter
Copywriters use search engine optimization techniques to create copies that increase a website’s search engine rankings. They consider keyword prominence, density, style, and readability to make web content.

You can find a job as a freelancer or work for a company in-house. This career requires excellent copywriting skills and no college degree.

– Computer Support Specialist
Computer support specialists help users with computer-related issues like installing new hardware or software.

This career requires minimal knowledge of coding and operating systems, and there’s no need for a college degree.

– Restaurant Chef
Those with an innate love for cooking might want to consider cooking on a large scale. Restaurant chefs make a lot of money working in establishments that serve various and tasty cuisines. They can be self-taught or trained by a catering academy.

– Computer Security Analyst
With the increase in technological tools, computer security has become a priority.
A security analyst evaluates and protects an organization’s digital systems.
Companies don’t care about your degree for this position. Once you can secure their network from attacks, you are the right person for the job.

– Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
A diagnostic medical sonographer works with a physician to deliver ultrasound images for patients. Unlike doctors and nurses, you don’t need a college degree to land this job.

Medical sonographers operate in hospitals, medical centers, laboratories, and doctor’s offices.
Some people may earn degrees in sonography, while some may engage in one-year certificate programs.

– Service Delivery Analyst
Service delivery analysts ensure that customers receive high-quality services by testing and improving services delivered. All you need is the knowledge of service delivery software and not a four-year degree.

How to Get a Job Without a University Degree

Of course, high-paying IT jobs might not require a university degree, but you must do the heavy lifting yourself.

This requires careful planning and organizational skills to present yourself as a prime candidate.
Here are ways to land a job without a degree:

– Acquire Relevant Training
Not all jobs require certification. However, taking relevant training in your field can get you one foot in the room. Consider apprenticeships, industry-based certificates, associate degrees, and employer-based internships. These should equip you for the task and keep you one step ahead.

– Create an Outstanding Resume
You should give the employer strong reasons to hire you over others. Think about the problem-solving skills and experiences you bring to the table and use them to create a shiny resume.

– Get Prepared
While you await that big call, do your homework on the company. Arm yourselves with answers to essential questions the employers might ask during tests and interviews. Also, familiarise yourself with the company’s history and standards.

– Nurture Relationships in Your Desired Field
People get jobs through personal referrals from other people. So, do your best to network with contacts in your field. Demonstrate your abilities once in a while and let your contacts look over your resume and offer you advice. You can also create a social media page to display your skills.


Do you still think you need a university degree to get a job right now? Whatever you decide, keep your eyes open for changes and prepare to adapt.

Life after college will show you that skills have taken the place of degrees, but you don’t need to wait till then to find out.

University degrees might be cool to own, but who says you must? Don’t be afraid to bet on your abilities!