15+ Best Free HTML Templates for Creating Resumes


The internet is teeming with free CV or resume templates. All are available for download in various formats, covering almost every imaginable profession. While these templates are generally professional and functional, they often lack originality and creativity.

That’s where these HTML resume templates come in. Not only do they look fantastic out of the box, but with a bit of creative CSS styling, you can customize them to create a truly unique and personal representation of your professional experience and education history.

By personalizing your HTML resume template, you can showcase your individuality and creativity to potential employers while maintaining a professional appearance. The right combination of fonts, colors, and layout can help convey your style while highlighting your skills and qualifications.

A customized HTML resume template can help you stand out and make an impression on employers. With the right design choices, you can showcase your work history and achievements in a visually appealing and informative way.

So why settle for a generic resume template when you can create something that truly reflects your unique qualities and strengths?

You might also like our free collections of resume templates for designers, InDesign resume templates, or these Figma resume templates.

Top HTML Resume Templates for Creatives & Developers

Ethos Free Resume Website Template by StyleShout

Ethos is an elegant resume template that can easily be used as a simple one-page portfolio website. There’s plenty of space for showcasing your skills, work history, and experience.

Ethos free resume html templates cv

MEE Responsive Resume Template

If you’re looking for something unique, then the Mee resume template is for you. It includes four color schemes and a wide array of components, but if you know your way around HTML, you could make this template your own.

mee free resume html templates cv

Hola Resume Template by StyleShout

This HTML template works equally well as a resume template or a vCard or portfolio-type website. It would be perfect for designers, developers, or freelancers to showcase their talents and services.

hola free resume html templates cv

One Page Resume Template by Chris Coyier

Even though this resume web template was built in 2010, it still holds up today. It is simple, lightweight, and offers everything you need to get your details online quickly.

One Page free resume html templates cv

Volos Resume HTML Template

The minimally designed Volos HTML resume template includes four pages, fantastic color combinations, and even an Ajax-loading portfolio section.

Volos free resume html templates cv

Freelancer CV & Resume HTML Template by UIdeck

The clean Freelancer HTML template has been built using the popular Bootstrap framework. It is perfect for anyone looking to showcase their profile and work experience to potential recruiters.

Freelancer free resume html templates cv

MUU vCard & Resume HTML Template

Built on Bootstrap and including both light and dark versions, MUU is a highly creative resume HTML template that comes bundled with everything you need to make a memorable impression on visitors. It even includes a coming soon template.

MUU vCard free resume html templates cv

Orbit Bootstrap Resume/CV Template by Xiaoying Riley

Created with developers in mind, Orbit is a Bootstrap resume template that includes six color schemes and the source SCSS file so you can customize it exactly how you want it. If you’re looking for a PDF version, there is also a Sketch file available for free download.

Orbit Bootstrap free resume html templates cv

Free Bootstrap Resume Template by StartBootstrap

Created by Start Bootstrap, this simple Bootstrap resume template features smooth scrolling, fixed sidebar navigation, and many customizable content sections.

Bootstrap free resume html templates cv

Draco HTML Resume Template by Afnizar Nur Ghifari

Draco is a minimally designed resume template featuring beautiful typography, smooth scrolling navigation, and lovely animated features. You can also download the Photoshop PSD version.

Draco free resume html templates cv

Rezyme One-Page Resume Template by Teconce

Rezyme One-Page free resume html templates cv

Modern Static HTML Resume Template by James Grant

Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages, this static resume template is perfect for web developers or programmers who need to get their resumes online quickly. The template includes a light and dark version and has been designed to be hosted on GitHub pages.

Modern Static free resume html templates cv

Editable HTML Resume Template by Thomas Barrasso

This resume template works differently than all the rest. It allows you to edit and automatically save your contact details, work experience, and education directly in the browser. Make the edits you need, download the HTML file, and then play around with the CSS file to make this simple resume your own.

Simple HTML Resume Templates

If you are looking for super-simple HTML, both Terrill Dent and Things That Are Brown have built a selection of elegant templates that fit the bill perfectly. These resume templates were created a few years back, but they hold up well because they work in all browsers and are mobile-friendly.

Tips for Using an HTML Resume Template

By using an HTML resume template, you can showcase your skills, portfolio, and experiences dynamically and interactively.

Remember to balance creativity and professionalism while following the best practices for web design and user experience.

  1. Customize Content: Replace the placeholder content with your own information, including your name, contact details, skills, work experience, education, and more.
  2. Proofread: Check for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies. A well-written resume reflects professionalism.
  3. Test on Different Browsers: Preview your template on various web browsers to ensure it looks consistent and functions properly across platforms.
  4. Check Responsiveness: Test your template on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) to ensure it’s responsive and looks great on all screen sizes.
  5. Host Online: Upload your HTML resume to a web server or hosting platform to make it accessible online.
  6. Regular Updates: As your skills and experiences evolve, update your HTML resume accordingly.
  7. Keep It Concise: Even in HTML format, keep your resume concise. Highlight your most relevant experiences and skills while avoiding unnecessary details.
  8. Link to Relevant Profiles: Include links to your LinkedIn, GitHub, or other relevant online profiles.
  9. Accessibility: Ensure your template is accessible to all users by adhering to web accessibility guidelines.
  10. Backup: Keep a local copy of your HTML resume template and files. This way, you can make updates even if you encounter hosting issues.

HTML Resume Template FAQs

  • What are HTML Resume Templates?
    They are pre-designed web pages that you can use to create your online resume. They are written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS, and are highly customizable.
  • Why Use an HTML Template for My Resume?
    An HTML resume allows you to showcase your skills and experience online, making it easily accessible to potential employers and giving you a wider reach.
  • Are HTML Resume Templates Difficult to Use for Someone Without Coding Skills?
    Many HTML resume templates are designed for easy use, with clear instructions on how to customize them, even for those without coding experience.
  • Can I Customize These Resume Templates to Fit My Personal Style?
    Yes, you can customize these templates to reflect your style. You can change colors, fonts, layout, and add your personal information.
  • Do I Need Special Software to Edit These HTML Templates?
    All you need is a basic text editor (like Notepad or Sublime Text) to edit the HTML and CSS, and a browser to preview your resume.
  • Are HTML Resumes Mobile-Friendly?
    Most free HTML resume templates are designed to be responsive, meaning they’ll look good on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Can I Add Multimedia Elements to My HTML Resume?
    Yes, you can add multimedia elements like images, videos, or links to your portfolio items to enhance your HTML resume.
  • How Do I Make My HTML Resume Stand Out?
    Focus on a clean, professional design, showcase your skills and include interactive elements or links to your work.
  • Will Using an HTML Resume Improve My Job Prospects?
    An HTML resume can make you stand out to potential employers, showcasing your technical skills and providing a comprehensive view of your work.

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