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How to Create Viral Instagram Posts

How to Create Viral Instagram Posts

Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and encountered a post that seems everywhere? Posts that rack up millions of likes, shares, and comments in days or even hours? We're talking about those magical viral Instagram posts that capture the internet's attention and imagination.

Going viral is the holy grail for brands, influencers, and everyday users on Instagram. But what's the secret sauce? What separates the posts that fizzle out from the ones that become ubiquitous?

Let's dive into the fascinating factors behind virality on one of the biggest social media platforms in the world.

It's All About Hitting the Zeitgeist

Here's the thing – viral content has a lightning-in-a-bottle quality to it. The posts that blow up tap into whatever cultural conversation or phenomenon is already bubbling.

Think about some of the biggest viral Instagram hits like the Egg that dethroned Kylie Jenner for the most-liked post, the “Until Tomorrow” handwritten notes trend, or Charlie's crazy chunky sneakers. They all captured a slice of the zeitgeist in their own weird, whimsical way.

Magic happens when a post somehow manages to speak directly to what's already on people's minds and in the collective consciousness. It's relatable, it's timely, it's culturally relevant. That's why those viral moments arise so unpredictably and can be so hard to manufacture.

Emotionally Charged and Eminently Shareable

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The internet loves content that triggers an emotional reaction, whether joy, surprise, inspiration, or outrageousness. If your post can tap into those raw feelings, you'll likely get likes, comments, and shares rolling in.

A heartwarming video of a soldier's homecoming, a hilarious cat fail compilation, and a shocking act of kindness go viral because it's supremely shareable. We feel compelled to pass those emotional hits to our friends and followers.

The visual medium of Instagram is perfect for emotional shareability. A single striking image or quick video clip can pack a serious punch. If it makes someone feel something intense, you can bet they'll be tapping that share button.

Creating and Capitalising on Viral Gold

Attention spans today are microscopic, so if you want a chance at virality, you need to hook people from that very first second. The intro, caption, and opening frame must all be compelling enough to stop that mindless scroll.

You might only have a couple of seconds to reel viewers in before they swipe on by. So think about how you're grabbing eyeballs and piquing curiosity with your witty one-liner, eye-catching image, shocking stat, or controversial hot take.

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This applies whether you're posting a static image, IGTV video, or using Instagram's wildly popular Reels feature. There's an art to crafting that perfect bite-sized viral teaser to lure people in for more.

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Play Into Internet Humour and Trends

Few things spread across Instagram like wildfire as much as humour and memes that speak to the Internet's inner 13-year-old. It's all about identifying passing trends, quirky inside jokes, and delicious viral properties before they hit the mainstream consciousness.

Remember the Jasmine Masters “and I oop” sound that had everyone cracking up? Or the remixed “Blinding Lights” Salt video that blew up? Those were prime examples of riding the wave of viral comedic trends.

Keep your finger on what's blowing up regarding memes, internet humour, pithy quotes and captions. Jump on those bandwagons tastefully and cleverly, add your unique spin, and watch those likes roll in.

Cultivate a Loyal Fan Community

Here's a significant key that savvy Instagram virtuosos have figured out – having an engaged and loyal fan community is crucial for virality. Your die-hard supporters live and breathe your content, spreading it to their circles.

Foster a real connection with your fans. Get them invested in an ongoing storyline, saga, or narrative arc. Share plenty of behind-the-scenes snippets and let them into your creative process. Make them feel like stakeholders, not just passive viewers.

When you've cultivated a robust and passionate community of digital evangelists, they'll be your powerful viral engine. They'll do the heavy lifting of rapidly sharing and promoting your best content to the masses. It's social media word-of-mouth marketing at its finest.

Fueling the Instagram Viral Video Phenomenon

Instagram Stories

You've probably noticed the major shift on Instagram toward favouring video over static images and photo content. It reflects the overall social media drift toward video consumption, especially on the bite-sized and vertical side.

Instagram's Reels feature has become a viral breeding ground, directly mimicking TikTok's ultra-short looping style of videos set to music or audio clips. The most popular Reels effortlessly rack up millions of views and shares.

From silly dance challenges and pranks to impressive skills or life hacks, the most viral Reels capitalise on this ad-friendly, endlessly rewatchable short video format. If you want to go viral on Instagram in 2024, you'd better master the art of the hypnotically engaging 15-second to 90-second Reel.

Long-Form IGTV Content is Having a Viral Moment, Too

While short-form vertical videos are where the hot viral action is lately, don't discount the viral potential of long-form content either. Instagram's IGTV feature for lengthier videos has its burgeoning viral scene unfolding.

We're talking about engaging long-form series that develop cult followings, practical tutorials that blow up for their usefulness, and gripping story times or monologues that viewers can't get enough of. The low-churn binge factor is real.

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The longevity and staying power of IGTV give these longer viral videos some serious marketing staying power, too. Unlike a blazing hot one-hit-wonder Reel, a well-packaged IGTV series can enjoy a long, fruitful viral lifespan.

The Monetisation Potential of Going Viral

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If you're lucky and savvy enough to crack the viral video code on Instagram, you can open up a serious revenue stream as a brand or influencer. The potential for monetisation through sponsored content, product placements, affiliate marketing and more is vast.

Major brands will pay top dollar to reach that highly engaged, rapidly growing audience that a viral Instagram account can command. If your video persona catches fire, top-tier influencer earnings through sponsored content soon follow.

You'll start seeing influencer marketing budgets shift even more toward trying to spark those elusive viral moments that move the needle. As branded viral Reels and IGTV episodes become a marketing priority, you can bet the payouts will grow accordingly.

How Regular Users Can Monetise that Viral Hit

But what if you're just a random, non-influencer whose account just happened to strike viral gold out of the blue? Don't fret; you can still cash in on those 15 minutes of fame if you're savvy.

One viral Instagram video doesn't necessarily make you an influencer per se. However, it does let you flex some temporary significant sway over a hot audience while the iron's still piping hot. You'd better believe brands will try sliding into your DMs to cut a quick sponsored deal in that window.

If you go that route, read the fine print, value your work correctly, and loop in third-party agencies or agents to ensure you're fairly compensated. Those viral glory days never last forever, so you've got to maximise your monetisation opportunities while they're there.

Beyond quick sponsorship deals, you can offer digital products like merch, exclusive video content, and more to extend your viral moneymaking runway. Get creative, embrace your new micro-influencer status, and enjoy those revenue streams while they flow!

The Dark Side of Viral Fame

As intoxicating and lucrative as going viral on Instagram can be, it's wise to harbour no illusions about viral fame's fickle, fleeting nature. In the churning, short-attention-span vortex of the internet, your viral star will inevitably burn bright before fading fast.

Today, gone tomorrow, is the grim reality behind most viral hits, even the biggest of them all. Ask any random one-hit-wonders who had the biggest meme of the moment – chances are, few people even remember them just a few years later.

Viral fame is a blazing comet, not a permanent sun to orbit around. The dopamine hits of soaring follower counts and like totals can be highly addictive. But maintaining that viral jet stream is often a fruitless chase as the internet's ravenous content maw moves onto the next shiny new thing.

The Scrutiny, Vitriol, and Trolls That Come With the Territory

I hate to break it to you, but virality on a mass scale rarely comes without a hefty side order of negativity, scrutiny, and nastiness lobbed your way, too. Internet trolls and crabs in a bucket are inevitably drawn out of the woodwork once you've enjoyed your viral ascent.

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For every thrilled fan celebrating your sudden rise, there's likely to be a vocal detractor or basement-dweller just hating for hate's sake. Prepare for your past skeletons, missteps, and flaws to be dredged up, exaggerated, and nitpicked ad nauseum.

Online harassment and targeted bullying are ugly potential downsides that come with internet fame in this harsh digital age. Weighing whether you have the mental fortitude to weather those storms is a question you'd need to grapple with. The viral spotlight casts harsh shadows.

Instagram Viral Post Case Studies

Viral Instagram Posts World Record Egg

To better illustrate the fascinating world of what goes viral on Instagram, let's look at some high-profile case studies that generated massive engagement.

The “World Record Egg” That Beat Kylie Jenner

Remember when a solo image of a humble brown egg dethroned Kylie Jenner as having the most-liked Instagram post of all time? This genius stunt by an advertising agency collective gained international headlines and currently sits at over 55 million likes.

A randomly posted egg photo's simplicity and unexpected nature allowed this viral phenomenon to hatch and transcend the internet's irony-drenched consciousness. The “EGG GANG” capitalised masterfully by securing major sponsorships and turning the scenario into an enduring meme.

The “Until Tomorrow” Sticky Note Trend

More recently, a heartfelt, lo-fi Instagram trend swept social media with its viral authenticity. The impetus was a photo series started by a Massachusetts dad named Tom Gant Winfield, who places loving sticky note messages on a bathroom mirror for his college kid upon returning home.

The wholesome “Until Tomorrow” concept of quirky, ephemeral notes shared between parent and child somehow struck a chord universally. Everyone from Jimmy Fallon to everyday folks jumped on the viral handwritten note bandwagon, sharing their versions to colossal engagement.

It was the perfect heartstring-tugging reminder of the simple human moments that transcend screen-addicted modern life. That kind of timeless, crowd-pleasing relatability is pure viral Instagram gold.

The “Why the Chunky Sneakers Though?” Meme

Finally, one of the biggest viral laughs recently captured Instagram's attention. A video Reel poking fun at the chunky, exaggerated sneakers popularised by rapper Lil Wayne quickly amassed over 30 million views and hundreds of thousands of shares.

In the instantly iconic clip, a teenager in baggy pants named Charlie wears absurdly thick sneakers while engaging in goofy antics set to the question, “But why the chunky sneakers, though?” The video's sheer randomness yet on-point skewering of suburban sneakerhead hypebeast culture made it comedy meme catnip.

Like all great memes, it also lent itself to endless variation and remixes. The “Why the ____ Though?” spread like wildfire across Instagram, with people editing Charlie into surreal scenarios. Viral fame may be fleeting, but etching yourself into internet canon via eternal remixability is the gold standard.

FAQs on Viral Instagram Posts

How can I increase my chances of going viral on Instagram?

While there's no surefire formula, understanding what content and trends are resonating can improve your odds. Focus on creating visually gripping videos and images that spark emotion, humour, relatability, or intrigue. Prioritise short-form, snackable content while skilfully integrating popular music, memes, and relatable humour. Most importantly, foster a loyal community to serve as your marketing engine when you strike gold.

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What are the benefits of having a viral Instagram post or video?

The perks are plentiful – a significant brand awareness boost, the potential to earn high income through sponsorships or digital product sales, and a fast track to influencer or celebrity-level status on the platform. Even fleeting viral fame opens doors for collaborations, business opportunities, and establishing yourself as an industry tastemaker.

Are viral Instagram posts always positive? What are the potential downsides?

Unfortunately, no. While virality can be a marketing dream come true, it also exposes you to intense public scrutiny, harassment from online trolls and bullies, and the insatiable content consumption demands of the internet mob. Viral stars often find their 15 minutes of fame are incredibly short-lived before the fickle internet crowd moves on. Overnight success on that massive scale is destabilising and challenging to handle gracefully.

What's the difference between going viral organically versus manufactured sponsored viral posts?

Organic virality is incredibly difficult to capture lightning in a bottle but invaluable in terms of its authentic, legitimate, crowd-fueled success. Sponsored or intentionally “manufactured” viral posts using paid promotion or influencer marketing are more predictable and controllable yet often lack the organic momentum and engagement that a truly grassroots viral sensation commands. There's still an X-factor and cultural resonance with natural organic virality.

Can smaller brands and influencers still capitalise on viral Instagram trends?

Absolutely! While significant celebrities and brands have distinct advantages in terms of virality, social media has repeatedly proven to be an equal opportunity playing field when the right content catches fire. Smaller fish can ride viral waves and trends by displaying creativity and focusing on the pulse of what's resonating. With the right approach and savvy marketing moves, they can convert temporary viral heat into lasting relevance and growth.


There you have it, folks – a deep dive into the wondrous, complex, fleeting, and lucrative phenomenon that is viral Instagram content. In many ways, capturing that elusive lightning in a bottle-holistic virality is as much art as science.

The crux lies in your ability to create engaging, zeitgeist-capturing content that summons powerful emotions, humour, and insatiable shareability. Get those secret sauce ingredients right enough times, and you'll be the one laughing at the influencer bank.

Just don't forget to brace yourself for the inevitable dark sides of internet fame – the fickle fans, harassing trolls, unsolicited scrutiny, and addiction to chasing that viral high. Going mega-viral on Instagram is a wild ride, to be sure.

But for the savviest brands and content creators, it remains a tantalising golden goose that's well worth meticulously plotting and executing around. The upside is that it is delicious if you can pull it off.

So study meme culture, curate the heck out of your community, lead those trend cycles, and swing for those fences, eager viralpreneurs and content wizards. Your whimsical seed may be the next to bloom into Instagram's gorgeous viral garden.

Last update on 2024-06-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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