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30+ Website SEO Tips to Boost Your Rankings

30+ Website SEO Tips to Boost Your Rankings

Let’s face it: Nowadays, search engine optimisation (SEO) cannot be ignored. Any business hoping to thrive must have a solid online presence.

But SEO is like trying to tame a wild animal; it’s confusing sometimes, constantly changing, and complex. For this reason, I’ve created this all-inclusive guide that contains over 30 actionable tips to whip your site into shape for SEO.

So grab yourself a coffee (or perhaps even a glass of wine), and let’s get stuck into the nitty-gritty of website SEO tips, shall we?

Ready to take your SEO game up a level? Let’s do this!

Table of Contents

1. Keyword Research: The Backbone of SEO Success

Keyword Grouping Parent Topic

Before starting with the details, let’s discuss why keyword research is vital.

Fundamentally, they’re the glue that holds the internet together. They are how people tell Google what they desire, need or wonder. If you choose the right keywords, you can attract masses of ready-to-buy searchers to your digital doorstep.

But get it wrong, and you may as well be shouting into the void – unheard amidst all the other websites clamouring for attention.

At its most superficial level, keyword research involves identifying and targeting specific words and phrases your ideal audience uses when typing queries into search bars. Do this correctly, and watch your site visibility take off like a rocket!

The Tale of Two Plumbers…

To illustrate just how important this is, let me share a quick story with you…

Once upon a time, there were two plumbing businesses in Manchester; let’s call them Pete’s Plumbing Service and Sam’s Super Sinks.

Pete had done his due diligence around keywords – he knew which ones were worth going after based on search volume data, so he built pages on his website optimised around terms like “emergency plumber Manchester” or “boiler repairs Manchester.” As a result, whenever anyone in town needed help with their pipes, they would stare straight at one of Pete’s web pages!

However, Sam didn’t know anything about optimising for search engines (or even realised that such a thing existed). His site talked generically about being an expert plumber who offered excellent service but lacked specific information about where this expertise lay beyond ‘fixing things.’ Sam never got many visitors through Google – most days, not enough traffic came through organic listings to register on Analytics!

Which plumber thrived while his competitor sank into obscurity?

The moral here? Conducting keyword research will make or break your online success against competitors in any industry or niche area. So now that we’ve covered the why let’s get into some hows…

Tip 1 – Think Like Your Target Audience

The first step towards keyword enlightenment? Adopting the headspace of your ideal customer or client. You must thoroughly understand how they speak, their pain points, and which terms they'd realistically punch into a search engine.

User Intent Holds the Key

Identifying user intent is pivotal here. What's driving someone to perform a particular search? Is it to find information, purchase, or do a specific task?

For example, the search “what is SEO” implies someone seeking educational information. In contrast, “hire SEO expert London” is a clear purchase intent.

Understanding the reasoning behind searches allows you to craft content finely tuned to match user intent. That's the secret sauce for higher rankings and clickthrough rates!

Simple Exercises to Channel Your Audience

But how can you effectively empathise with your target audience's searches? Here are some handy exercises:

  • Review your website's search query report to see what terms people used to find you.
  • Check out niche forums and reading comment sections to see how people discuss your topic.
  • If you have a customer-facing team, pick their brains about common questions and vocabulary.
  • For local businesses, think about location-specific terms and phrases people might use.

The goal is to assemble a thorough list of relevant keywords that resonate with user searches and accurately reflect your product or service.

Tip 2 – Explore Different Keyword Types

Once you've peered into the minds of your audience, you'll realise there's a diverse spectrum of potential keywords to target. Smart SEOs leave no stone unturned in this domain!

The Trusty Ol' Head Terms

These are the broad, overarching keywords relevant to your core offering. Examples:

  • “Plumbers Manchester”
  • Web design services
  • “Organic Dog Food UK”

Head terms see immense search volumes but are also intensely competitive. You'll want to ensure a well-optimised content strategy targeting these terms.

Long-tail keywords are Real Gems.

Contrasting the big kahunas are long-tail keywords – lengthier, more specific phrases that tend to have lower search volumes but far less competition.

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  • “Fix a leaky tap myself.”
  • “Best CMS for small business websites”
  • “Grain-free organic dog food delivery London”

These long-tail gems allow you to laser-target incredibly niche search queries from motivated searchers. Though individual traffic is lower, they can drive tons of valuable clicks.

The Underrated Informational Keywords

Another keyword category that shouldn't be overlooked? Those informational queries are where people seek knowledge and guidance on a topic.


Sure, they're not inherently transactional – but creating authoritative content around informational keywords is a brilliant way to attract and nurture potential future customers.

Tip 3 – Leverage Keyword Research Tools

Brainstorming keywords is all good, but quantifying their value and competitiveness? That's where handy keyword research tools come into play!

Look Ma, No Hands – Automatic Keyword Suggestions

Kick things off effortlessly with a simple Google search. As you start typing in terms related to your business, Google automatically populates suggestions based on popular related searches.

This is a goldmine of ideas straight from the bucolic horse's mouth! Ensure you use an incognito window and private browsing to avoid skewed results based on your search history.

Dig Into Keyword Planners

To take things to the next level, you'll want to use dedicated keyword research and SEO tools like:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer
  • SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • KWFinder

These powerful platforms generate exhaustive lists of related keywords and provide search volume and competition metrics to reveal opportunities.

Many also offer features like grouping keywords into topical clusters, tracking keyword ranking movements, and even generating questions to answer in your content.

A Quick Keyword Tool Checklist

When it comes to selecting the right keyword tool, here are some key factors to assess:

  • Search volume/competition data accuracy
  • Depth of related keyword suggestions
  • SERP features, intent classifications, etc.
  • Local/geographic data availability
  • Keyword list management and organisation
  • Tracking rankings for keywords over time
  • Integration with other SEO tools you use
  • Overall pricing and included value

I'm a big fan of SEMrush, which checks most boxes while remaining cost-effective. But there are quality free options, too, like Ubersuggest.

Tip 4 – Analyse the Competition (Ethically)

Part of any well-rounded keyword research process? Keep tabs closed on what your competitors are ranking for. After all, why travel entirely uncharted territory when piping-hot keyword opportunities are right under your nose?

How to Sniff Out Competitor Keywords

There are numerous devious ways to reveal your nemeses' keyword targets, including:

  • Using SEO tools to view which keywords they rank for
  • Studying the titles and content of their top-ranking pages
  • Extracting keywords from their metadata
  • Looking at Google Search Console data (if you can access it!)

However, I'd simply recommend this ethical, low-tech method:

  • Search for some of your primary keywords in an incognito window
  • See which competitors are ranking on the first couple of pages
  • Use tools to examine their top pages and reverse engineer the target keywords

Don't Just Copy – Find the Gaps!

It's essential to not just blatantly copy what your competitors are doing, lest you end up in some sad SEO arms race. That's a losing game.

Instead, identify the gaps and missed opportunities in the current rankings. What angles, questions, or content types are being neglected? How could you create something vastly superior and more thorough than what's already out there?

The goal is to find those untapped pockets of opportunity where you can genuinely create the best, most authoritative resource on a particular topic or keyword. Provide immense value, and the search engines will reward you.

Tip 5 – Rinse and Repeat with Keyword Refreshes

The final tip? Recognise that effective keyword research is never truly “finished.” It's an ongoing cycle that requires continual refreshing and adaptation.

Why You Need to Update Your Keywords

Search behaviours and trends are constantly shifting over time. New businesses and competitors may emerge. Your products/services evolve, and suddenly, your core keywords need updating.

That's why it's crucial to periodically revisit and revise your keyword targets, perhaps quarterly or biannually. This allows you to:

  • Identify new promising keywords based on changing search demand
  • Cut out keywords that are no longer relevant or profitable
  • Find fresh content opportunities to create or update

It's all about ensuring your website's keyword portfolio stays shipshape and continues attracting maximum traffic over the long haul.

How to Streamline Keyword Refreshes

To make this refresh process easier, try implementing systems like:

  • Setting calendar reminders to review keywords every few months manually
  • Using keyword rank tracking tools that automatically alert you to changes
  • Having a documented keyword research process, you can systematically work through
  • Categorising your keywords into themes/clusters to review those areas independently
  • Leveraging any keyword reporting from your SEO tools

The key is finding a sustainable, repeatable routine that keeps you ahead of the curve rather than slipping behind it.

2. On-Page Optimisation: Making Your Content Irresistible

On-Page Seo Checklist

Picture opening an online store. It has a beautiful website, high-quality products, and everything else in place for success. But there’s one problem— no one’s showing up.

On-page SEO is the answer to this dilemma. Whether your site becomes a world-famous rock star attracting followers from all corners of the planet or just another local garage band stuck playing in their parent’s basement forever can make or break.

The thing about on-page optimisation is that it ensures search engines such as Google understand what your website is about. It involves structuring content and coding so that mighty algorithms can quickly figure out page relevance concerning queries made by searchers.

In other words, if you don’t do on-page SEO well, even if you have the most fantastic website ever created, people won’t find it — they’ll be too busy finding your competitor’s sites instead… And that’s where your rankings and traffic went while you wondered why nobody loves me (or my beautifully designed virtual dust bunny shelter).

Tip 6 – Keyword Tactics That Don't Suck

The very foundations of any SEO campaign are the keywords. In other words, they are the phrases and terms your potential customers may be typing into search engines. This means that you must first find out which keyword phrases are most suitable for your business and then use them strategically across all pages on your site.

However, I am not talking about stuffing keywords without thinking. That’s an SEO beginner’s mistake that will get you penalised by Google faster than anything else. Instead, it is vital to naturally include target words within valuable content pieces to make them contextual.

One helpful tactic is looking at what questions top-ranking posts for these targeted queries answer or pain points they address – and then creating better answers or solutions in longer-form formats which cover more ground altogether.

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Additionally, here are some advanced tips on how to optimise for killer keywords:

Go Specific And Long-Tail

It can seem tempting to rank high on SERPs with general terms such as “shoes” or “laptops”. But unless you’ve been around for quite some time, this won’t happen anytime soon since those types of searches typically return significant brand results, making competition steeper for smaller guys like us.

So instead, focus more towards buyer-intent long tail keyphrases within specific niches; e.g., instead of just targeting ‘lightweight laptops’, try something like ‘best lightweight business laptops under $500’.

Place Them Strategically

Apart from sprinkling them throughout the page copy, there are few other places where placing keywords strategically would help significantly improve rankings;

– Use keyword(s) in titles, especially at the beginning.

– Include main keyphrase within H1/H2 headers near topmost part.

– Add alt text containing relevant meta description showing search engines what images are all about.

Synonyms And Variants

Imagine reading a blog post where the same match keyword repeats almost sentence after sentence. That would sound boring and weird, especially since real people don’t talk like that.

In other words, always try to make your content as natural-sounding as possible while still including target terms – one way is by using synonyms, related words/phrase variations, etc.

Tip 7 – Content Is King (if Optimised Properly)

We all know the essential SEO advice, and that is to create great content. However, what defines “great” in Google’s eyes? Throwing up some generic surface-level fluff isn’t going to cut it anymore in today’s competitive online space.

If you want to win at the content game, you need to go wide. I’m covering every angle of your topic and all questions and concerns raised. This means going beyond simple guides and offering detailed tutorials or definitive resources.

For example, your marketing blog wants to rank for “email list-building tactics”. A thin piece might give a few basic strategies like “create an opt-in form” or “offer a lead magnet”. Meh.

But a strong move would be publishing a 5k+ word beast that covers everything from choosing the best email service provider and crafting irresistible lead magnets to advanced tactics such as building kickass opt-in boxes, running giveaways/contests and integrating with webinars.

That’s the kind of depth Google likes – authoritative content which leaves no question unanswered on a given subject. Remember: longer pieces tend to hold visitors’ attention spans better (a vital user engagement signal search engines take note of).

“But Will Anyone Read Something So Long?”

That is a fair question – we live in a world of diminishing attention spans and infinite distractions. But I guarantee you this: if your content delivers genuine value and expertise, people will consume it voraciously – regardless of how long it may be.

Just look at companies like HubSpot BackLinko or — these guys routinely publish 5k+ word guides, which get shared socially thousands upon thousands of times.

The trick is making sure your epic post is scannable, broken up with plenty of subheadings, bullet points & images so folks can quickly skim through key takeaways before diving deeper into areas they’re most interested in. Do this and watch even the most comprehensive guides quickly turn viral traffic-slammers.

Tip 8 – How to Craft Killer Title Tags & Meta Descriptions

Think of your title tags and meta descriptions as the dazzling digital window displays that lure window shoppers inside your proverbial store. These front-and-centre elements are often the first (and maybe only) chance you have to make an impression in the SERPs.

That's why properly optimising your titles and meta descriptions is essential – they can make or break your click-through rates from organic search.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Front-Load with a Compelling Benefit or Hook

Your HTML title tag should always start with an ultra-compelling value statement or hook that describes the critical benefit and makes searchers say, “Oooh, I need to learn more!”

For example: “How to Start an Online Side Hustle and Make $3,000+ per Month from Home” or “Ultimate Guide: Making a Killing on Amazon FBA with Zero Money Down.”

This ensures your most captivating, high-value selling point the first thing people see in the SERPs.

Keep it Snappy and Clicky.

Google only displays the first 50-60 characters of a title tag, so you need to keep things brief yet make people want to click! Shoot for 10-15 words at most, focusing on compelling hooks and benefits rather than mindless repetition of keywords.

Leverage Modifiers in Meta Descriptions

Unlike title tags automatically generated by Google, you have complete control over your meta description copy. Be sure to include relevant keywords or modifying phrases like “step-by-step guide”, “with examples”, “foolproof tips”, etc., that speak to what's exceptionally valuable or unique about the page.

Use Appropriate Keyphrases

While you don't want to go overboard and start keyword stuffing, try to naturally include your target keyphrase in the title tag and meta description at least once. This helps reinforce relevancy to searchers.

Write in an Active, Conversational Tone

Reading dry, blasé title tags and meta descriptions is one of the fastest ways to send people scurrying for the exits. Instead, use an energetic, conversational tone and active voice that piques people's interest and compels them to learn more. Zzzzz vs “Whoa, tell me more!”

Tip 9 – Why Site Structure & Internal Linking Are Huge for SEO

Think about a house with no doorways or hallways connecting rooms. It would be chaos!

The structure of your website is like those hallways and doorways; it connects all the content so that it can be easily understood and navigated by visitors (and search engines).

Hierarchical Structure

Create a logical, hierarchical organisation for your site that goes from the homepage to categories/subcategories and then individual posts or pages. Each level down should relate to and build off of the level above.

For example:

Homepage > Services > Web Design > Specific Web Design Services

This not only provides a great user experience but also helps signal to Google that your content is organised into distinct subject areas and silos.

Cornerstone Content & Content Hubs

At the centre of your site’s architecture should be comprehensive “content hubs” or “cornerstone pieces” which act as the central authority and reference point for each one of your significant topics.

If you have a marketing blog, this might look like having massive guides such as “The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing” and “Everything You Need To Know About SEO” as your cornerstone content. Then, internally linking from these in-depth pillar pages to supporting content pieces on more specific & long-tail subtopics.

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Doing so reinforces topical relevance around your core topics while allowing you to go deep on related long-tail terms and spread ‘link juice’ throughout the site.

Use Plenty Of Contextual, Descriptive Links

Avoid just dropping in naked URL links or generic anchor text like “click here” when linking between pages on your site. Get descriptive! Using contextual, keyword-rich internal links provides better user guidance and explicitly tells Google what the page you’re linking to is about.

Also, try to link out from within the body content if possible – don’t just dump all your links in the sidebar or footer. Doing so is a strong relevancy signal to Google that these pages are tightly focused on specific topics.

Crawl Your Site Regularly

Lastly, crawl your site with tools like Screaming Frog to audit for any broken internal links, redirect loops, or issues with your overall site architecture. You can have the perfect internal linking strategy in place, but it won’t do much good if search engines can’t properly crawl & index your site!

Tip 10 – Obsess Over the “Teeny Tiny” Technical Details

We have dealt with the most essential parts of on-page SEO so far. However, these are just the minimum requirements for optimising your website.

If you want to excel and outperform your competitors significantly, you must zoom into technicalities and concentrate on those small “teeny tiny” things people overlook. These are the details that Google looks at, too.

Page Speed: Load Times Are Make-or-Break

Slow page load time is the quickest way to ruin a website. I am not joking. Evidence shows that conversion rates can drop by as much as 7% due to a simple one-second delay! And this is without even mentioning bounce rate or abandonment issues.

To keep visitors engaged and happy (and please Google), you must become an optimisation freak about speed. You should be ready to compress images, serve files from a super fast host, and implement accelerated mobile pages (AMPs), among others — do whatever it takes!

Mobile First – This Ain't Optional Anymore

Worldwide mobile traffic accounts for more than half of all internet browsing now, so it’s no longer enough for us to strive towards providing seamless desktop experiences only. No siree; flawless mobile experience provision has turned itself into one of those must-haves!

You should, therefore, think “mobile first” when designing or updating your website – ensuring that its pages offer users a smooth and convenient mobile experience. This has increasingly become a new normal rather than a mere afterthought.

Don't Skimp on Metadata

Make sure you do thorough markup and metadata implementation; add more context as well as structured data through vocabularies, etc., because otherwise, search engines might struggle to understand what your content is all about and hence fail to display it correctly in SERPs, which would then lead to many people see less of it altogether.

Those seemingly insignificant technicalities can sometimes yield surprisingly large returns, such as greater visibility within the search results pages (SERPs), more attractive listing enhancements or even better integration with voice searches.

Are You Secure (With HTTPS)?

In an era where privacy and security concerns have peaked among consumers, any website's use of HTTP instead of HTTPS is simply unacceptable. By the way, SSL stands for secure sockets layer – so let that sink in for a moment…

HTTPS not only adds extra trustworthiness points to your site but also secures all data being transferred between browsers and servers from potential interception by hackers or other cyber criminals.

Since Google now views HTTPS as a ranking signal, too, there is no excuse for not making this switch today!

3. Technical SEO: The Unsung Hero

Technical Seo Backlink Audit

Ready to take your technical SEO game to the next level? Here are five website SEO tips that'll have you covered:

Tip 11 – Give importance to the speed of the website

No one can tolerate a slow website to achieve success in this fast-moving world. Google has given significant value to site speed as a ranking factor because it knows this fact. Think about accessing a website through your mobile phone and then seeing a spinning wheel of death – this would not have been a good user experience either.

You can ensure your website loads amazingly by optimising images and compressing files. Also, try using a content delivery network (CDN) so that your content is delivered from servers near your visitors’ location. Finally, browser caching should be enabled, which helps reduce data loading during each page visit.

Tools for checking site speed

  • Google’s PageSpeed Insights
  • Pingdom Website Speed Test
  • WebPageTest

Tip 12 – Be mobile-friendly

Nowadays, people use smartphones and tablets more than ever to access the internet. For this reason, having a mobile-friendly website is not just another option – it is now mandatory! Google has introduced its mobile-first indexing initiative for ranking pages, prioritising any site's mobile version.

To ensure your site qualifies as mobile-friendly, test it with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool first; if it fails, you might have to consider implementing a responsive design or creating separate versions for different devices. Moreover, consider things like font size, tap targets and overall layout so that there are no issues faced by those who visit through their phones or tablets.

Mobile-Friendly Checklist

  • Responsive design or separate mobile version 
  • Readable font sizes 
  • Buttons and links that are easy-to-tap 
  • Optimised media and images

Tip 13 – Repairing broken links and 404 errors

Just imagine. You’re a search engine bot, tirelessly crawling through your website only to find a brick wall – a broken link or a 404 error page. This isn’t just frustrating; it can prevent search engines from wholly indexing your site and sabotaging your SEO.

To avoid this situation, you should regularly conduct audits on your website for any broken links or 404 errors. You can use several tools for this task, such as Screaming Frog or the crawl feature in Google Search Console. Additionally, consider creating custom 404 pages or implementing redirects to ensure users have better experiences when landing on non-existing pages.

Tips For Carrying Out A Broken Link Audit

  • Try using crawling tools like Google Search Console or Screaming Frog.
  • Remove broken links
  • Implement redirects for old pages
  • Create a user-friendly custom 404 page.

Tip 14 – Optimising site architecture

Imagine navigating through an unstructured maze-like website with no clear hierarchy – high bounce rates and frustration would be inevitable! Search engines love well-organised sites that make sense because they help them understand how different pages on your site relate to one another.

The first step towards optimising your site architecture is establishing a clear hierarchy where all important pages appear at the top level. Use descriptive URLs but include relevant keywords so they accurately reflect what each specific page contains. Additionally, try adopting intuitive navigation systems that allow visitors (and bots) to instantly locate desired information within a few clicks.

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Best Practices For Site Architecture Development

  • Place the most significant pages higher in the hierarchy than the less important ones.
  • Make sure URL structures contain descriptive text alongside relevant keywords which describe the content found on respective webpages themselves;
  • Employ breadcrumbs for increased user-friendliness during the navigation process;
  • Implement easy-to-understand menus and sitemaps.

Tip 15 – Implementing schema markup

Schema markup is similar to a secret language for search engines – it helps them understand what your content is about. By adding this structured data to the HTML code of your web pages, you are giving additional context and information to search engines so they can better interpret and categorise it accordingly.

For instance, if you operate a recipe site, schema markup would enable search engines to display enriched snippets, including details like cook time, calories, and even user ratings, within their organic results pages (SERPs). Besides improving UX, this also increases CTRs, thus driving more visibility for your website!

Common types of schema markups

  • Recipe markups
  • Product markups
  • Event markups
  • Local business markups
  • Video markups

4. Link Building: The Currency of the Web

Outbound Backlinks

Let's discuss some white-hat, ethical link-building strategies that deliver serious SEO results.

Tip 16 – Create Epic Linkbait Content

Great content lies at the heart of any successful link-building campaign. After all, with something extraordinary and shareable on your website, why would other sites ever think to link to you?

This is where deploying juicy “linkbait” materials kicks your link acquisition into high gear. Linkbait refers to content expressly designed to attract editorial backlinks from authoritative sites.

Some classic examples of enticing link bait include:

  • In-depth statistical studies or reports loaded with original data and research
  • Lengthy, comprehensive guides or “bible” articles on subjects within your niche
  • Tools, free resources, apps, or other valuable giveaways your target audience craves
  • Viral-worthy visuals like graphs, charts, memes, infographics, quizzes, or video content

The key here is crafting linkbait assets that pack a one-two punch of being extremely valuable and newsworthy/buzzworthy. That way, other sites are incentivised to link to your sterling content while naturally plugging you into their audience.

What linkbait ideas could work for your particular website? Get creative, then pour ample time and resources into creating content to captivate your industry.

Tip 17 – Master the Art of Guest Blogging

Guest posting on reputable external blogs allows you to kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Expose yourself to a new audience who may not be familiar with your brand
  2. Earn a fresh, contextual backlink in your contributor bio

When done strategically, guest blogging can be a massively impactful link-building channel.

However, avoid jumping at any guest posting opportunity, or you may waste time on spammy, irrelevant sites.

Instead, carefully vet the blogs you aim to write for. They should align closely with your niche, attract your ideal target audience, uphold editorial standards, and maintain a spotless reputation.

Pitch only your best, unique article ideas to increase your chances of publication. Then, when you do land placements, optimise your backlink by including a compelling call-to-action, branded URL anchor text that links to a high-value page on your domain.

Tip 18 – Nurture Relationships with Online Influencers

Developing closer ties with influential figures is essential to boost your website's authority through backlinks.

Remember earlier when I explained how backlinks from relevant, trustworthy sites carry more SEO power? Industry influencers and thought leaders tend to have authoritative platforms that their community respects.

Get one of these movers and shakers to feature or mention your brand on their site, and you'll have one heck of a valuable backlink in the bag.

So, how can you grab their attention and build a rapport? Try:

  • Sharing their content and tagging them on social media
  • Mentioning them positively in your content or linking to their work
  • Interviewing or quoting them in a blog post on your website
  • Engaging with their social media posts through comments and shares
  • Connecting over email to personally introduce yourself

The goal is to get on their radar screen by providing value upfront across multiple touchpoints. Don't just reach out once, asking for a favour! Consistently support their work first.

Once you've added value and formed a positive connection, you'll be in a better position to carefully suggest ways you could collaborate—whether that's offering to write a guest post, having them contribute a quote or expert viewpoint to your content, or simply requesting a shout-out or backlink from them.

Just remember: online influencers are constantly badgered for attention. Stand out by engaging authentically and bringing something to the table beyond just asking for a link.

Tip 19 – Repurpose Content Off-Site for Backlink Opportunities

One of the best “life hacks” for prolific link building? Don't limit yourself to only using each piece of content once on your site.

Instead, find creative ways to repurpose and re-publish that stellar content across other relevant third-party platforms. Each new distribution outlet presents a chance to snag a fresh backlink!

For example, you wrote a fantastic 5,000-word guide on social media marketing tips that performed incredibly well on your blog. Instead of letting it collect virtual dust after going live, you could:

  • Condense it into a visual slideshow to submit to Slideshare
  • Turn it into a multipart video series to upload on YouTube
  • Pitch it to industry publications as a contributed guest article
  • Record an audio version as a podcast episode for distribution across apps
  • Publish it as a PDF download on relevant document-sharing sites

With a bit of editing and reformatting for each new platform, suddenly, your original magnum opus is working overtime—exponentially increasing its potential for scoring authoritative backlinks from high-traffic sources.

Moral of the story: don't create content in a vacuum! By syndicating them online, explore different methods to breathe new life into your top-performing pieces. It's a link-building windfall waiting to happen.

Tip 20 – Constantly Monitor and Replicate Your Competitors' Backlinks

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. When it comes to link building, a bit of innocent flattery through replicating your competitors' best backlinks can pay significant dividends.

Thanks to advanced SEO software, analysing your top rivals' backlink portfolios is now straightforward to see which sites are linking to them. Many competitive research tools will spit reports revealing their most valuable backlinks on a silver platter.

From there, you can start digging into those websites to discern any opportunities to have your content placed or mentioned.

For example, you may notice a competitor landing a guest post on an industry blog you have yet to write for before. You could pitch that publication with a similarly well-written contribution to steal away that backlink source.

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You may also find that an online directory or listing site links to your competitor's site. Likewise, you might also investigate featuring your website on that directory to remove that backlink.

The keys to success here are:

  1. You only attempt to replicate links from contextually relevant, trustworthy sites that would make sense to feature your content or brand.
  2. Taking a unique angle or perspective with your replicated content—don't simply duplicate your competitor's work verbatim.
  3. They are persistent and patient; you can't expect to immediately replicate their entire backlink portfolio overnight.

Through diligent monitoring of your competitive backlink landscape, you can steadily work to close any gaps and potentially leapfrog their authority over time.

5. Local SEO: Conquering the Neighborhood

Local Seo Vs National Seo Campaign

When attracting customers in your local area, you must use local SEO. It is a secret weapon that might push your website to the top of the most crucial local search results.

You may ask: what is this local SEO thing? In short, local SEO refers to improving your online content and presence to appear higher in location-based searches. And trust me, you want to be at the top because when people look up for products or services like yours near them – they should see YOUR business first!

So, without further ado, let’s jump into these foolproof tips for doing so:

Tip 21 – Claim and Optimise Your Google Business Profile

Your Google Business Profile (GBP) is like having a virtual shopfront on steroids! This free listing allows you to share all sorts of essential details about your company, such as address, phone number(s), hours open, photos & videos, etc., plus it is also prominently within Google’s own “local pack” or organic/localised SERPs.

Claiming and optimising your GBP is a complete no-brainer. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go here –>, then click ‘Manage now’.
  2. Type in the name of your business and follow any prompts until requested to verify ownership (you may have to do this with postcard/phone call verification).
  3. Once verified, fill out each section with correct/up-to-date information regarding your business.
  4. Choose a few relevant categories that best describe what types of products/services are offered by said business entity.
  5. If applicable, upload lovely images showing different areas inside/outside premises, etc., along with team members!
  6. Ask clients/customers past/present alike if they would kindly leave reviews/ratings feedback for others also using this platform later down the line.
  7. Keep checking back regularly, responding promptly where necessary, etc. -potential queries/comments from potential buyers could well end up here!

Having a complete and optimised GBP is basically like saying to Google, “Hi there, I am a legitimate local business – please show me off more to people nearby searching for what I offer!”

Tip 22 – Optimise Your Website for Local Keywords

Consider this scenario: you own a plumbing business in Manchester. When someone from your area types “plumbers in Manchester” into their search engine, you want your site to be the first one they see, right? This is what local keyword optimisation is all about.

Local keywords are search terms containing a particular location or geographic area. Examples of these would be “plumbers in Manchester”, “pizza delivery Salford”, or even “hairdressers near Trafford Centre”.

To optimise your website for local keywords, you should:

  • Find the most relevant local keywords for your business. Tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner and SEMrush can help with this.
  • Naturally incorporate these words into different parts of your site’s content, such as page titles, headings, meta descriptions and body copy.
  • Create location pages or blog posts that target specific areas that you serve.
  • Change your site's title tags and meta descriptions to include city names or regions you serve.
  • Ensure high-quality, informative, and valuable content on your website, which is helpful for people searching locally.

Remember – don’t overdo it by stuffing too many keywords that don’t belong because this can hurt rankings rather than help them go up organically. The idea behind using them strategically yet naturally lies in providing beneficial information related to place names (locations) so users can find out more about businesses like yours efficiently! 

The Advantages Of Thinking Locally When It Comes To SEO

What’s excellent about optimising webpages based on where they are located anyway? Well, not only will these types of pages rank higher within localised searches, but they also have the potential to outrank more giant national corporations who may never have bothered targeting certain areas; after all, there’s no point competing against someone who doesn’t know you e, exist, right?

Tip 23 – Create Listings and Local Citations

Local citations are like digital breadcrumbs that lead search engines–and potential customers–to your business’s online information. If your citations are consistent, accurate, and numerous, it will improve your local SEO ranking.

Business name, address, phone number (NAP), website URL and hours of operation or categories sometimes make up local citations.

Places where you can list your business online include:

  • Local directories (e.g., Yelp, Yellow Pages)
  • Directories specific to an industry (e.g., legal directories)
  • Chamber of Commerce sites
  • Associations for local businesses
  • Apps, as well as data aggregators like Apple Maps or Bing Places

The most important thing is to create many correct citations so that all websites have the same NAP information. When this happens, Google knows that the company is natural, ranking it higher in searches, thus increasing its trustworthiness.

Why Consistency Matters with Citations

Just think about what would happen if someone searched “plumbers in Manchester” only to find out one site had a different address listed than another. They’d probably leave that page and go somewhere else where everything was more straightforward because nobody wants to deal with confusion!

Tip 24 – Promote and React to Online Testimonials

In this era of immediacy and boundlessness, online reviews are more than just powerful – they’re recommendations on steroids, as they affect both search engine rankings and customer choices.

A recent survey revealed that in 2022, 97% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses. It gets even better – 49% won’t even consider using a company if it has less than a four-star rating!

So, how does this impact your local SEO strategy?

You must actively encourage and respond to online reviews, especially on high-authority platforms like Google, Facebook or industry-specific ones.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Ensure some clear links or instructions make it easy for customers to leave you feedback (e.g., “Leave us a review on Google”).
  • Respond professionally and promptly to all types of feedback received, whether positive or negative; this shows potential clients that their opinions matter significantly to you. Without them, there would be no improvement, thus, no success achieved.
  • Give incentives or reminders so that people can write more testimonials (e.g., offer discount codes for follow-up emails).
  • Keep an eye open for recurring issues/complaints regarding your brand across websites where these stories might have been shared already. Then, take appropriate action immediately before things get out of hand, ultimately damaging your reputation beyond repair forever.
  • Display some positive articles about yourself sourced from third-party sites that could be viewed by anyone who visits your blog(s) or social media pages, such as your @ handle. This will help increase trust among visitors who might still doubt whether doing business with you is safe based solely on what they’ve seen elsewhere online.
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The Power of Positive Feedback

These testimonials not only influence potential purchasers but also determine your site's visibility within local listings provided by search engines. In the eyes of Google, Bing and other similar platforms, many high-quality positive reviews indicate that a company can be trusted and taken seriously, thus giving it an upper hand in ranking higher than its rivals. They may lack such credentials due to having few numbers or low rating scores across different review sites.

Therefore, do not hesitate to ask for those glowing references – equivalent to digital gold- to improve visibility among local search results.

Tip 25 – Remain active on social media and engage with the local community

In today’s world, it is mandatory for any well-rounded local SEO strategy to include social media as well as community participation. They do not only create a link between you and potential clients but also show that you are committed to serving them.

To begin with, let us discuss social media. Facebook, Instagram, and X, among other platforms, present great chances of interacting with your audience at the local level. In addition to this, they allow posting business updates and carrying out specific advertisement campaigns.

Take into account the following tips to succeed on these platforms:

  • Ensure that all profiles are active and regularly updated on those platforms primarily used by your target audience.
  • Share helpful content always – it can be a mixture of discounts available or behind-the-scenes photos/videos showing how things run inside your company, etc.
  • Respond quickly whenever people comment or ask questions through these channels; promptly reply to messages sent directly from followers.
  • Use appropriate location tags plus relevant hashtags related to where you want more visibility during local searches made within that area.
  • Do adverts on social media targeting particular regions based on geography or customer preferences

However important social media may seem, it is just a tiny fraction of what one should do if they want their website to rank higher than others on the Google search results page. One has to get involved with their surroundings, which will eventually contribute significantly towards achieving this goal because many people look forward to having everything done near them for convenience. The following are some examples: 

Sponsor events held locally either singly or together with other organisations who share common interests like charities, etcetera;

Collaborate among yourselves by doing joint promotions where each person markets products owned by another company, thereby benefiting both parties involved since customers will think twice before making any purchase decision, knowing there is an added advantage attached;

Joining various associations for business purposes, such as networking with another entrepreneur, can be helpful in many ways while carrying out one’s activities within a particular town or region.

Working closely alongside influential individuals within your area code could also prove beneficial, especially if they are bloggers, considering that their posts may reach lots of people, hence creating awareness about what you offer, which might lead to increased sales;

Donating things like money, time, goods, etcetera to different organisations operating locally significantly enhances visibility. When others see someone giving back without expecting anything, it motivates them too, attracting everyone towards this person.

6. Tracking & Analysing: Continuously Improving

How To Set Up Google Analytics

Now you know why SEO tracking matters, here's the catch: you can't just “set and forget” your optimisation efforts. Search engines' ranking factors are constantly evolving – what worked a year ago may hurt you now.

The SEO landscape changes fast. Maybe Google's decided to favour sites with faster load times this month. Or giving more weight to domain authority signals, or started cracking down on specific link-building tactics as spammy.

If you're not staying on top of these shifts and scrutinising your analytics, your hard SEO work could soon become outdated or even backfire. Regular tracking lets you course-correct quickly when needed.

Hopefully, I've convinced you why keeping tabs on your SEO performance is vital. Now for the juicy bit – how exactly do you do it? Let's dive into critical areas to monitor closely:

Tip 26 – Tracking Keyword Rankings

The most apparent SEO metric is where your site ranks in search results for your target keywords. After all, the whole point of SEO is to boost visibility for the terms your audience searches.

A tonne of rank tracking tools like SEMrush will show you your keyword positions and chart how they change over time. Decent ones will also estimate keyword search volumes so you can prioritise the phrases with the highest traffic potential.

Speaking of potential – look for keywords that are agonisingly close to that first page or track additional similar keywords you could be targeting. Those quick-win opportunities could drive more visitors with some focused effort.

The Skyscraper Technique

Remember – search engines want to see fresh, quality content frequently updated.

So, you'll need to produce new content optimised around different keywords constantly.

Try building “skyscraper” posts – find high-ranking content that covers a keyword you're interested in and create a more comprehensive, better version.

Are there gaps not covered? Are questions unanswered? Can you add more depth or visual media like original graphics?

This technique can help you outrank competitors.

Tip 27 – Search Traffic & Top Landing Pages

While rankings give you one part of the picture, analysing which pages get clicks and drive search traffic to your site is crucial. Are the pieces you've worked hard on optimising as effective as you'd hoped?

In Google Analytics or a similar web analytics tool, you can dig into reports showing your top landing pages from organic search. This highlights where your SEO content connects with search intent and attracts visitors.

But a high-traffic landing page doesn't automatically mean success. You'll also want to look at those visits' bounce rates and other engagement metrics. If people are instantly leaving, your content may not satisfy their query as well as it could – a chance to refine further.

Customise Reporting Dashboards

Most analytics tools let you create custom reporting dashboards showing the critical SEO metrics in one handy view.

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Set these up to highlight the areas most crucial for your website, bringing together rankings, landing pages, traffic sources and any other critical data.

You can get a quick overview without rifling through multiple reports.

Tip 28 – Backlink Profile & Referring Domains

Besides stellar, keyword-optimised content, earning high-quality backlinks pointing to your site is a huge Google ranking factor. Track the number and quality of websites linking to you over time.

Ideally, you'll see steady growth in the quantity and authoritativeness of referring domains giving you those juicy link signals. This shows you're building a good brand reputation online.

However, also watch out for any spammy or irrelevant link sources creeping in. Google can penalise you for these, so use tools to audit your backlink profile and disavow any dicey links dragging you down. The goal is to achieve an upward backlink trajectory from respectable sites.

Tip 29 – Technical SEO Health

While content and links are key SEO pillars, your site's technical foundations are just as crucial if you want to rank. After all, no matter how great your pages are, they won't show up if Google can't properly access and crawl them.

Use website crawling tools to check for issues like broken links, duplicate content, missing Alt text, redirect loops, etc. Even minor technical glitches, like slow page speeds, can impact your SEO performance.

Many tools give you a combined “health score” based on these factors – aim to keep that as close to 100% as possible. Schedule regular crawls (say, monthly) to catch any new errors before they hurt your rankings.

Track Core Web Vitals, Too

In 2021, Google started rolling out its new “Core Web Vitals” as ranking signals.

These measure real-world user experience factors like:

  • Page load times
  • Visual stability as elements shift
  • Interactivity delays Tools like Google Search Console can show how your pages perform on these vital metrics – so keep a close eye on them!

Tip 30 – Conversion Rates & Revenue

Sure, SEO's about getting eyeballs on your pages. But those visits are only stepping stones to the real goal – conversions and sales. So don't just obsess over rankings and traffic – track those bottom-line metrics, too.

Set up goals in Google Analytics to log transactions, form submissions or any other key conversion actions. You can then tie these back to your SEO channels, landing pages and traffic sources to understand the business impact.

Low conversion rates suggest issues connecting with search intent – time for content refreshes or UX tweaks. Or you might find some landing pages are converting like crazy – double down on promoting those!

The huge benefit of digital marketing is everything's measurable. So leverage all that juicy conversion data to keep refining and optimising.

Data, Data Everywhere… Now What?

You should have a mountain of tasty analytics at your fingertips by monitoring those five core SEO areas. Are you satisfied, eh? But numbers alone won't magically improve your website's search performance.

The real value comes from regularly reviewing these SEO metrics, spotting patterns and taking informed action. An upward rank trajectory for high-volume keywords? Consider ramping up the promotion of those high-performing pages and seeing backlink losses or technical flags. Prioritise the fixes.

SEO tracking lets you hone your optimisation strategy over time based on accurate, empirical data – rather than guesswork. It gives you an agile, iterative way to keep evolving as algorithms change and new opportunities emerge.

Bonus Website SEO Tips: Tried & Tested Quick Wins

Ecommerce Seo Marketing

Meta Descriptions: The Hook

While they don't directly impact rankings, compelling meta descriptions can vastly improve your click-through rates from the SERPs. Hook searchers by summarising what they'll find on the page through a punchy, benefit-driven description.

Optimise Title Tags

Conversely, your HTML title tags are a direct ranking factor. Include your primary keyword, but make sure the titles are equally clickable for humans. Avoid keyword stuffing, and aim for concise, benefit-focused titles under 60 characters.

Image Optimisation: Tiny File, Big Impact

You'd be surprised how much of a performance boost you can get by optimising images like crazy. Compress files, resize dimensions, use descriptive filenames and Alt text – these micro-optimizations add up to faster load times and a better user experience.

Internal Linking: A Structural Masterpiece

A strategic internal linking structure helps search engines crawl and understand your site's hierarchy and information architecture efficiently. Link relevant pages together using descriptive anchor text for added context.

Go Secure with HTTPS

With cybersecurity being more critical than ever, migrating your site from HTTP to HTTPS (via an SSL certificate) sends positive trust signals to search engines and users alike. Bonus: HTTPS is a confirmed lightweight ranking factor.

XML Sitemaps: The Roadmap to Indexation

An XML sitemap is a roadmap that helps search engines understand your website's layout and content organisation. You're accelerating the crawling and indexation process by submitting a comprehensive, up-to-date sitemap via Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.

Leverage Structured Data

Structured data, usually implemented via markup, provides additional context about your content to search engines. This can enhance SERP listings (rich snippets), boosting visibility and click-through rates. Common structured data types include reviews, recipes, events, and product info.

Align Content with Search Intent

Simply stuffing keywords into pages won't cut it these days. For sustainable rankings, you need to align your content strategy with the underlying search intent behind queries. Are users looking for informational, navigational, commercial or transactional content? Tailor your approach accordingly.

Don't Neglect User Experience (UX)

Great content and solid on-page optimisation mean little if your website's user experience needs to improve. Search engines heavily favour sites that offer a seamless, frustration-free browsing experience across devices: Prioritise responsive design, fast load times, logical navigation, and mobile-friendliness.

Brand Authority = SEO Authority

Cultivating a strong brand presence and authority within your niche can pay dividends from an SEO standpoint. Authoritative brands tend to attract more high-quality backlinks, social signals, and positive brand searches – all solid ranking factors these days.

Standard Website SEO Pain Points

Despite its significance, many businesses struggle with critical areas of SEO:

  • Lack of clearly defined strategy and KPIs
  • Finding the right balance between technical and content optimisation
  • Earning high-quality backlinks from authoritative sources
  • Tracking and analysing the ROI of SEO efforts
  • Staying up-to-date with frequent algorithm changes

Quick-Win SEO Tactics

Keyword Research– Use tools like Ahrefs/SEMrush for data-driven analysis
– Focus on low-difficulty, high-volume terms close to your offerings
On-Page Optimization– Optimise title tags, meta descriptions, headers
– Ensure content is comprehensive, engaging, keyword-focused
Technical SEO– Prioritise site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability 
– Implement schema markup and submit XML sitemaps
Link Building– Create exceptional, linkable content assets
– Strategically guest post on authority sites in your niche
Local SEO– Claim/optimise Google Business Profile listing
– Encourage positive online reviews and local link-building
User Experience– Deliver a seamless UX across devices 
– Consider load times, navigation structure, visual appeal

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will it take to see outcomes from SEO?

SEO is a long game – most experts estimate that it takes 6–12 months before significant improvements in organic traffic can be seen from a new SEO campaign. However, positive movements in rankings and impressions could start showing within 3–6 months.

Is SEO still relevant for digital marketing today?

Absolutely! As the landscape constantly changes, so do strategies like search engine optimisation, which remains among the best ways to drive targeted traffic cost-effectively. More than 53% of website traffic originates from organic search.

Should I do my SEO or hire an agency/consultant?

Both can work depending on your resources, expertise, and objectives. Many small businesses handle basic SEO in-house but bring outside help for advanced tactics or strategies. Agencies have dedicated resources, but these come at ongoing costs.

How much should I budget for SEO?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer because what you spend on SEO will depend significantly upon factors such as industry verticals served, business size/type, desired outcomes sought through optimisation efforts employed, etcetera. However, most companies allocate 10%-20% of their marketing budgets to search engine optimisation activities.

What’s more critical – on-page or off-page SEO?

On-page (content/technical) and off-page (link building/authority) both play vital roles that support each other; you must recognise both if you want to maximise your organic search performance.

Will SEO work for my business/industry?

Search Engine Optimisation can be highly effective across almost all industries. From ecommerce sites selling products to professional services firms trying to attract new clients online… any business with a presence on the web stands to gain increased visibility, traffic and leads through robust SEO efforts.

How do I measure and track the performance of my SEO campaign?

Key metrics to monitor include rankings, organic traffic, impressions, click-through rates (CTRs), conversions (goals completed or transactions), engagement metrics like time on page/bounce rate, etc. Use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to gain these insights over time.

The Bottom Line:

Successfully achieving search engine optimisation success requires technical chops, thoughtful planning and relentless dedication towards creating great content experiences. But by following the actionable website SEO tips covered here today – you’ll be well on your way to outsmarting competitors and snagging those sweet high rankings!

So roll up those sleeves and brew another pot of coffee because it will take some serious work ethic to unleash newfound SEO superpowers upon the World Wide Web! The results might not come instantly, but stick with it – soon enough, a steady stream of quality will flow, converting organic traffic for many moons ahead… Game on!

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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