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How to Develop Branding That Gets People Talking

How to Develop Branding That Gets People Talking

Branding is a powerful tool to create interest and attention to your products, services, and ideas.

The best way to build brand recognition is to build the foundation that allows it to happen naturally.

When people talk about your brand, what comes to mind? What do they say when they think about your company or products? The answer to these questions and others can help you understand what people need, want and are looking for from your brand. 

A good understanding of these things will help you identify opportunities that may not be obvious when you develop branding.

The key to creating an emotional response is to connect with your audience. And that means understanding their emotions and how they behave.

1 – Identify Your Market

Market Research For A Business Idea

Branding is one of the first steps in creating an effective marketing strategy. Once you’ve identified your market, it’s time to figure out what you will tell customers about it. 

When it comes to developing branding, a simple way to approach this is by looking at the needs or desires of your target market. Once you’ve figured out what your customers need, it’s time to discuss what makes you the best choice to fulfil those needs.

Once you’ve identified who your customers are, it’s time to develop branding for your business. While a lot of the basics of branding aren’t going to change no matter which industry you’re in, there are several ways that you can make your branding reflect your industry. 

If you’re creating a web-based brand for your company, you’ll need to think about the visual aspects of your business – what does your logo look like? What colour scheme do you use for your website? 

Think about how the physical products and packaging reflect your business if you’re developing a physical brand. These are some of the first things you should consider when creating a brand identity for your company.

2 – Define Your Target Audience

Your target audience is defined by who you’re trying to reach. Defining your target audience helps you determine which message resonates with the people most likely interested in your product or service.

When you develop branding, your goal is to convey a message about your business to potential customers. But the way you tell your story affects your message. If you’re trying to appeal to a general audience, you’ll want to include elements like colour schemes, logos, and typography designed to convey a general sense of the brand. Your design choices will differ from designing a company for middle-aged women if you target a specific audience, like college students or retirees.

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3 – Determine Who You Want to Be

“You’ve got to be the brand. You’ve got to be the story. You’ve got to be the reason,” says Gary Vaynerchuk, an author and entrepreneur. He believes the only way to succeed online is through creating something others want to share and talk about.

Your brand isn’t just your logo or even your name; it’s everything you stand for. Branding is deciding who you are and communicating that identity to consumers. You want people to associate your brand with a set of characteristics that help them decide whether or not they want to buy your product or service. 

Think about your business as if you were designing your brand.

  • What do you want to communicate? 
  • What do you want your audience to think? 
  • What values do you want to embody in your brand?

4 – Create a Unique Selling Proposition

Usp Brand Positioning Statement

A unique selling proposition (USP) is the main differentiator between your company’s products and services. This one-sentence description is your marketing message, and it’s why your customers should choose you over your competitors. To create a USP, think about what you have that your competitors don’t.

How can you develop branding of products or services differently from other competitors? And how can you differentiate yourself from your competition so that consumers want to do business with you? This is where branding comes into play. The USP helps you craft a unique selling proposition for your business.

5 – Choose an Appropriate Logo

If you haven’t yet created your logo, it’s the first thing you should be doing in your business plan. A logo is the face of your brand, and without a cohesive, identifiable image, you risk losing customers and partners before you’ve even started. 

When creating a logo, you need to be clear about your company’s look, feel, and personality. Do you want something simple or elegant? Clean or grungy? And how are you going to make sure your logo is unique, memorable, and consistent? 

A great place to start is with your industry. Find inspiration from the logos used by competitors to gain some insight into the design that works best for your business. If you don’t know anything about logos, don’t worry—you’re not the first to run into this dilemma.

A logo is a visual representation of a brand, company, or individual and helps create the impression of a business in the minds of consumers. It also establishes the personality of your brand

A well-designed logo can also be a powerful tool in gaining publicity and exposure for a company. A good logo should be simple, attractive, and memorable, conveying the company’s mission, values, and purpose.

6 – Write a Position Statement

Position statements are one of the best ways to brand yourself or your company. A position statement explains what you do and why it matters. 

It’s a simple, clear message that is true and represents what your company is all about. The best way to craft a position statement is to think about your business’s benefits. What is it that makes your business unique? What makes your company special, and why should people care about your products or services?

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7 – Create a Vision Statement

How To Create A Brand Vision

When I first started my business, I was very brand-focused. I had a logo, a slogan, a website design, and a visual identity. These things helped me establish myself as an expert in my field.

However, the brand is only one piece of the puzzle. We need to have a vision, too. 

  • What does our brand look like in the future? 
  • How does it look 5, 10, or 15 years down the road? 
  • How does our brand look in every market? 

This is where a company vision statement comes into play. 

Vision statements are all about creating clarity around a business’s long-term direction. They help you build the roadmap for your company’s growth and can be used to inform your content creation.

8 – Focus on Values

Many people think branding and marketing are the same things. But while both play a role in successful brand building, they serve different purposes. 

Branding is a strategy for identifying core values and then using that knowledge to influence and guide all marketing communications. When developing your brand, your primary concern is determining who you are and what your company stands for.

There are many reasons why people buy a particular brand of coffee, and one thing that’s never been considered is the brand’s values. Branding expert and author Paul Saffo says that brands should start by focusing on their values instead of what their products are.

It’s no secret that customers make decisions based on values. Values are the things that inspire us and drive our decisions. Consumers’ values influence their attitudes, behaviours, purchases, and brand loyalty. Consumers are motivated by three values: self-interest, social responsibility, and power.

9 – Think Different

A brand is more than a logo. A brand is a promise that a company or business makes to its consumers and employees. 

Think about the big brands you use, such as Starbucks, Google, Apple, etc. What are they promising? They promise a consistent experience across their entire business, something they can provide no matter where you go.

Think Different is a marketing slogan used by Apple to promote their new products. It’s a clever phrase that emphasises the company’s focus on innovation

Something is appealing about being part of a “movement.” It gives people a reason to rally behind your product, see the world through the same lens as you, and feel notable for belonging to your tribe. Brands are social animals. The way we choose to brand ourselves is the first impression we give others.

10 – Create an Identity

Hospital Brand Identity Design Services

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make is creating an identity without a brand. The reason that’s a mistake is that the only way to develop a brand is to be consistent with it. 

So what does this mean? Consistency means that you should always do the same thing, or at least similar things, with the same audience. The only way to be consistent is to have a brand, and a brand is what people know you by.

It’s no secret that you can’t buy your way into being successful. It doesn’t matter if you’re a big-shot CEO or a struggling startup founder — the only way you can start getting ahead is through hard work, persistence, and good judgement. 

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But there’s a lot more to business than simply knowing the right people or having the right contacts. There’s a lot to being a leader who builds an identity, brand, and reputation. And that process is a critical part of building your business.

11 – Select the Right Color Palette

In the world of graphic design, colour is everything. If we think about all the brands we see every day, they’re often defined by their colours. 

We may see Starbucks, but what do we see there? We see green and white. Mcdonald’s, on the other hand, uses red and yellow. These are just two examples of the millions of colours we see every day and their impact on us. Because of this, it’s essential to understand how colours affect consumers

A colour palette should speak to the personality of a brand or business. If your audience can’t figure out quickly whether your brand or company is fun, serious, or something else, then you might want to consider a different palette.

12 – Make a Statement

People don’t buy what you do—they buy why you do it. This is called positioning, and it’s a basic but powerful concept in marketing. It means that people purchase from brands, not products. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling the latest smartphone or the finest chocolate; you need to position yourself or your brand as being different from the competition. 

If you aren’t sure how to position your brand, here’s a great exercise: Imagine that everyone in your company wears the same T-shirt. What does that say about your brand?

A statement can be a clear, concise, and concise summary of what you want your audience to remember about who you are and what you do. For example, if you are the owner of a coffee shop, your statement could be, “We make the best cup of joe around.”

13 – Identify Your Brand Personality

Brand Personality

Identifying your brand personality takes a bit of time. It’s more than just the obvious colour scheme and logo. Brand identity includes the company’s overall purpose and mission, the product line representing the brand, the marketing strategy supporting the brand, and how you interact with your audience. 

A brand is a living entity that evolves and interacts with customers and other stakeholders. Branding is about creating an emotional connection between a company and its target market, and it’s an essential component of understanding the needs of the people you serve.

As you consider the design of your website, ask yourself who your brand is, why people associate with you, and how you want your website to communicate who you are. 

As you begin to flesh out your brand’s personality, ask yourself if there is anything that you want to convey to your audience that may have slipped past your attention. You may be surprised to discover that your brand has more character than you initially believed.

14 – Ensure Your Brand is Unique

If you’ve ever heard the expression, “If you build it, they will come,” you’re familiar with brand development. A brand is your reputation in the marketplace and your overall message about your company, product, or service. 

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To develop a strong brand, you need to make sure that people recognise your brand when they see it. You want to ensure that people who encounter your brand know what it is and what it stands for.

This may seem obvious, but we still see a lot of websites that fail to establish any uniqueness to their brand identity. This means that their logo doesn’t tell you anything about the brand, they don’t communicate who they are, and they use a standard colour palette. The result is a website that doesn’t stand out and doesn’t offer a unique experience to the visitor.

15 – Choose the Right Marketing Approach

There are three critical marketing approaches: advertising, social media, and word-of-mouth. 

Advertising (sometimes called traditional marketing) means putting your brand out there with paid messages to your audience. On the other hand, social media is where you connect with your audience through your content or personality, and word-of-mouth comes from recommendations from people who’ve purchased from you.

What makes us human is our ability to empathise and relate to others, not just ourselves. If you’ve read any of my other posts, you know that I think that the primary purpose of brand building is to help people empathise and feel a sense of kinship with a product or service. 

If people feel like they can relate to your brand, they will be more likely to buy from you than someone who presents themselves as a detached entity.

Think about the people who don’t know you. Who is your audience? Think of the people you would like to reach. Then ask yourself how you want to get to them. 

Once you understand your audience and your goals, choose a marketing approach that is the best fit for your business, whether advertising, content marketing, social media, email marketing, or another form of digital marketing.

16 – Choose the Best Tag Line

Product Branding Taglines

A tag line is a single sentence, phrase, or even just a word that encapsulates the essence of your brand. Your tagline is the glue that holds your brand together. People have a single thought when they first hear your company’s name. 

Choose wisely. If you don’t, you may spend a lot of money on advertising without achieving the return you expected.

The best tagline for a new product or service is catchy, memorable, and clearly describes the nature of the product or service. But it’s not enough to develop a tagline that seems to fit.

17 – Choose the Best Domain Name

Domain names are significant when it comes to develop branding with an online presence. But choosing the best domain name isn’t always easy. It can be pretty daunting for new entrepreneurs. 

When starting a new business or blog, developing a name for your online brand can be challenging that makes sense to you and your audience. To ensure you pick a domain name that will serve your purpose, you must be clear on who you are as an organisation.

When choosing your domain name, you want to choose something that speaks to your brand. When deciding on a domain name for your new business, you want to consider what you’ll be promoting on the site—and what people will associate your company name with. 

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For example, if you own a clothing store called “Trousers,” don’t name your site “” That sounds a little silly. Your domain name should reflect what your company does, but it shouldn’t be overly specific. Make sure your domain name clearly shows your target audience what they can expect from your business.

18 – Identify the Most Appropriate Social Media Platforms

This point comes back to a strategy for finding customers. If you want to build an online business, it pays to think about how people share information. Are there ways to interact with your audience to encourage sharing of your content? 

For example, if you develop branding in the tech space, do you think that Reddit would be an excellent platform to target? Do you know anyone on Twitter who would retweet your content? Would they share your updates? Are you active on Pinterest? These are all questions that you need to think about.

Brands are moving towards social media platforms because they provide:

  • The most significant amount of reach.
  • Audience engagement.
  • Ability to target specific segments of the market.

However, it’s critical to be strategic when selecting a platform. There are different types of social media platforms, and each serves a different purpose. 

Some platforms (like Twitter) are more social, while others (like Linkedin) are more professional. Brands must carefully choose which social media platform will deliver the best results.

19 – Create an Email Strategy

Simple Email Design Examples

An email marketing strategy is not the same thing as when you develop branding strategies. While both are important, they serve very different purposes. 

An email marketing strategy focuses on the content and frequency of emails you send to prospective customers. You must determine which tactics you can use to reach your target audience the most effectively and efficiently. 

A branding strategy establishes your brand identity and conveys who you are through language and imagery.

20 – Consider a Paid Ads Strategy

This strategy might not be suitable for everyone. It might be more expensive than initially, but consider a paid advertising campaign that drives traffic to your website if your brand is relatively new. 

You may be surprised to see your branding grow when you implement this type of marketing.

According to AdWeek, brand advertising is becoming less cost-effective for brands to grow their audience and increase engagement. 

With new channels like Snapchat and Facebook Live, brands have a new way to engage with consumers, but traditional media isn’t cutting it. So, why not go old school? Instead of spending all of your money on advertising that’s going to waste, consider creating ads that drive traffic back to your website. 

A paid ads strategy will help you gain more page views, increase conversions, and ultimately grow your brand.

21 – Develop a Landing Page

A landing page should have a specific message that clearly defines the company’s product or service. An essential element of a landing page is a call to action. 

People who visit the landing page should understand what they can expect to achieve by clicking through. They should see how easy it is to navigate to the next step of the process. They should also be able to complete all the steps needed to sign up.

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If your product is a new service, then a landing page can help you develop branding recognition. A landing page is designed to attract and convert site visitors into leads or customers. 

Landing pages are usually hosted outside of your main website, but you can host them inside a subdomain or folder of your main website. It’s a great place to promote your business and offer incentives to sign up for your email newsletter, subscribe to your blog feed, or join your Facebook group.

22 – Identify Your Message

Consistent Brand Message

What does this mean for marketers? When you develop branding, you should be looking for ways to create the most substantial possible emotional connection with your target audience. 

If your brand has developed over time, you’ve been thinking about it and have established some clear messages that your audience already associates with your company. Your goal now is to figure out the best ways to convey those messages to make your brand feel unique to your audience.

Every company has its unique message and brand identity, but sometimes those messages are so ingrained into our minds that we don’t even realise we’re talking about them. What’s that? You’re not sure what your brand is trying to say? That’s a problem. 

One thing you need to do is get a handle on what exactly your company is all about. What do you sell? Do you want to be known for one thing? Another example: When I asked a friend of mine, who was in the middle of developing a new business venture what kind of branding he wanted, he told me he wanted his brand to stand out, and he didn’t care what it said. 

After a few moments of silence, he explained that he didn’t care what his brand stood for because he didn’t care what anybody thought about him or his brand. 

He was there to do what he wanted to do, and if others didn’t like it, then that was fine. So get clear on what you want your company to say, and let your consumers decide whether it’s cool or not.

23 – Create content

Branding is all about the way you want people to perceive you. It’s your public face. Brands are designed and created, and that’s why so many people like Nike and Apple have such recognisable and memorable logos and names. 

Branding is what consumers see, feel, hear, taste, smell, and even touch. There’s no brand without content. That’s why the very first part of any content strategy should include developing your brand. Your brand is your voice. It’s how you say what you want to say to the world.

The second important element to develop branding is to create content that reflects your company’s culture, personality, and values. Make sure that your brand content is consistent across all channels. 

If you create a Twitter profile but don’t use it on other channels, people will notice and make assumptions about your brand. And if you create a Facebook page for your business, make sure to use it in all of your other channels. Consistency creates credibility, which leads to more leads.

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The key is to provide a differentiating proposition that’s unique and something that people will love. And you do that by creating content that people love, so it resonates with them emotionally. This resonates with audiences because it’s personal, authentic, and comes from an emotional place. 

If you’ve ever had a friend who is really into a brand and loves it, they’ll share it with their friends. People love talking about the brands they love and sharing them online through social media.

Let’s chat about how you can increase your visibility online, develop branding and grow your company.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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