How to Create a Webstore: 7 Steps to Get a Perfect One-Stop Resource


You are contemplating launching a business. However, you are certain what it will look like or who you will target. In addition to this, you are drawn to different business matters, but you are not sure what sort of company you would like to start. Finally, you are just starting out. Anyway, there is no feeling that you have discovered your path yet. As a result, you face trouble getting your idea over to the desired individuals. Does at least one of these sentences apply to you? In this case, we would like to help you create a webstore and spread your message all over the Internet. 

1. Find the Most Profitable Niche to Create a Webstore.

To understand what niche can turn out to be a perfect match, you need to answer the following questions.

   What are your main interests?

Which component of having your own business do you find the most appealing? Is there a specific sort of individual you would like to assist? Do you have a certain offering that makes your heart flutter? Is there one aspect that particularly excites you if you have already begun selling? 


Do you want to be a businessman but have not decided on a specific company plan? Consider how you spend your leisure time. What are you looking forward to the most at the end of the week? Is there a matter that jumps out on your bookcases? What could you probably speak about for hours without being distracted?

   What is a group of people who you wish to assist?

Is there any specific sort of individual you want to start serving? It is possible that you have extensive expertise in interacting with youngsters. In such a situation, you are free to opt for concentrating on teaching children yoga. You may believe that a certain population has historically been neglected and wish to correct that inequity. You may have a special story that draws you to dealing with one sort of client over another.

   What do your clients require?

It does not matter how enthusiastic you are about your specialty. If there is no audience for it, it will be incredibly difficult to make your company work. So, start chatting to folks that meet your target customer’s profile and determine:

  • Is the problem you are working to fix real?
  • Will your solution arouse interest in people?
  • What exactly does the audience want from you?
  • Is it something they are prepared to spend money on?

   Is there a market imbalance?

It is a matter of examining the market and attempting to locate a gap. Perhaps, there are a lot of yoga teachers in your region, but none of them specialize in power or Hatha yoga. Although social media specialists are many, relatively few focus on educating new businesses on how to utilize TikTok successfully. There may be 20 other wedding organizations in the area, but there are not many that specialize in vintage-style weddings.

   Is it financially viable?

Once again, to create a webstore, devotion alone is insufficient. If you are planning on taking the entrepreneurial roller coaster, you need to know if the finances add up ahead of time. How much does practice cost? Do you have the essential skills to start your firm, or do you have the means to take the relevant training? What start-up costs will you require? Do they include insurance, equipment, or rent? Do you have sufficient money on hand to meet those expenses if you do not generate any money in the first year?

2. Build a Customer Profile.

People are so diverse, yet there are traits that link people into specific categories. These are based on hobbies, lifestyle, objectives, requirements, and other characteristics. Every product, firm, and sector of activity requires a thorough knowledge of its target audience. With information about the client’s goals, ambitions, and challenges, the firm may create the appropriate commercial proposition. In other words, you will be ready to create a webstore to provide a product that meets the demands of potential customers.


By asking the following questions from 5W Sherrington Method, you may develop a portrait of your core audience.

  1. What? It enables you to categorize the target market based on the sort of items or services offered.
  2. Who? It is useful to know who precisely buys a service or product. You can categorize members of the audience based on gender, age, and other factors relevant to your research.
  3. Why? This is a motivational question: why should customers acquire your product or service? What issues do they address?
  4. When? Here you need to focus on the demand question. When and under what conditions will customers utilize your product or service?
  5. Where? Branding forms of communication must be defined. Where do customers decide to buy from you? Where do people purchase your assortment? How can you affect their shopping behavior?

3. Choose the Appropriate Brand and Domain Name.

Brand consistency is essential for success when you create a webstore. It all starts with the name of your company. The name should complement the entire branding, including logos, taglines, and slogans.


It is not just about how to create a brand name. It is also about how that name stands up to numerous aspects, such as the following ones.

  • How distinct is the name? Does that sound like a company?
  • Is the name recognizable or attractive?
  • Is it straightforward to spell?
  • Will the name stick around? Is it fashionable, but not so fashionable that it will be obsolete in five years?
  • Does this name aid in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
  • Is it appropriate for your company?
  • Is the name suitable for your target audience?
  • Will your name be recognizable in other languages?


The greatest domain names are concise, distinctive, and on-brand. As a result, they can even improve your search engine rankings.

  1. Before deciding on a domain name, think about how it sounds when said aloud. A name that is very complicated to pronounce can hurt brand development and word-of-mouth advertising.
  2. In addition to pronunciation, evaluate spelling. A domain name that is easily spelled  is quicker to find. If you have the resources, you may even buy your domain’s variants. As a result, all of them will point to your primary URL.
  3. The longer the name, the more likely it is that your customers will make mistakes. For the best engagement, confine your web address to 15 characters or fewer.
  4. Do not use phrases that might lead to misunderstandings. Strange words that have alternate spellings (like flower and flour or pray and prey) may make it difficult for clients to discover your website.
  5. It is a great idea to use keywords that represent your brand, but do not get too precise. 
  6. Hyphens make your web address more difficult to memorize. The more difficult it is to remember, the more likely it is that people will make errors when attempting to find the site.
  7. Before making your decision, conduct a trademark check to ensure that you are not violating any other copyrights or brands. 

4. Decide on the eCommerce platform and ready-made solution.

Before opting for the most appropriate eCommerce platform, consider your online store’s objectives. What you require now to be effective online is not the same as what you will require eventually for your site. That is typical. Before choosing the cheapest package, consider how much you want your company revenues to increase.

   Pricing and Payment Options.

Pricing schemes can be too satisfactory to be true. So, it would be smart to weigh each pricing tier against your long-term online company objectives. Then you will not be saddled with exorbitant website costs later on.

  • Do you require any unique marketing add-ons?
  • What improvements or services might be postponed?
  • Which features are expensive on one level but not on another?
  • Will you require the services of a web developer or additional instruments?
  • Do you require certain shopping cart functionalities?


It is unfortunate to lose a sale due to a malfunctioning shopping cart, but you can avoid this issue.

  • Do they support all of the operations you require?
  • Do you require a payment gateway?
  • Do they accept payment via social media?
  • Is there a cost for processing payments?
  • Do they provide adequate shipping services?



Your website reflects the growth of the company and provides the initial visual effect to your consumers. Customers will abandon the site if they do not like how it appears or find it difficult to navigate. For this reason, when you create a webstore, it is critical to select a platform that allows you to take advantage of the drag-and-drop editor. Furthermore, access to a diverse set of unique templates is amazing too. They should be ready to capture the essence of your company and boost your UX design.

   Various marketing integrations and extra features.

It is difficult to build a new cash source and enhance your internet business with a single package.

In today’s eCommerce industry, social media has become the marketing foundation. Therefore, you need a platform that can link you with many marketplaces, social media channels, and applications.

The functionality of the platform should correlate with your company’s requirements. As a result, it is preferable to select something with a diverse set of functions. Among them, there are various shipping options, business tools, third-party plugins, analytics, email marketing, and others.


One of the most fundamental aspects of having an online store is its availability. People can access it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, this also implies that customers may seek help for your assortment at any time of the day. Your eCommerce platform should have adequate power to manage numerous support choices at different times of day. As an example, it can be a contact form, social media, live chat, and other methods. Moreover, if you are not an expert in eCommerce, you might want to choose a source with great customer service. So, you will be ready to have assistance in developing and managing your online business.


In general, ready-made templates simplify the way you create a webstore. It determines the appearance and impression of your online project, which serves as the entrance to the world of eCommerce. What to know before choosing the most suitable variant for your business?


  1. The majority of premium eCommerce templates provide all of the essential functionality. If you wish to integrate any special functionality for your individual needs, you may need to modify it. Make sure to obtain answers to the following questions. Do you require a one-of-a-kind appearance for your online store? Which layout would be best for your store’s design? What format do you want for your main page and inner pages? Is it necessary to add extra content or pictures to any pages?
  2. To attract clients, online shops must have an appealing design. The visual look must be balanced in color, have an appropriate area for all of your material, and have a distinct layout for different page types. You should be ready to add bigger and more vibrant photographs of the items to catch the attention of buyers.
  3. It must also function as expected by your clients. A straightforward user interface enhances the user experience. Users will be able to execute their duties without delay if an effective interface is provided. Ready-made templates must allow for the speedier implementation of any additional features and make the installation process effortless to handle.
  4. There are some essential features to search for in the packages. These include a fully-responsive design, fast page loading, highly customizable nature, SEO-friendliness, and marketing options.
  5. You have the freedom to choose from premium and free eCommerce templates. If you want a distinctive template to fit your business, you may purchase ready-made solutions on TemplateMonster. They are crafted for the needs of prominent industry sectors such as business, furniture, cosmetics, sports, tools, fashion, and many others. The resource also offers free digital items for varied needs. If you are not ready to face the website construction process, their all-in-one store service answers the question of how to start an eCommerce business. The team will complete multiple tasks, including theme installation and customization, integrate your content, and secure your site. In addition to this, you will be ready to get any WooCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart, Magento, or Shopify theme for free. Anyway, it is critical to compare premium and free eCommerce templates.


Free Templates Premium Templates
Customization Capabilities Basic customization options that will not help you as your online store grows. They offer a wide range of pre-made layouts and advanced personalization options.
Support Limited help entails replying to forum queries but excludes assistance with personal requests. No one else is accountable for addressing unforeseen bugs or other concerns. Professional support from the team of developers.
The Number of Downloads The utilization of a high number of users reduces the originality of your design. Even though many people may download the desired ready-made template, enhanced customization capabilities allow crafting something that does not resemble other online projects.
Updates There might be no updates at all. Regular updates to boost functionality and resolve issues.
Extra Functionality and Features Limited functionality implies a basic set of functions with no sophisticated or additional capability. When you create a webstore, it will be easy to employ social sharing buttons, dynamic galleries, and a variety of custom widgets. They are more likely to have better SEO characteristics and more adaptability to mobile displays.

5. Add the Most Crucial Elements to Your Online Store.

While the value of your goods is significant, your clients will not find it unless you have an incredibly simple and logical website design. Visitors create an impression about the site and decide whether to stay or depart in 0,05 seconds. It is less than the twinkling of an eye. In this case, try and make those fractions of a second intriguing.

  • Straightforward navigation.

The secret to assisting clients in rapidly finding the things they want is to provide a user-friendly navigation system. Items should be sorted properly, with the most common groups of goods listed first.

  • Advanced search.

Site search is a function featured on the majority of eCommerce sites. Customers may skip the menu and seek exactly what they desire.

  • Product videos.

Including videos on different product pages helps boost conversions. According to Think With Google, more than half of customers claimed that video helped them decide which product to buy.

  • Customer reviews.

Product reviews and ratings are the most common type of user-generated content. This element is critical for giving customers confidence that an item will meet their expectations.

  • Product filters.

Do you provide clients with numerous product types? Allow customers to easily identify goods that are offered with their desired characteristics.

  • FAQ.

Another option to include is a section of commonly asked questions. This area can benefit your shop in a range of methods. Boost your revenue by responding to your top pre-sales queries regarding your items. Cut the time your support team needs to spend addressing product queries before and after the sale.

  • Order Tracking.

When a consumer puts an order, they start to think about when they will get their long-awaited order. Make it straightforward for clients to monitor the progress of their purchases on your site.


Without a doubt, it is impossible to forget about shipping and payment methods when you create a webstore. A shipping policy establishes appropriate expectations among new consumers. It must properly disclose the pricing, terms, and delivery limits. Consider the following questions when developing a shipping policy.

  1. Are you providing free delivery, a flat rate, or a variable fee? Determine a reasonable free shipping barrier to attract more consumers and promote greater average purchase value.
  2. What carrier do you use? Prices, delivery times, and shipment limitations differ from one carrier to the next. Evaluate all of your alternatives and choose those with the best price-to-value ratio.
  3. Will you be shipping internationally? First of all, explore selling and shipping to nearby areas to expand your market reach. Then investigate overseas delivery options.


When it comes to payments, it is better to provide your customers with multiple options. It is not required or practicable to accept every payment method accessible. However, you should look at your core to determine which payment methods they prefer. Allowing direct bank transfers and payments from all major credit cards would be a good combo. Finally, it all comes down to who you are appealing to.

6. Start Promoting Your Store Through Various Channels.

  • Collect emails of your customers.

Even with a physical store, a high-quality email marketing approach is essential. Gather as many email addresses as possible from clients, potential customers, and persons willing to participate in your activities. When you debut, you will be capable of sending an email to all of those folks informing them that they are free to shop online.

  • Take advantage of social media.

Since individuals spend time on social platforms, they are a wonderful location to concentrate ad expenditures. If your target demographic spends their time on Instagram, not Facebook, it is obvious what platform you should prioritize. You may use photographs and videos in your advertisements, but make sure to start modest. A photographic ad is an excellent approach to promoting your goods to new customers. Try using basic and compelling visuals of your item in action. Then, you will be ready to tweak your strategies depending on how effectively it works in the first few weeks.

  • Collaborate with other companies.

Make cross-promotional alliances with other businesses. Find a company with a comparable target demographic but a different product. As a result, each partner reaches a completely fresh and suitable audience. Cross-promotion tactics differ, and there are ways to tackle them at every stage.

  • Take part in discussions and other events on the web.

Online communication and events become more prevalent. So, there are more chances to raise brand recognition within your core audience. Use your knowledge to spread the word about your company by engaging in workshops, webinars, and conferences.

  • Work with influencers.

Working with the proper influencer may expose your goods to a large number of prospective buyers and raise brand recognition. Make sure your chosen influencer’s audience coincides with your intended audience. Their ideals should also connect with your business to make the most of influencer marketing.

  • Do not forget about SEO.

When you create a webstore, give heed to the text on the page. On-page content includes product titles, descriptions, photos, blog posts, and other information. Meta tags are also crucial. Title tags, which function similarly to search engine headlines, assist the search engine in determining what each page is about. Each page should have a distinct title tag. In other words, each page’s meta description is a brief summary.

  • Pay attention to Google Ads.

Using Google Ads allows you to bid on keywords to appear first on search engine results pages.  Search engine marketing is an excellent technique to promote your website. It requires no design and may be quite efficient in attracting new traffic. You will see achievements in real-time and be able to alter your advertising strategy as you go.

7. Analyze Your First Results and Plan the Next Steps.

Website analysis is the process of examining and assessing the effectiveness of your online project. Its purpose is to enhance the visitor and customer experience and, eventually, boost revenue. When examining your online shop, the amount of data you discover might be daunting. The great news is that you just need to concentrate on important measurements and KPIs. You may identify data that reveals possibilities and increases conversions by narrowing your focus.

  • Age, gender, location, hobbies, and behaviors are all considered demographics.
  • The number of subscribers or followers that saw your material via digital channels such as email or social media.
  • The number of times your item was seen.
  • Number of individuals who interact with your material
  • Keyword rankings and search volume.
  • The percentage of people who click on your links after viewing them.
  • The percentage of visitors that make a purchase on your site in comparison to the total number of visits.
  • The average amount spent by a consumer when placing an order on your website.
  • Percentage of clients retained throughout time.
  • The percentage of visitors that arrive at your site but exit without engaging in any significant activity.


Companies that integrate statistics into their daily routines show a significant improvement in performance. Merchants who develop the practice of examining data, gaining awareness about the products from statistics, and putting those findings into practice are the most profitable. After you have identified your most pressing issues, consider solutions that will have a positive influence. Put these recommendations into action and repeat the checkup the following week to see whether your results have improved. This approach should be repeated every week until you see an improvement.

A Few Words in Conclusion

As you can understand, there is nothing horrible hiding behind the words “create a webstore.” You need to follow the instructions, and everything will turn out to be effective. Just make sure you:

  • choose the appropriate eCommerce platform;
  • consider various design choices (including Shopify themes 2.0);
  • add the desired products to your assortment;
  • connect online payments and provide shipping details;
  • pre-launch a marketing campaign;
  • remember about SEO and analytics.


Think of these duties as stages in the evolution of your online business. Mastering each of them will put your eCommerce empire on the route to glory. By the way, we have a special surprise in the form of our promo code “designbeep”. It provides 5% OFF on all eCommerce templates on TemplateMonster. Thanks for reading!