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6 Social Media Branding Strategies that Fuel Growth

6 Social Media Branding Strategies that Fuel Growth

Social media branding has become the new talk of the town for marketers; however, it is not merely a cliché. An influential social media branding strategy makes or mars your business in our digital era.

Consider it: when was the last time you landed on a company’s social media accounts and said to yourself, “Man! These guys are organised?” Exactly! Such brands remain memorable. They have one appearance throughout; they always speak in one voice and maintain a particular vibe which shouts ‘seriousness’ (or maybe ‘funny and crazy’ if they wish).

Let me tell you something else – those enterprises could be making millions due to their excellent social media skills. We should never underrate this fact because people will never buy your good-looking logo alone. People purchase feelings, connecting with them emotionally while cultivating loyal fans who can’t stop talking about your product, which forms part of branding.

So listen carefully, everybody! Today, we’ll explore some incredible strategies for social media branding that will make people notice you like a pink flamingo in Antarctica full of penguins. Prepare to amaze followers as your brand rises higher than ever!

1 – Define Your Brand Personality and Voice

Brand Personality

Think of your brand as a person attending a party. What kind of vibe would it give off? Is it the life of the party, telling jokes left and right? Or is it the mysterious figure in the corner with a martini?

Your brand personality is the basis for your social media presence. It’s what sets you apart from other companies in your industry and helps people remember who you are. So, take some time to identify those character traits.

  • Are you slick and professional or quirky and irreverent?
  • Do you want to come across as an industry authority or a friendly, approachable company?
  • What core values do you want to convey?

Once you’ve settled on who your brand is, create a consistent voice for it throughout all social networks. This should be evident in every post, caption, and follower interaction.

Pro Tip: Establish guidelines around tone, messaging pillars, and even specific words or phrases (to use or avoid) within a brand voice guide that spans all platforms – consistency matters!

Bring Your Brand Personality to Life

Now that you’ve got your brand’s personality and voice down pat – what next? It's time to bring that baby alive on social media! Here are some foolproof ways to infuse every single one of your posts with its special je ne sais quoi:

  • Use on-brand visuals — Ensure continuity between colours used on various channels and filters applied when editing photos; both should reflect what people know about who/what represents your organisation visually.
  • Craft attention-grabbing captions — Don’t just describe things plainly; get clever by giving information while entertaining/intriguing (or both).
  • Interact as though in character — While responding directly through comments or private messages, stay true towards whichever role has been adopted by your brand during this particular campaign period; e.g., if known for being fun-loving, then engage others through light-hearted banter!
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Ultimately, create an immersive environment across all social profiles that makes sense for fans. Once they feel this way, it becomes easier to find and remember/relate to different parts of what represents who you are as an organization.

2 – Establish a Consistent Look and Feel

Consistent Social Media Example Instagram

Imagine entering a store and seeing a mismatched decor. In front of you, there are clashing colours and no coordination at all. Baffling, isn’t it? Well, the same thing goes with your social media.

You must create a consistent look and feel on all platforms to build a brand that people recognise. Not everything has to be exactly alike (that would be boring!), but some common threads should be running through them.

Create a Visual Brand Style Guide

So what do you do first? Develop a visual brand style guide which outlines the main elements of your brand’s aesthetic. This little helper should include the following:

  • Colour palette – Stick with 3-5 core colours representing your brand’s personality and industry best.
  • Typography – Decide which fonts will be used for headers, body copy, etc.
  • Graphics and illustrations – Decide what kinds of graphic styles, icons, patterns, etc, will be employed.
  • Photography style – Indicate how product shots or lifestyle imagery should look like

Having this style guide will help ensure consistency across all content creation efforts. Consistency = professionalism = trust from your audience.

Apply Your Brand’s Visual Elements Consistently

Once those visual brand guidelines are set in stone, it’s time to apply them throughout every single one of your social channels, such as:

  • Updating profile pictures, cover photos/banners + bios to reflect branding
  • Using colour palette + font choices within graphics & text overlays
  • Applying filters or editing styles consistently when using photos/videos
  • Creating branded templates for different types of posts (e.g. quotes vs product features)

The aim is simple enough; when people scroll through their Instagram feed, they should instantly know that it belongs to YOUR company because everything looks so “you”—no second-guessing moments allowed!

Don’t Forget: Ensure website design aligns with social media branding for a seamless omnichannel experience

3 – Craft a Killer Content Strategy

Vegan Brand Marketing Social Media

Alright, so you've figured out the personality and looks of your brand; now comes the part where you introduce your content strategy. And let's face it, having the most attractive social media feeds is useless when your content does not add value because it means you are just talking to yourself.

Identify Your Target Audience and Their Needs

The first step towards creating connected content is knowing your target audience, like your best friend. Ask yourself:

  • Who do you want to talk to? How old are they, where do they live, what are their interests, and their problems?
  • Which type of materials will be most beneficial for them or fun?
  • Where are they more active on social media platforms?

Once you deeply understand who your ideal customer is, start making content that speaks directly to their needs and wants. Try educating, motivating or entertaining them in a style consistent with the brand voice.

For example, if I’m a fitness company trying to reach out to busy corporate workers, quick indoor workout videos might help, healthy meal prep ideas or even inspirational stories about finding time for self-care among tight schedules.

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Plan a Diverse Content Mix

Now that you know who you’re speaking with, let’s lay down what we’ll say. A good content strategy should incorporate different types of posts, such as:

  • Educational Materials (How-to guides, industry tips, expert interviews, etc.)
  • Engaging visuals (graphics, memes, Instagram Reels or TikToks etc.)
  • Storytelling elements (Behind-the-scenes peeks Customer highlights Day-in-the-life posts)
  • Promotional posts (New product launches, Sales Company updates)

The idea is to provide value while subtly directing people towards buying your products or hiring your services. If all someone sees on their timeline is “buy my stuff”, trust me – they will unfollow quickly! At the same time, why should people become customers if there isn’t enough push for sales?

Create a Content Calendar (And Stick to It!)

Now that you have your content pillars and mix set keep things organised with a helpful content calendar. Plan out:

  • Which platforms will you post on and how frequently (e.g. 3 Instagram posts per week, 1 LinkedIn article per month)
  • Themes or specific topics to cover each week/month
  • When will there be promotions about products, sales or company updates
  • Opportune moments/holidays/seasons to create material around

After that batch, create your posts, scheduling them in advance using tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to stay consistent across all social media platforms without having any dead accounts days after another.

Pro Tip: Leave some room for flexibility, such as jumping onto viral trends quickly or dropping “in-the-moment” off-the-cuff pieces which feel more genuine and engaging.

4 – Initiate and Nurture Community Conversations

Tips Social Media Management

This is it: without audience engagement, all the best content strategy and visual design in the world will do nothing for your social media branding. Because, at the end of it all, social media is about creating a sense of community.

Kickstart Discussion

Don’t just post and run. Write captions encouraging your followers to talk to you – ask questions, share personal stories or behind-the-scenes snippets, and even start a friendly debate over the current controversy.

You could also use Instagram’s question stickers, X polls, or Facebook live videos to solicit feedback from your audience directly. The more involved they feel with your brand, the more tightly they’ll cling to it.

For instance, If you were running a bakery, you might post an image of a fresh-from-the-oven cinnamon roll so good-looking it hurts and say, “What’s your favourite kind of pastry? Let us know below!”

Be an Active Listener and Engaging Conversationalist

But starting the conversation is only half the battle – now you’ve got to keep it rolling by listening and responding. Think about being at a party where someone asks you a question and then just… walks away before you can answer. Not precisely charming behaviour.

Make sure to:

  • Respond promptly to comments or DMs
  • Ask follow-up questions when appropriate
  • Like/reshare user-generated content that features your brand
  • Gracefully address both positive and negative feedback

The longer you maintain this level of involvement with your audience, the deeper their loyalty towards (and advocacy for) your brand will become. You’ve got to pay attention! It’s like what one guy said in that movie — uh — oh yeah! Love Is Blind!

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Also note: Jumping into conversations around your industry/niche — even if they didn’t originate with your content — can help get more eyes on your stuff and establish your brand voice within those circles.

5 – Explore Influencer and Community Partnerships

Influencer Marketing Platform

Creating a successful brand presence on social media requires the effort of many people. However, while doing your part is vital, you should also consider employing influencers and partners from the community who can help you reach more people.

Use Influencers’ Popularity

Regardless of what you think about influencers, they can affect many people's opinions in today’s world. If you find those whose values align with your own as a company or business and who connect with your target market emotionally, partnering with them can be a game changer for your brand.

Besides introducing their huge following to what you offer through sponsored posts or ambassadorships, these celebrities may also bring trust into this relationship through co-created content such as joint blogs or vlogs. In addition, they may want to do social media giveaways featuring some goods/services related to both parties involved or even host live events where all participants will have great fun together!

Nonetheless, ensure that any potential influencer partner has been appropriately vetted so that only those likely to yield positive outcomes are chosen – nothing too sales-like should be considered during the selection stage either; only select those which seem like a natural fit and would provide actual value for audiences being influenced by such collaborations.

Create Excitement Through Community Collaborations

It is true that influencers have large numbers of followers, but don’t neglect your present community members! There is probably already a group within your audience base that loves what you do and frequently interacts with it.

Why not showcase them as small-scale influencers working for the success of your enterprise? Here are some suggestions:

  • Repost user-generated content made by fans, tagging each one back individually;
  • Come up with contests where participants from among customers submit photos or videos about their experiences using products/services offered by the company;
  • Organise behind-the-scenes tours exclusively targeting loyal social media followership;

Feature reviews are written by customers who are satisfied with goods bought from you, or even better, publish case studies showing how brands solved people’s problems through your products. In addition, giving some clients the chance to be interviewed and then profiling them on different platforms can also work wonders.

The genuineness plus personal connection which results from showcasing real consumers tend to have a more significant impact than an influencer campaign involving someone famous. Besides, we always trust recommendations given by friends more than those made in adverts, don’t we?

6 – Track Success with Smart Social Analytics

Measure Instagram Story Analytics

You have defined your brand identity, created great content and built a community around your business. However, how can you tell if all of these efforts for social media branding are working? The answer is simple. Smart analytics.

Determine Key Metrics to Measure

There’s so much data available today that it’s easy to drown in numbers and statistics. That’s why you need to know which metrics count when evaluating the success of your social branding:

  • Engagement (likes, comments, shares, etc.)
  • Click-through rates (for website traffic or campaign goals)
  • Follower growth rate (are you attracting your ideal audience?)
  • Brand sentiment (what are people saying about you?)
  • Conversion rates (% of followers taking desired actions)
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These are just some of the core numbers that help measure brand awareness, community health and sales impact, among other things. But don’t stop at the numbers; look for trends and qualitative feedback.

For Example, If your Instagram engagement is sky-high but website traffic remains low, it might mean that you should optimise either your bio link or posting strategy to drive clicks.

Make Use Of Built-In And Third-Party Analytics Tools

Fortunately, most major social platforms offer built-in analytics tools that allow tracking important metrics without requiring one to be a data scientist. If one wants to dig deeper, they can also consider third-party social media analytics tools such as:

  1. Hootsuite
  2. Sprout Social
  3. Buffer Analytics
  4. Brandwatch
  5. Talkwalker

Many of these tools enable monitoring performance across multiple platforms, while others facilitate benchmarking against competitors, revealing audience demographics and behavioural insights, among other functionalities. Having such detailed data readily available can significantly enhance one’s ability to plan and optimise their approach towards social branding.

Test, Analyse And Refine Continuously 

The secret behind successful long-term social media branding lies in continuously testing and refining based on insights from analytics. This is because customer behaviour keeps changing, and algorithms keep being updated while new features are introduced; hence, using the same old strategies becomes redundant.

Make it a habit to review metrics regularly and then come up with new things to try out, like:

  • Unticked Experimenting with different content topics, formats, or tones
  • Unticked Trying posting at different times or days
  • Unticked Changing your hashtag strategy
  • Unticked Running A/B tests for paid social campaigns

Think of your social channels as an ever-evolving laboratory where you learn what resonates most with your target audience. That constant tweaking and curiosity? That has made social media branding engaging, relevant, and impactful over many years.

Social Media Branding Strategies (FAQs)

Which is more effective: promoting through paid ads or organic reach?

Should I delete negative comments on my social media posts?

Generally, responding to negative comments rather than deleting them is best. Address the concern with empathy and offer a solution if possible. However, if a comment is offensive or goes against your community guidelines, you may hide or delete it.

How do I handle social media trolls?

The most important rule when dealing with trolls is not to take their bait. Responding emotionally or defensively will only escalate the situation. Instead, remain calm and professional while addressing any valid concerns they may have raised.

Can I reuse the same content on multiple social media platforms?

Yes, but be mindful of adapting it for each platform's unique audience and format. For example, you might use the same core message but package it as a visually appealing image for Instagram, a brief text post for Twitter, and a longer article for LinkedIn.

What should I do if my social media accounts get hacked?

The best method is to merge natural and paid promotion tactics. Employ promoted ads to maximise activities with high organic results, reach out to new people and drive particular campaign targets. However, it’s essential not to disregard the potential within organic engagement fostered by quality content and community management.

👉 Read More:  Utilising Multiple Marketing Channels to Maximise Reach

How can I stay updated with trends and platform changes?

Subscribe to business bulletins, track social media moguls or marketing gurus, participate in virtual societies, and try different styles of content or methods for sharing them online. Keep an open mind full of experiments if you want your social branding strategy to grow with time!

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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Let’s talk about your logo, branding or web development project today! Get in touch for a free quote.

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