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Discover the art of conveying compelling visual narratives using frame-by-frame animations on your iPad Pro.

Animation offers an enjoyable method of crafting narratives, self-expression, and captivating the audience’s attention swiftly. Motion designer and animator, Caroline Kjellberg, harnesses its power to help brands distinguish themselves across various platforms, weaving stories that elevate the world’s joyful spirit. With an impressive portfolio, including collaborations with renowned names like Beats by Dre and Adobe, she aspires to infuse the internet with playfulness through her innovative animations.

In this course, Caroline will impart the foundational principles of frame-by-frame animation using Procreate for iPad Pro. You will acquire the necessary tools to create mesmerizing animations, from crafting a storyboard to executing your sequence and designing a unique mixed-media looping animation ready for online sharing.

Mixed Media Animation Online Course for Procreate
Mixed Media Animation Online Course for Procreate

In this online course, what knowledge and skills will you acquire?

Embark on this online course by gaining insights into Caroline’s personal journey toward becoming an animator. Discover the profound influences that have shaped her style, starting from her childhood to the present, and learn how these inspirations can aid you in developing your animation approach.

Explore the diverse world of animation and its historical context, laying the groundwork before delving into comprehending client briefs, what constitutes an effective one, and how to respond to them adeptly. Caroline will guide you through establishing a well-structured workflow for frame-by-frame animation, encompassing essential steps such as brand research, storyboarding, and executing stop-motion sequences.

Master the use of Procreate and its configuration to set yourself up for a successful animation journey. Dive into understanding the twelve fundamental principles of animation, applicable to both characters and typography, followed by insights on coloring techniques and integrating sub-animations into Adobe After Effects to create the final composition.

Elevate your frame-by-frame animation with sound effects and music, adding a new dimension to your project. Learn the art of rendering the finished animation, and optimizing it for client presentation. Lastly, Caroline generously shares her invaluable tips and tricks for effectively showcasing your creation on popular social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, as well as within your online portfolio.

Don’t hesitate to find more recommended online courses on WE AND THE COLOR.