Captivating And Humorous Illustrations Created From Everyday Items By Christoph Niemann – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Captivating And Humorous Illustrations Created From Everyday Items By Christoph Niemann


Artist, author, and animator are just some of the numerous hats that Christoph Niemann wears.

There is a good chance that you have seen his art featured on the covers of prestigious publications like as The New Yorker, National Geographic, and The New York Times Magazine. Instagram, on the other hand, serves as his playground, particularly with his ‘Sunday Sketches.’ It is there that he performs his magic, transforming ordinary things into captivating images that connect with people from all over the world.

“I try to let the object dictate where I’m going. I pick a random object, put it on my desk, and then just start staring at it, desperately hoping that something clicks. I try to tackle these images with absolutely no plan regarding the end result. I’m searching for an unusual angle that leads to a visual connection that is surprising for me (and the viewer),” the artist told Bored Panda.

More: Christoph Niemann, Instagram h/t: boredapnda

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