InterAccess Media Arts Prize 2023 Programming

InterAccess is pleased to announce the following upcoming programming, including exhibitions, an artist talk, and a workshop, in support of the 2023 Media Arts Prize. 

EXHIBITION: Kaboos: An exhibition of nightmares 
Mehrnaz Abdoos
January 17 – February 17, 2024   

A personal narrative of the artist, Kaboos exhibits Mehrnaz Abdoos’ nightmares and how she pieces her life through them through a 3D rendered environment. 

EXHIBITION: once more, once again 
Ghislan Sutherland-Timm  
January 17 – February 17, 2024 

From the discarded furnishings and neglected findings collected over a period of time, once more, once again engages with the revitalization of found objects activated through an orchestral and unorthodox play of sight and sound. 

ARTIST TALK: Farming the Future
Murley Herrle-Fanning
February 3, 2024 | 2 – 3:30PM

Registration information available on InterAccess website 

Engage with a variety of topics from farm chores alongside a herd of goats, birds, and dogs, to experiments with emerging technologies such as AI powered creations and niche systems of participatory media for broadcasting and gaming. 

WORKSHOP: DIY Vacuum Formed Lamps
Audrey Ammann
January 30, 2024 | 6 – 9PM

Registration information available on InterAccess website 

This hands-on workshop will guide participants through the basics of vacuum forming to design their own LED lamp covers. 

About the Media Arts Prize

Mehrnaz Abdoos & Ghislan Sutherland-Timm, 2023 Recipients of the InterAccess Media Arts Prize

For over twenty years the InterAccess Media Arts Prize has been granted annually to a graduating student whose work exhibits excellence and innovation in new media practice. Participating colleges and universities are invited to nominate one graduating student to be considered for a solo exhibition in InterAccess’s gallery. Nominations are adjudicated by InterAccess’s Programming Committee, who select one nominee for an exhibition at InterAccess. All nominees receive a complimentary one-year studio membership to InterAccess. 

Founded in 1983 as Toronto (CA) Community-Videotex, InterAccess is a gallery, educational facility, production studio, festival, and registered charity dedicated to new media and emerging practices in art and technology.
