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Take this highly recommended online course by Laura Zalenga to express yourself through photography.

In this online course, photographer Laura Zalenga introduces you to a creative world of self-discovery and experimentation through self-portrait photography. In 18 lessons, you will learn step by step how to develop a strong concept, find unique outdoor locations, and use natural light. Laura shows you her process, from the initial idea to the final editing techniques in tools such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

The individual lessons are online at any time. This way, you can learn at your own pace. With Laura Zalenga as your experienced photography teacher, you will learn to conceptualize, prepare, and shoot a self-portrait in an outdoor setting with natural light. The course is in English with subtitles available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, and Dutch.

This online course is ideal for both beginner and intermediate photographers looking for simple photography techniques to experiment with and expand their creativity through self-portraiture.

Learn the Art of Self-Portraits with this Photography Online Course by Laura Zalenga
Learn the Art of Self-Portraits with this Photography Online Course by Laura Zalenga

All images © by Laura Zalenga. You can find more handpicked online courses from different creative fields on WE AND THE COLOR.