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How Much You Should Be Spending on Logo Design

How Much You Should Be Spending on Logo Design (The Surprising Truth)

Selecting the right logo is one of the most critical branding decisions any company can make. Your logo is the face of your brand – it's often the first impression you make and can shape how potential customers perceive your business. But logo design comes at a cost. So how much should you spend to get it right?

In this article, we'll break down the key factors that impact logo pricing, help you set a budget that fits your business needs and goals, and provide tips for getting the most value from your investment.

How Much Do Logos Typically Cost?

Cost Logo Design Prices

Logo design pricing can vary widely based on the scope of work, designer experience, and other variables. Here are some typical price ranges:

  • DIY logo makers: $0 to $100. Create your logo through a logo maker platform. Budget-friendly and straightforward but limited in terms of customisation.
  • Freelance designers: $250 to $1,500. Hire an independent designer to create a custom logo tailored to your brandโ€”more flexibility at an affordable starting price.
  • Design agencies: $1,500 to $15,000+. Engage a team of expert designers at an established firmโ€”the most hands-on service, strategic guidance, and the highest cost.
  • Identity system design: $15,000 to $100,000+. A comprehensive visual brand identity system across multiple touchpoints. Investment level branding work.

As you can see, logo pricing spans from zero to over $100k, depending on your needs. And this isn't an exhaustive list – some companies invest $500k or more in a complete rebrand.

The proper budget comes down to your business, brand positioning, and goals. However, investing in a strong logo almost always yields a positive ROI.

Why Your Logo Matters More Than You Think

Your logo is much more than just a visual symbol for your brand. It captures your essence and conveys what you stand for to the world.

A strong logo inspires trust and recognition. It sticks in people's minds and helps drive business growth. Consider these influential facts:

  • Logos are memorable.ย A simple yet impactful logo can boost brand recall by up to 80%.
  • Logos convey credibility. 48% of consumers say an excellent logo makes them more likely to trust a company.
  • Logos inspire action. Compelling logos can increase purchase intent by up to 39%.
  • Logos build loyalty. Consistent branding with a recognisable logo increases customer retention by 33%.
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With so much riding on your logo, it pays to invest in thoughtful design. But with options starting as low as $5 to over $500,000 – how much should you spend?

Key Factors That Influence Logo Design Cost

Drawing Logos With A Grid

Several variables impact what you can expect to spend on logo design services. The major factors include:

Designer Skill and Experience

Experience matters when it comes to logo design. The more skilled the designer, the more you can expect to pay for their work. Top design firms and independent contractors charge premium rates.

Things to look for in designer experience:

  • Education and training
  • Years in the field
  • Case studies and client results
  • Testimonials and reviews
  • Awards and recognition

Investing in an experienced logo designer reduces risk and increases the chances of an effective brand mark.

Level of Customisation

The more custom the logo, the higher the cost will be. Custom logos require more strategic thinking, creative exploration, and revisions than templates.

Factors impacting customisation needs:

  • Brand positioning and messaging
  • Design elements and style
  • Colour palette options
  • File format deliverables
  • Animation or special effects

Be clear about your brand identity and objectives so the logo hits the mark.

Scope of Work

The scope of the project influences cost. A simple standalone logo won't require the same effort as a complete visual identity system.

Scope considerations include:

  • Logo marks
  • Wordmarks
  • Extended logo variations
  • Brand colours and fonts
  • Guidelines and asset delivery
  • Applications across touchpoints
  • Presentation decks and documentation

Know precisely what you want included before requesting quotes to compare apples to apples.

Rights and Ownership

Who owns the rights to the logo design assets also matters for pricing.

Typically, you'll encounter:

Full copyright transfer: You purchase complete ownership of the logo files. This allows unrestricted use but costs more.

Licensing agreement: The designer retains copyright while granting you commercial use rights through a contract. It is more affordable, but limitations apply.

Work for hire: The client owns complete copyrights with this model. Common when hiring agencies and employees.

Be clear about the rights needed for your plans to get accurate pricing.

Designer Location

Where your logo designer is located geographically will impact rates, too. In general:

But it's not always a direct correlation. You can find budget-friendly local help and premium offshore talent, too. Focus on skills first when evaluating designers.

Brand Complexity and Industry

Some brands and industries require more strategic solutions. For example, designing for:

  • A large enterprise vs. a startup
  • A B2B tech company vs. a retailer
  • A regulated industry like healthcare or finance vs. arts and entertainment

Higher complexity means more design thinking and tailored execution. And that gets reflected in the price.

How to Set a Realistic Logo Budget

Most Expensive Logos Cost Pricing

Now that you know what impacts logo design costs, how much should you budget? Here are some tips:

Know Your Minimum and Maximum

Start by defining price limits – a maximum you can and are willing to spend and a minimum baseline for viable options.

Too low, and you won't attract qualified talent. Too high, and you may overspend.

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Align with Brand Value

Tally up quantified assets like existing branding, website, ad spend, customer value, etc. The logo budget can mirror a fraction of the total brand worth.

Benchmark Competitors

Research what competing brands invest in logo design and branding activities. Aim to match or exceed to avoid falling behind.

Consider Growth Aspirations

An early-stage startup may only need a simple logo. However, a more strategic identity can be wise for a firm with big expansion plans.

Calculate the ROI

Will a strong logo boost sales, improve retention, and increase media value? Estimate the tangible returns expected to justify the spending.

Allow Flexibility

Leave breathing room above the minimum budget you establish. Unexpected needs often arise during the design process.

With a realistic sense of your budget range, you can zero in on logo design options that make sense.

Weighing DIY vs. Hiring a Pro Designer

Diy Logo Design

With so many logo options, how do you decide whether to DIY or hire a professional? Consider the pros and cons:

DIY Logos



  • Limited originality using templates
  • Lack of design expertise
  • No customisation or brand strategy
  • May appear amateurish

Professional Designers


  • Original, one-of-a-kind concepts
  • Industry knowledge and artistic skills
  • Strategic branding tied to objectives
  • Polished, high-quality artwork
  • Usage rights and guidelines


  • Significant financial investment ($80+)
  • Lengthier design process
  • No guarantee of satisfaction

Hiring a pro is worth the investment for most established companies, but assess if DIY can work for early-stage ventures if budgets are ultra-tight.

When to Consider Higher Spending on Logo Design

For most companies, spending $500 to $2,500 for original logo design offers an ideal balance of strategic branding and reasonable investment.

But for major brands, splurging on a premium logo can pay dividends by:

  • Increasing brand equity – A solid visual identity boosts recognition and loyalty for your company over competitors.
  • Future-proofing your brand – Invest more upfront in a logo built to last through changes in your company and market.
  • Conveying market leadership – Premium design signals you're an established player worthy of premium pricing.
  • Attracting top talent – A brand that cares about design draws in the best strategists, designers and collaborators.
  • Expanding seamlessly – Globally scalable logos command higher pricing but remove geographic barriers to growth.
  • Inspiring team pride – A fantastic symbol that instils confidence and rallying power within your organisation.

A premium logo may prove money well spent for major rebranding initiatives or new entrants in competitive markets prepared to make a splash.

Tips for Maximising Your Logo Investment

Hospital Branding Logo Design Services

You've set your budget – now it's time to make the most of your spending. Follow these tips:

Provide Clear Brand Guidance

Give designers ample information about your company, products, vision, and audience upfront. This focuses their work to hit the bullseye sooner.

Maintain Realistic Expectations

Understand that logo design takes exploration and may involve multiple revisions. Have patience and keep an open, constructive mindset.

Know What You Want to Avoid

Share examples of logos or styles that don't fit your brand. This gives the designer guardrails.

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Think Long-Term

Consider immediate needs and how the logo will evolve over the next 5-10 years.

Hire for Skill, Not Price

An experienced designer may cost more but can get your logo right faster and save money versus doing multiple rounds with an amateur.

Request Full Copyright

Owning complete rights to your logo provides maximum flexibility and protection as your business grows.

Focus on Value, Not Budget

Keep making decisions based on what will yield the most robust branding, not by cutting corners to shave off costs.

Striking the Right Balance for Your Brand

There's no universal rule for how much to spend on a logo. The suitable investment comes down to aligning your budget with strategic business priorities.

For early-stage companies, modest DIY or freelance spending can deliver brand impact on a budget. Well-funded startups entering competitive markets may consider mid-tier agency investment to fast-track growth.

Over time, established and growing companies should graduate with custom professional design services to continually refine their brand identity. Global enterprises can justify premium design spending to maximise visibility and leadership perception.

The most effective logos express the essence of your business in an authentic, memorable way – without breaking the bank. By weighing all the factors, you can strike the ideal balance of design value for your brand vision and budget.

FAQ About Logo Design Budgeting and Costs

Some common questions about setting and managing a logo design budget:

What is a typical budget for a new startup logo?

For an early-stage startup, plan for a budget of $250 to $1,500 for a professional custom logo. Have at least $500 allocated to attract skilled designers.

Should my logo budget be a percentage of sales revenue?

There are no fixed rules. But as a general guideline, allocate around 4-5% of gross annual sales to branding initiatives like a logo redesign.

Is it a bad idea to crowdsource my logo design?

Crowdsourcing through design contest sites can seem attractive from a budget perspective. But it takes work to get a cohesive custom design. It is better to work one-on-one with an experienced designer.

Should my logo budget factor in future redesign costs?

To a point, yes. Consider that you may want to update the logo every 5-10 years on average. But don't overspend today for unknown future needs either.

How can I get the most value within a small logo budget?

Focus on hiring one talented designer and provide ample guidance upfront to maximise your budget. Compromising on cost and working by committee dilutes the value.

Design a Logo That Stands the Test of Time

Creating an iconic, long-lasting logo requires striking the right balance of strategy and creativity. While there are no absolute rules on spending, concentrating your investment in the right areas goes a long way.

Prioritise working with experienced designers, allowing for adequate discovery and providing clear direction. With a budget that fits your current goals and future ambitions, you'll have a logo that can take your company anywhere it wants to go.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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