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How much does a Logo Design cost?

How Much Does a Logo Design Cost?

There is no doubt that Branding significantly impacts your business’s success and growth. 

It helps position you as a professional business while ensuring that you stay in the minds of your target clients.

One of the most critical factors in the success of a branding campaign is the logo design cost.  

Logos are vector graphics used to represent a business by portraying a product, service, or the name they carry.

As a business thinking of investing in logo design, you’ll need to ensure that you have a good idea of what to expect from a logo and what makes for a truly great logo.  

Several things make a logo great.  

If done by a professional logo designer, the logo should be technically sound (not losing quality when size is reduced or increased), unique, personable, and applicable in different media.  

All this while portraying your unique values as a company. 

We will look at what you get in the $100, $1000 and $10,000 ranges.  

We are analysing what makes a logo design cost these prices and what drawbacks you will encounter at the lower ranges.  

With this in mind, you’ll be in a better position to differentiate between a professional logo and a poorly done replica. 

Many examples of great logos across the web, such as Goldspot Pens or Kumho Tires.  

We recommend reviewing your favourite brands and taking notes to get a rough idea of what makes for a logo design that you love.

For a professional logo, you’ll need to hire an experienced designer who works with you to visualise your company into a simple image. 

Finding a good logo designer is simple. Most of them are picked up by professional graphic design agencies who make producing a great logo easy.

But there is also the option of seeking individual freelance designers off the web.  

This is where it gets more complicated.  

You will need to scour the internet (forums, job sites, portfolios) and interview dozens of designers.

Once you find your logo designer, one of the most challenging points is deciding what price point you are willing to pay for the logo design of your dreams.

More than meets the eye

Cost Logo Design Prices

We have mentioned before that logos carry more weight than they are attributed, both by clients and customers.

The question of designing a good logo is a psychological one.

Finding the perfect blend of shapes, colours and typography with which the target audience will resonate takes time and effort.

Designers often spend years in schools and technical colleges, perfecting their sight and logic to accommodate these needs.

Logos are far more than just a symbol on a business card, often finding their way into some other corporate materials:

  • Branding the logistical vehicles, offices and other equipment with a logo symbolises ownership.
  • Putting your logo on corporate documents such as memorandums, envelopes, and notebooks embodies professionalism in the niche.
  • Logo design also finds its way onto corporate websites, usually the first line of defence when new partners or clients come knocking.
  • Logos are also predominant on packaging labels and any form of retail sales that the company may be conducting.
👉 Read More:  The Top 10 Most Iconic Newspaper Logos

With such a significant role to play in every facet of a business, why are logos still undermined as unimportant and a necessary evil by many companies?

The reason for this is twofold, and besides the need to sit down and think about something “artsy”, CEOs or managers also have to put up with “working with designers”.

There is still a stigma surrounding designers and their perception as “people who just draw stuff”.

Drawing and logo design has nothing to do with each other apart from the early sketching, and this is where the matter of client servicing comes into question.

The question of design services

Toyota Rebranding

The chances are that you had the pleasure of working on a logo design without even realising it.

Logos often carry symbolic references to company history, mission and vision and even a blend of colours later used in corporate correspondences.

This is the first thing we need to consider once the cost of pricing a logo design comes into play.

A typical logo design consists of a positive, a negative and an outline of the desired design, delivered to the client's doorsteps.

In most freelance or individual cases, this is where the story ends, and the designer gets paid whatever the client feels like paying.

However, stepping up your game and offering further servicing options to the client can significantly raise your price, no matter what you are now charging for the logo design cost.

Servicing also entails that you might be interested in working with the client further, whether on implementing the logo design on business cards, corporate materials (which we will talk about later) or redesigning the logo down the line.

These options should have different prices attached to them since most business owners do not understand how the design process works.

Just because you designed a logo does not mean you are bound by moral laws to keep working on it for the same price you were paid previously.

Cheap vs Expensive Logo Design Prices

Cheap Logo Design Services Inkbot Design

Now that we have covered some of the basics of logo design pricing, let’s discuss choosing between a cheap and expensive design.

Admit it, you thought of going for the “cheap” option as soon as you saw it.

While logo generators are the cheapest option ($0 to use the service and $10-$50 to purchase your design), they only offer limited, generic icon and font options. – 99Designs

While you may have more freedom to choose copywriting, logo design is slightly different.

We are programmed to spend as little money as possible in our daily routines, especially regarding “trivial” things such as logo design or writing.

Cheap logo designers are plentiful and usually consist of art students, beginner freelancers or people from lower-income countries.

These people can design good artwork that you might be proud to own.

However, don’t expect any extra servicing options or additional support from these designers because they don’t know how to do that yet or realise that you are getting “the bang for your buck”.

Paying a fraction of what sizeable corporate design projects would cost won’t get you any extra benefits, no matter how far you look for cheap designers.

Just to give you an example: A google search for “professional logo design” will yield results offering logo for as little as $5 Which is a clear abuse of the word “professional”, because for $5 you can't really do anything good even if you live in India. – Ebaqdesign

Expensive designers and agencies, on the other hand, are established professionals and creatives with rich portfolios that can back them up and help them raise their prices.

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Companies and clients that want a guarantee of successful delivery should always look for these professionals, however much more expensive they might be.

Professional designers with some mileage behind them are also very familiar with visual brand building and services, meaning they are better equipped to deal with the additional design tasks that will pop up eventually.

Given that everything we have covered is based on established knowledge about logo design and designers, how much does a logo design cost in practice? 

Let’s separate the price points based on how complex and demanding the tasks are and how much additional work must be done once the logo is finished.

The $0 – $100 Logo Design Packages

Cheap Logo Design Prices Logo Maker

The zero in the title should not come as a surprise, given everything we have talked about so far.

Many young and inexperienced logo designers will happily design logos for free, or “pro bono”, without any payment requests whatsoever.

You should, however, keep in mind that the quality of the product you receive will most likely reflect that price point.

Every designer has to start somewhere, and letting someone ambitious play around with your Branding might not be as bad as you think.

If you need something more complex and need further visual Branding, it might be a good idea to look for more established designers.

If you’re looking for a logo cost in the lower category in terms of expense but still offer quality, this should work for you. 

Given the low price, some logo design steps will be overlooked in the creation process.

Logo Design Problems

For instance, extensive research is one of the steps all designers must conduct to ensure they are well-informed. 

It helps them gauge what is in the market, what your competitors are using, and how they can differentiate your business from your competitors. 

Without this process, the designer will most likely work solely under your guidance and the vision you have for your logo. 

Guidance would include providing them with a mood board, the colours you want, your favourite fonts and symbols, and nearly designing the idea yourself with them operating the software (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.).

With this, your designer will work on a few designs and present them to you to choose your favourite. 

Once you choose, the designer will refine and edit the logo to perfection to ensure it stands out. 

Finally, you will get your logo cost and can pay for the work done.

It is, however, essential to note that designers who can pull off a logo at such a low price are either beginners, students, or someone juggling many design projects, not focusing on yours. 

Having this in mind, you can decide whether this price point is for you.

The $1,000 Logo Design Cost

Custom Logo Design Services From A Logos Designer

Logo designs in this category will feature intermediate to experienced designers. 

These designers have worked with various brands and gained enough knowledge in the field to ensure they provide quality.

With such pricing, you can be sure that the logo designs will feature quality and professionalism. 

To create this, designers must go through serious processes that aid them during creation.  

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These processes differentiate the quality of logo designs in this category compared to the previous one. 

Your designer will start by doing extensive research in the market and analysing your competition to help gauge how the logo will position your business. 

They’ll then work on the designs with the help of a mood board to create different concepts for the logo design. 

Those with the most potential get refined to fit the client’s brand message, goals, and values. 

The logo gets presented to you with additional information on how you can use your logo daily to be consistent with your Branding and presence. 

Social Media Business Card Design Services

If you have any revision requests, they are considered and carefully executed. 

The best part about these logo designers is that they’ll work on creating a variation of logos with different colour backgrounds. 

It is essential, especially if you plan to use your logo on various things.

Once this is done, your designer will present you with the logos accompanied by the guidelines. 

These guidelines will help you better understand where a specific logo is meant to be used and how to apply it. 

The steps and processes in this price range are more in-depth and strategic and offer actual value. 

As a business, that is what will set you apart.

The $10,000 Logo Design Cost

Most Expensive Logos Cost Pricing

The price range for this professional logo design cost is intended for large professional companies who prefer working with the best. 

Logos in this range are done by teams of professional designers working in agencies.  

Agencies offer the convenience of having people with different competencies of expertise in various fields working on your project.

The processes in this range are more thorough, involve more ideas, and offer additional marketing services related to your branding campaign.  

Most agencies will also work on positioning your business and creating the names and taglines you’ll use. 

Such additional services will be handy for big brands on a rebranding journey. 

The prices for this professional logo design have no limit and will highly depend on the scope of work. 

Companies that want to go into international markets or directly set up a long-term plan for their development usually go for “all-in” design projects.

Given the nature of these projects, companies usually turn to design agencies with full-time employees, art directors and design managers for their needs.

Design agencies can charge upwards of $100,000 for these projects, sometimes much more.

It depends on how much additional servicing is required after the logo is designed.

Companies are prone to contracting agencies and designers long-term, so they are safe when an additional design is concerned.

Freelance Logo Designer or Branding Agency?

Logo Designer Vs Logo Design Agency

It is essential to weigh your needs against your available budget carefully.

If you are a small business owner needing a simple logo design and a couple of extra office materials that need designing, you should opt for a freelancer.

Design agencies offer guaranteed quality and safety, but they are primarily out of the price range many individuals are comfortable paying for these projects.

A top design agency that wants to expand and have substantial revenues should always turn to agencies because they can afford it entirely for logo design or something else.

As a graphic designer, you should consider your financial and family situation whenever you think you should freelance or work for a design agency.

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Agencies offer fixed monthly payments and social and health security – something you will rarely find by yourself if you are a freelance graphic designer.

Creating Your Logo Design Budget

Logo Design Prices Budget

Now that you know the different pricing tiers, you are well-equipped to figure out what your budget should be. 

This will help you determine which design and designer work best for you. 

Here are the things you should consider as you work out your design budget.

Turn Around Time

How long you want to wait as the logo gets designed plays a huge role in the amount of money you’ll need. 

For instance, if you want your logo delivered faster than the designers' usual time, you’ll need to pay more. 

This is because the designer will have to pause other things and focus solely on creating a quality logo that serves you within the time. 

Quality of Logo

The age-old saying “you get what you pay for” applies quite well in this situation. 

Experienced designers have built logos for years or even decades and should have direct experience producing logos that give colossal ROI. 

It’s a good idea to think carefully about your expected quality and assign the right figure for that expectation.


How much back and forth will be involved during this project? 

Figuring out if you want to be involved in the design and direct what works for you or wait for the logo design is essential. 

This is because too much involvement in the work process of a designer can be a bit disruptive and may slow them down. 

They would have to charge more to compensate for the time spent waiting for feedback and making revisions. 

Knowing this will help you determine your budget.  

Extra Features

When working on having a logo created for your business, you might also consider having the designer add in extra features. 

These could include different variations of logos, different backgrounds, or choices with no background. 

This would mean you’d have to pay for the additions. With this, you can work on your budget and find an experienced designer who fits the bill. 

What to Expect from Your Logo Design

7 Types Of Logo Design

Despite the different logo design prices, you need to understand what to expect from the logo you’ve decided to invest in. 

Having the right knowledge of what your logo is expected to do will also help influence your budget. 

You will be better positioned to determine how much you’re willing to pay for your logo. 

Some of the things that your logo should fulfil include:

Symbolising Your Business

One of the primary purposes of having a logo is so that it can stand in for you and your business or brand. 

People who see your logo should immediately associate it with your business.

This is what makes up a good and efficient logo. 

If you are working with a quality designer, you can expect a logo that clearly shows your name. 

This is the best way to have your business in people’s minds. 

Including graphics and symbols is a good option if they’re easy-to-recognise and straightforward.

Grabbing Customer’s Attention

In today’s world, people’s attention span is low, meaning you must capture it within seconds. 

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Here’s where your logo comes in to help you grab your customer’s attention fast and communicate what you’re all about.

Your logo should communicate your business’s purpose and values. 

Remember that first impressions matter when grabbing your customer’s attention. 

Ensure that your logo is made to portray the right image for your business. 

Leaving a Memorable Experience

This particular one ties into the quality of your customers' services and products. 

People can relate your logo to the kind of service they received after engaging with your business.

It is necessary to have a logo that people can easily associate with a memory of what you do, what you offer, and even how you make them feel. 

Your logo is meant to evoke a clear memory that is pleasing and also positive. 

Most people will have no recollection of your business name but will associate more with your logo. 

Separating You From Your Competition

When running a successful business, you are bound to have a few competitors on the same level. 

This means you must ensure that your business has something visual that can differentiate you from the rest.

A well-designed logo will help you achieve this. 

Your logo should communicate to your customers why your business is unique. 

The elements in your logo can communicate anything from your company’s mission, vision or what drives you. 

Developing Brand Loyalty

With a consistent brand presence in your customers’ lives and the quality of the services and products offered, you’ll be better positioned to foster brand loyalty. 

Your logo is a visually aesthetic part of your business that people can always quickly identify.

The more they see your logo, the more familiar they are with your brand identity, which makes them trust you more. 

This makes them more inclined to purchase your products whenever they need what you provide. 


As a business, you have different options on which logos to go with. 

Factor in your expectations and see which price range you fall under. 

This will help inform your budget and ensure you get precisely what you want.

Keep in mind that the different processes undertaken will always deliver different results. 

If you want to work with a great designer for quality results, consider investing in mid-budget designs with an agency.

If your business can afford it, then your Branding should be handled in the high-budget tier.  

There is a massive upgrade towards understanding the consumer’s psychology when you hire the best teams to design your logo. 

Take your time to find the right designer or agency to work with, and you will produce the perfect logo.

Check out this handy pricing calculator for logo design and Branding below:

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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At Inkbot Design, we understand the importance of brand identity in today's competitive marketplace. With our team of experienced designers and marketing professionals, we are dedicated to creating custom solutions that elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.