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How to Choose an SEO Agency

How to Choose an SEO Agency

SEO agencies help businesses reach the top of the search results. They are a web design company that helps clients get more people to their site, increase sales, and build a reputation for their brand.

A company's online presence is its biggest asset, but visitors' first impression of a brand is its search engine ranking. If you're not getting the traffic you want, you're paying the wrong company to help you. An SEO agency that promises great rankings without understanding what it takes to achieve them won't do you any favours. But that's not to say you can't do it yourself. To find out how, read on.

Search engine optimisation is one of the most important aspects of any online business. It helps to increase the visibility of your site on search engines. With the best SEO service, you can generate significant traffic and sales from your website. However, selecting the right SEO agency can be tricky, especially if you are a novice.

The wrong choice could result in wasted money and missed opportunities.

So, how do you choose the best SEO agency? This guide will help you to find the best SEO services for your business.

Why Search Engine Optimisation is Important

Seo Overview

Without SEO, your site won't show up in search results. It's the process of getting more traffic to your site from online searches. In a sense, SEO is like a marketing strategy that's designed to make your website appear higher in search engine results.

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo create a list of websites relevant to specific keywords. This list is called a “search engine results page,” or SERP. When you enter your keyword into a search bar, the search engine looks for websites that match that keyword.

When your site appears high in search engine results, it becomes more visible to the online community. This visibility leads to more potential customers visiting your site. Your search engine optimisation efforts will ultimately pay off when your company gets more sales and customers.

SEO Is Important For Businesses And Blogs

If your business or blog has a website, you'll want to invest in SEO to ensure your site shows up in search engine results.

SEO is essential for companies selling physical products, such as restaurants or stores, that want to appear on Google Maps. However, the same technique is used by companies that sell digital products and services, like a freelancer selling services online or a nonprofit organisation with a blog.

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A blog is a form of content a person writes, usually about a subject they know or love. If your business or blog has a website, you'll want to invest in SEO to ensure your site shows up in search engine results. A blog doesn't require much technical expertise to set up. A blogger can quickly write and publish the content to their website.

SEO Is Key to Appearing on Local Search Results

The most popular search engine, Google, includes local search results for locations in its SERPs. This is known as local search optimisation or LSO. A local business or organisation can use this feature to boost the number of visitors to their site.

For example, if you run a flower shop in Toronto and search for information on florists in the area, you'll see local search results for businesses near you. This is helpful because it provides a way to target your ads to people in the area.

If your business is already on Google Maps, the LSO will be included with your listing. If not, you'll need additional work to get listed by hiring SEO Agencies in Canada, for example.

Similarly, you can use Google Places to reach out to people looking for your type of business, service, or product. If possible, you'll also want your business listed on Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Facebook.

What Can You Do To Make Your Website More Visible?

One way to make your website more visible is to ensure that search engines index it.

For instance, if you run a local car repair shop in Boston, you must ensure your website is listed on Google Places, Yelp, Yellow Pages, and even Facebook.

When Google indexes a new website, the most popular search engine checks to ensure that the site's information is accurate; it also checks the website's code. It determines whether it has been updated recently. This is done by checking whether the site has broken links.

Google also looks at the content of the website. It's one of the key reasons why it was created in the first place. If a site doesn't have relevant, helpful content, it will not appear in search results.

Content Is Key

Content isn't just something that you add to your website. You must write and publish it. If you're interested in appearing on Google, you must create original, valuable content for your audience. This will enable you to earn more qualified visitors to your site.

Original content also helps drive organic search results. You can rank higher in search results if you regularly write and publish new content. This may sound like much work, but it's pretty easy. You must write engaging, unique, and helpful content relevant to your niche.

What Does an SEO Agency Do?

What Is The Best Seo Agency Belfast

The main goal of an SEO agency is to increase traffic to your site by ranking your site for relevant terms. In other words, SEO agencies work to ensure that when people type specific keywords into a search engine like Google or Bing, your site comes up at the top.

Some companies refer to their services as “search engine optimisation,” while others call it “search engine marketing” or “search engine advertising.” Either way, the service is designed to help businesses gain visibility online.

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Many SEO agencies perform the following functions.

  • Improve the quality of links from other websites to your site. This is called link building.
  • Analyse competitor sites to see what they're doing well and what can be improved.
  • Develop strategies and tactics for improving your website.
  • Research keywords and phrases likely to generate more traffic and then implement those keywords in your content.
  • Find ways to generate press coverage for your business.
  • Monitor search results to ensure your site shows up in the search engines.

Do SEO Agencies Help You Rank Higher?

The answer is yes, but it depends on your agency's level of effort in the project. The more effort your SEO agency puts into the project, the better your rankings. When hiring an agency, you should ask them how long it will take to get to the top of the SERPs. You shouldn't hire them if they don't guarantee a specific time frame.

You probably already know that some of the best sites are ranked first on the search engine results pages (SERPs). But you might not realise how much of that success comes from paid advertising or pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.

While organic search is free, PPC is usually charged cost-per-click. That means you only pay if someone clicks on your ad. So, the more people click on your ads and purchase, the more money you make.

Paid search engine marketing is often called pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. However, it doesn't mean you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Depending on your budget, your agency can bid to be the first SERPs for your target keyword phrase result.

Is SEO Still A Good Idea For My Business?

SEO is still a viable option for many businesses. Many small businesses are still getting started, and some have not yet begun advertising on Google or Bing. So, while the competition for highly targeted search terms is high, you may still be able to rank on the first page of search results.

It is crucial for your business website, even if it's just a blog or website for marketing purposes.

SEO helps you appear in a list of search results. Websites that appear in the first pages of a search engine's results tend to get more visitors, and they get more visitors, which in turn helps your business website's revenue increase. If your business website isn't optimised for search, you'll miss out on potential customers.

How to Find An SEO Company

Google Ranking Factor Fresh Content

This can be tricky, though, because there are many SEO companies. If you do an online search for SEO, you'll see many of them. Some of them have decent reviews; others are complete scams.

The first thing to look for in an SEO company is the quality of their work. After that, the cost should be reasonable. But don't just look at their rates; look at the total package they're offering.

Here are some things to look for:

  1. Quality work – how does your SEO company conduct their work? Is it quick and efficient?
  2. Reasonably priced – how much does it cost?
  3. Comprehensive services – is the company offering everything you need? What other services can they offer?
  4. A good reputation – where did this company get their business? Have they been recommended by someone else?
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A reputable company will typically offer a comprehensive service package with all the necessary tools to get your site ranking high.

How Do I Choose Between SEO Companies?

There are many SEO companies out there. The trick is choosing the best one. So, what makes a good SEO company?

The most significant indicator is the quality of their work. If you see their results, how long has it been since they did this? Is there anything they haven't been able to do?

Another good indicator is their customer service. Ask to see a few of their clients; if their responses are friendly and professional, that company will probably be a good fit for you.

Ask yourself, what would you like your SEO company to achieve? For example, will your SEO company help or rank you better if you want more leads?

You might want to think about the type of business you're in and the niche you're operating in. What kind of business are you in? What kind of products or services do you provide?

When choosing an SEO company, it's essential to do a thorough background check. Look into their references and ask around.

It's also a good idea to check out their customers. Are they happy with the services they received? Were they satisfied with their results?

Finally, check to see how long the company has been in business. You want a company that has been around for a while and has demonstrated its effectiveness.

How Do I Get What I Want From an SEO Company?

Your best bet is to ask the company to tell you exactly what they can do. Then, communicate what you want to your SEO company.

For example, let's say you want more leads from your website. You want that to happen quickly. You want them to be qualified and convert. You might want them to build links, help with link building, or create content that goes viral.

Ask your SEO company what their capabilities are. Tell them what you want them to do. Once you understand your needs and capabilities well, choosing the right company for your situation will be easier.

Types of SEO Services

SEO services aim to get more traffic, leads, and sales by improving the ranking of your website within search engines. This is done by using specific keywords within a web page or post and ensuring your site meets search engine guidelines.

There are different types of SEO services, including:

On-Page SEO

This refers to changes made to a website itself. Some of the standard on-page SEO elements include:

  • Title tags
  • URL tags
  • Meta tags
  • H1, H2, and H3 tags

Off-page SEO

This refers to activities unrelated to a website, like writing guest posts, sharing content on social media, and getting citations. It's also referred to as outreach. These off-page SEO activities include:

  • Guest posting
  • Blog commenting
  • Social media
  • Citation building

Content Marketing

This refers to creating high-quality content that engages your audience and helps them meet their goals. It includes blogging, infographics, case studies, etc.

Search Engine Optimisation

There are many different SEO tactics, including:

  • Keyword research
  • On-page optimisation
  • Link building
  • Analytics
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Search Engine Optimisation is an ongoing process. You'll constantly be working to improve your SEO efforts, so it's vital to have an SEO strategy that is both strategic and flexible.

Do I Need SEO Services?

A properly optimised website is essential, and most businesses spend time and money on things other than SEO. However, there are still benefits to having an SEO strategy in place. Here are some reasons why you should consider hiring an SEO company:

  • Boost your website's rankings
  • Increase the amount of organic traffic to your site
  • Make it easier to find your site on search engines
  • Help you avoid penalties
  • Improve your brand
  • Improve your search rankings

If you're struggling with your SEO or just starting to think about it, you may want to speak with a reputable SEO company. A reputable company will have proven success with similar clients, and they can help you put together an effective and affordable strategy.

How Much Should You Pay For An SEO Service?

The Average Cost Of Seo Services Is 500 Per Month 1
Source: Backlinko

Good SEO services are as precious as any product, so the price should reflect this. But pricing shouldn't dictate whether you take advantage of their services. An excellent SEO service doesn't cost $1,000 an hour or a few hundred dollars a month.

However, it's worth noting that many companies offer a free trial of their services to ensure you get the quality service they promise. A reputable SEO company will offer these free trials before committing to a monthly fee, so you can try their service without losing money or time.

Before deciding on the price of an SEO service, it's essential to consider how much you want to spend.

It's possible that your site needs a little work. Perhaps it's already quite visible in the search results, or you've been doing your best to rank well.

If this is the case, you don't necessarily need to spend much money. You may be able to get started with a free trial and see if you like the service's quality and customer service.

If your business is growing or wants to expand its presence online, you may need to hire an SEO specialist.

A good SEO specialist will have experience with your industry, and they'll know what keywords to focus on to help boost your rankings. They'll also be able to advise on the best ways to design your site and optimise it for search engines.

This means that they'll also be able to advise you on how often you need to update your content and ensure your site is accessible to disabled visitors.

So, how much should you spend on your first SEO campaign? If you want to go all out, you can spend thousands of dollars, but you can save money on your first campaign by getting a free trial and evaluating the service's quality.

The Most Important Questions To Ask

Seo Agency Quote

Ten questions are crucial to ask before choosing an SEO agency.

What's the Agency's Background?

The first step is to ask the agency about its experience, training, and certifications.

Do They Have Experience in SEO?

SEO agencies can specialise in various areas of digital marketing, including pay-per-click advertising, Google Adwords, Facebook marketing, social media optimisation, content creation, and more. For example, one agency may specialise in SEO, another in online video, another in analytics, etc. When selecting an agency, finding one well-equipped to handle all facets of the digital marketing campaign is crucial.

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How Will They Provide SEO Services?

There are two main types of SEO services: technical SEO and organic SEO. Technical SEO is an agency's work to ensure your site is accessible to search engines, such as crawling, indexing, and building backlinks.

Organic SEO refers to the agency's activities to increase traffic to your website. These activities include keyword research, writing content, optimising a site for search, link building, and creating high-quality backlinks.

It's essential to understand what type of SEO the agency performs. A technical SEO agency will suffice if your business is small and doesn't need much marketing. However, if you have a large-scale digital marketing campaign, select an agency specialising in organic SEO.

What Are Their Keyword Research Methodologies?

SEO agencies can use different methodologies to determine which keywords to target. Some agencies rely on competitive analysis and long-tail keywords, while others rely on user intent analysis.

Keyword research and keyword selection are two critical components of successful SEO. It would be best to choose an agency that will do thorough keyword research. An SEO agency should know which keywords to target, the competition for those keywords, and the user intent behind each keyword.

What Are Their Keyword Ranking Strategies?

A significant component of SEO is link building. The agency must be able to create backlinks that are relevant to your business and target the right audience.

Keyword ranking strategies include link building, page optimisation, and guest posting. You should be able to determine whether the agency has experience in these methods.

Will They Manage Your Social Media Accounts?

Another component of SEO is managing social media accounts and monitoring activity. Most social media accounts require a minimum of five monthly backlinks to avoid penalties.

Social media optimisation is a significant part of SEO. Many social media platforms have specific guidelines for the types of posts and links that users can share. If the agency cannot manage your social media accounts, they may not be an appropriate partner for your business.

How Much Will It Cost?

Choosing an SEO agency isn't a one-time decision. It's an ongoing partnership, so you must get the right agency for your business.

To determine whether the SEO agency is right for you, it's necessary to consider the following factors:

  • Experience
  • Training
  • Certifications
  • Keyword Research
  • Backlink Strategy
  • Content Creation
  • Link Building
  • User Experience
  • Analytics

What Are the Keywords You Want to Target?

Before deciding on an SEO agency, you'll want to determine your target keywords. This will help you decide which type of SEO services to engage in. For example, if you plan to start a blog for your business, you might use blog keywords.

However, you might use Facebook keywords if you plan to run your company's Facebook page.

The following resources can help you find the right keywords:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • SEMRush
  • Ahrefs Keyword Explorer
  • Moz
  • KWFinder
  • LongTail Pro
  • Spyfu

How Will the SEO Agency Make Me Money?

SEO agencies offer various services, including SEO audits, SEO reports, and SEO tracking.

SEO Audit: An audit measures the current state of your website's SEO. The audit provides an overall evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of your site. It includes keyword analysis and suggestions, a site map, and on-page audits.

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SEO Report: SEO agencies also offer SEO reports that examine your website's performance over time. They overview a single page or site, analysing your keyword rankings, traffic, backlinks, and other metrics.

SEO Tracking: Once you start working with an SEO agency, they must be able to track your results. The agency should be able to report on your keywords, links, backlinks, rankings, and traffic.


SEO is a competitive industry. The more clients you can bring in, the higher your revenue.

There are some things to consider when choosing an SEO agency. For example, does your agency have a proven track record of generating leads? This is a huge factor.

You should also ensure that your agency is knowledgeable and experienced.

Also, keep in mind that most agencies require a retainer. This means you will pay them a certain amount every month regardless of whether or not they generate any leads.

Get started with an SEO Agency now!

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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