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17 Modern Marketing Ideas to Grow your Business

17 Modern Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business

The world of marketing is changing faster than ever. With new technologies, platforms, and consumer behaviours emerging constantly, marketers must adapt and implement creative new ideas to cut through the noise. This article explores some of the most innovative, modern marketing ideas brands should consider integrating in 2024 and beyond. Whether you're just getting started with marketing or are a seasoned pro, you're bound to find some fresh, outside-the-box concepts to inspire your subsequent campaigns.

Leveraging Influencers and User-Generated Content

Adidas Originals Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has experienced meteoric growth over the past decade. As social media expands its reach, influencers only become more vital assets for brands looking to insert themselves into cultural conversations organically. But modern influencer marketing goes way beyond just sponsorship posts.

  • Work with micro-influencers in your niche. Those with smaller but highly engaged followings often convert better than celebrities with enormous, detached audiences.
  • Encourage users themselves to generate branded content by hosting contests, campaigns, etc. Consumers want to participate actively with brands they love.
  • Repurpose the best user and influencer content across your owned channels instead of over-relying on stock imagery. Nothing feels more authentic than real customers using your products.

In 2024, savvy marketers will facilitate creative collaborations between brands and digital talent while empowering their biggest fans to self-produce marketing materials.

Integrating Experiential Events

As screens saturate more aspects of consumers’ lives, in-real-life brand experiences feel increasingly novel and valuable. Tactile events that customers can touch, feel, taste, and engage with personally are challenging to replicate digitally. That’s why modern brands are blending experiential events into their marketing mixes.

  • Pop-up shops in trendy locations give consumers hands-on product demos that are impossible via e-commerce.
  • Food/beverage brands can host interactive tasting sessions to showcase new menu innovations.
  • Even digital product companies can build street team campaigns, bringing their brand personas to life at local gatherings.

Event marketing drives that elusive emotional connection today’s consumers crave from the brands they support. With shareable social content and influencer collaborations, experiential events enjoy extended digital shelf lives across the internet.

Personalisation Powered by Data

Today’s customers expect personalised, relevant messaging tailored to their preferences and behaviours. Fortunately, modern data collection tools make crafting targeted, hyper-specific brand interactions more manageable. Marketers who effectively leverage data-driven personalisation will steal share over those broadcasting broadly to general audiences.

  • Detailed buyer personas guide precise segmentation across all messaging.
  • Individual browsing behaviour, purchase history, etc., inform customised ecommerce experiences.
  • AI matches content variations, products, and recommendations to each user for maximum relevance.
  • Retention marketing through email, app notifications, etc., adapts to evolving customer lifecycle stages.
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While still respecting privacy boundaries, marketing personalisation relying on rich data insights better serves customers and drives measurable business returns.

Getting Conversational with Chatbots

Chatbots and messaging represent the future of digital engagement. Consumers strongly prefer interfacing with brands conversationally rather than via static advertisements. That’s why savvy marketers introduce chatbots across owned channels to simulate honest dialogue.

  • Messaging apps and website chat widgets give users quick access to chatbots.
  • FAQ databases power natural language querying for common inquiries.
  • Intuitive scripts facilitate complex conversational pathways.
  • Back-end AI continually improves chatbot helpfulness through machine learning.

Chatbots with distinct brand personalities that assist customers conversationally foster meaningful connections no traditional ad unit ever could. And their 24/7 availability converts valuable engagement even after human teams sign off.

Gamifying Brand Experiences

Duolingo Gamification Design

Gamification employs gaming elements that make non-game experiences more rewarding and enjoyable. Brands that effectively gamify their digital experiences tap into consumers’ deeply ingrained desires for achievement, status, self-expression, and competition.

Successful gamification strategies in modern marketing might include:

  • Personalised loyalty programs with tiered rewards and recognition for the biggest fans.
  • AR filters/lenses combine digital avatar creation with real-world interaction.
  • Fitness tracker app synergies encourage users to walk, run or work out with brand partners.
  • In-app mini-games, quizzes and surveys that incentivise re-engagement.

Play gives every facet of life more meaning. Savvy marketers recognise gamification’s ability to form durable consumer connections through joy and tap into play’s motivational power.

Getting Visual with AR/VR

Visual content has never been more critical, with short-form video and streaming media stealing attention share. But even richer visual engagement comes from augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology most commonly associated with video gaming. Forward-thinking marketers are now repurposing immersive AR/VR across creative brand campaigns.

  • AR shopping apps let customers visualise furniture in their living spaces before buying.
  • VR travel content makes adventurers feel transported to far-flung destinations.
  • Product configurators allow the customisation of colours, textures and options through digital models.
  • Surgical training simulations leverage realistic AR overlays for risk-free practice.

As AR/VR tech becomes more mainstream in the coming years, early adopters who build their visual expertise and infrastructure will transition seamlessly into marketing’s next frontier.

Optimising for Audio-Only Experiences

Voice Search Optimization Min

Equating marketing success with video views and visual social engagement is natural. But audio-only experiences claim significant market share thanks to booming smart speaker and podcast consumption. Consider that over 35% of US households own smart speakers in 2023. Are you optimising your marketing for these audio-only experiences?

  • Podcast sponsorships put your brand front and centre for engaged listeners.
  • Smart speaker skills provide utility while reinforcing brand messaging.
  • Voice SEO ensures your brand appears in audio search results.
  • Sonic branding builds familiarity with unique audio cues like Intel’s famous bong.

While the world grows more visually oriented than ever, audio-based interactions still comprise screen-free moments where customers engage brands. Seize these opportunities to embed your brand creatively within audio-only experiential channels.

Embracing eSports Sponsorships

eSports viewership continues reaching new heights year after year. In 2024, over 600 million people will tune into competitive video gaming worldwide. The marketing potential of this ballooning audience is impossible to ignore. That's why brands from all categories––even those without obvious gaming relevance––are embracing eSports team/event sponsorships.

  • Energy drinks promote concentration, reaction speed and mental acuity positioning.
  • Telcos and computer companies highlight technical capabilities.
  • Auto brands accentuate precision engineering and high-performance themes.
  • CPG companies like snack/candy brands build cultural connections.
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The marketing playbook continues evolving here. Brands that sponsored eSports earliest built an enduring advantage with gaming fans. But plenty of upside exists for ambitious brands to make their mark on this passionate, digital-native community.

Crafting SEO-Friendly Thought Leadership

Customers increasingly look to brands for quality products, expertise, education, and insights. That means marketers must regularly showcase thought leadership across every touchpoint. While thought leadership content naturally builds authority and trust, optimising it for search visibility generates exponential impact.

  • Publish frequent, long-form articles and analyses centred on your space.
  • Discuss emerging trends, data reports, industry commentary, and predictions.
  • Feature guest contributors like partners, influencers and internal experts.
  • Promote all thought leadership assets heavily across all owned channels.

More than just driving visitors, SEO-friendly thought leadership builds enduring mindshare with audiences constantly researching topics related to your brand’s purpose. So, craft educational resources deliberately optimised to rank within search engines.

Community Building with Forums/Groups

Social media provides plenty of space for brands to broadcast messages outward. But modern marketers must also facilitate more multidirectional conversations. Online forums, groups and other digital community platforms enable crowdsourcing feedback, fostering connections and embedding your brand within customer lifestyles.

  • Facebook Groups and Reddit communities are organised around shared interests.
  • Outdoor rec brands can build loyal followings on Strava.
  • Product support forums provide peer-level service assistance.
  • Photo-sharing communities like Houzz and Dribbble offer inspiration.

Rather than constantly pushing sales pitches outward, insightful marketers create spaces for target audiences to pull themselves inward into community orbit. Facilitate, moderate and participate in branded online groups meaningful to customers’ lives.

Activism, Sustainability and Brand Purpose

Ecover Sustainable Rebranding

Younger generations now represent marketing’s most valuable audiences. However, traditional advertising fails to connect with Gen Z and Millennials seeking deeper brand purpose and societal impact. That’s why leading marketers now showcase social, environmental and cultural activism advancing aligned causes.

  • Apparel brands partner with materials suppliers, demonstrating sustainable sourcing credentials.
  • QSRs pledge transparency regarding nutritional information and responsible ingredient sourcing.
  • Software companies implement inclusive hiring and advancement policies reflecting diverse populations served.

While still delivering core products cleaned, marketers must also spread awareness for impact initiatives improving lives and the planet. Corporate social responsibility and sustainability sell with purpose-driven buyers. Activist branding captures share while building a better future.

Flexing Agility with Real-Time Marketing

Marketing campaigns often traditionally require long lead production times. But social media’s instant discourse and cultural dialogue move faster than ever. Savvy modern marketers demonstrate agility, taking advantage of emerging real-time opportunities.

  • Newsjacking inserts brands into relevant trending conversations.
  • Holiday hashtag hijacking leverages seasonal social buzz.
  • Reaction GIF libraries deploy instantly, tapping memes and moments.
  • Flexible budgets/workflows allow for rapid campaign iterations and adjustments.

The only constant is change within the digital landscape. Marketers must operate with sufficient speed and agility to react to whatever comes next in this dynamic media environment.

Optimising Holistic Funnels with Lifecycle Strategy

Brands once focused marketing primarily on new customer acquisition or funnel entries. However, modern lifecycle strategy recognises that optimising holistic experiences across the customer journey drives superior value.

  • Welcome campaigns guide users through onboarding while building affinity.
  • Experiential promotions maintain loyalty among existing buyers.
  • Re-engagement messaging brings lapsed subscribers back into the fold.
  • Winback tactics facilitate renewed relationships with churned users.
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Rather than siloing responsibilities across isolated campaign groups, seek to unify messaging strategy under a shared lifecycle optimisation vision serving customers wherever they are.

Micro-Influencing Your Internal Network

Influencer marketing typically focuses externally on building awareness through partnerships with digital creators. But pay attention to the micro-influencer potential within your internal team and professional networks. Employees, vendors, and collaborators have unique reach into relevant external communities.

  • Sales and customer-facing teams naturally interface with high-value prospects.
  • Company leadership often carries significant industry pulpit influence.
  • Development partners and vendors have a self-interest in promoting mutual success.

Align internal stakeholders at every level to actively participate as brand influencers across their respective networks. The greatest ambassador is a satisfied team member interacting authentically with customers.

Optimising CX Across Every Touchpoint

The Key To A Better Customer Experience Strategy

Customer experience optimisations were once siloed within narrow domains like retail or ecommerce. But modern CX leaders seek seamless consistency across each branded touchpoint. Eliminating cross-channel friction should become central to marketing thinking.

  • Contact centre service reps assist with online purchases as needed.
  • Showroom and ecommerce experiences mirror one another.
  • Retention messaging post-purchase reinforces buying decisions.

Marketers must identify pain points or inconsistencies undermining cohesion across offline and online journeys. Smoothing transitions for every possible customer pathway drives exponential gains at marginal cost.

Building Partner Ecosystem Integrations

No brand can satisfy all consumer needs alone in every situation. That’s why intelligent marketers seek integration into broader partner ecosystems serving customers in tandem. Building contextually relevant connections between services enhances real-life utility.

  • Airline travel apps integrate seamlessly with regional public transport.
  • Music streaming platforms allow social sharing and concert ticket sales.
  • Smart home assistants provide access to multi-retailer virtual marketplaces.

Pursue strategic alignments with any brand complementary to the consumer lifestyle needs your core offerings to fulfil. Embed more deeply within customers’ lives by eliminating contextual friction points.

Enhancing Experiences with Emerging Tech

Marketing and technology will continue converging as innovations reshape consumer experiences and enable richer engagements. Invest early in emerging tech with potential for transformational impact before adoption curves spike.

  • Crypto/web3 functionality gives users ownership and investment in digital goods.
  • AI-generated content, translation and analytics scale branded messaging.
  • Apple/Google mobile capabilities enable enhanced utility and personalisation.
  • IoT sensor integration makes real-world interactions more seamless.

A culture valuing early-tech experimentation ensures your brand stays ahead of disruptive forces rather than being overtaken. Carve room for innovation pilots, even on a small scale, while monitoring the competitive horizon.


Modern marketing moves fast. While foundational concepts endure over decades, new technologies and cultural forces demand constant vigilance and adjusting strategies. Hopefully, the ideas discussed throughout this article stir your creative juices, dreaming up what comes next.

The most effective marketers balance core offering delivery customers rely upon with inventive activations capturing attention at the moment. They optimise holistic funnel experiences aligned to lifecycle stages while facilitating multidirectional community conversations. They advance overarching brand purpose through social impact while embedding seamlessly within customers’ tech-enabled lifestyles.

In closing, I’ll leave you with one parting sentiment every intelligent marketer should internalise: the future belongs to the bold. If reading through these modern marketing concepts sparked any inspiration (or anxiety!), seize that impulse to implement creative change immediately. Experiment early, monitor results, and constantly iterate while the industry continues reinventing itself. The next game-changing marketing channel, platform or strategy will likely launch any day now. Will your brand lead the way or be left behind?

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What are some examples of modern marketing ideas?

Some top examples include influencer and user-generated content, experiential events, data-driven personalisation, conversational chatbots, gamification, AR/VR, optimising for audio-only, eSports sponsorships, thought leadership content, online community building, brand activism, real-time/newsjacking marketing, customer lifecycle optimisation, internal micro-influencers, and integrating emerging tech.

How can brands stand out with modern marketing?

Brands can stand out by taking risks on new platforms, emphasising creativity over polish, facilitating consumer participation, focusing on niche communities over mass reach, and conveying solid points of view rather than blending in.

What technology is impacting marketing the most right now?

Artificial intelligence for content creation, analytics, personalisation, augmented/virtual reality, and gaming applications currently has the most significant impact. Connected devices and IoT integration will further expand immersive branding opportunities.

Should niche brands invest more in mass reach or targeted communities?

For most niche brands, prioritising targeted community engagement across social media, owned sites, and real-life events will drive better returns than attempting high-funnel blanket awareness plays. Use a budget best suited for precision.

What is the most critical marketing objective around which brands should optimise?

While metrics like sales and traffic growth indicate success directionally, the most crucial objective should be capturing customer mindshare reflected in satisfaction, loyalty and affinity scores. Financials follow when customers love your brand.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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