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7 Different Types of Logos: Which Style is Right for You?

7 Different Types of Logos: Which Style is Right for You?

Most brands have a professional logo to identify a brand or company on product packaging, advertisements, clothing and other merchandise. You may use logos to represent a product or company on products. They may also represent a company's products or services on websites, social media pages, brochures and other promotional materials.

Whether a business owner or a graphic designer, you probably know that a logo is one of the most critical parts of a business. It's the first thing people see when they visit your website or social media profile, and a good logo makes you stand out from the crowd. In today's post, we'll go through seven types of logos and why each is appropriate for different businesses.

Logos are an essential aspect of branding. They represent a business and are often one of the first things people remember when the brand name is mentioned.

Some logos have gone on to become iconic and develop their value. Some of the most successful logos include Nike's Swoosh,' Apple's half-bitten Apple, and Google's multicoloured ‘Google/G.'

There are plenty of logos out there, but the key is to choose one that reflects your company, brand, and the message you wish to communicate. We've put together a list of seven different types of logos and included links to some of the best websites to help you understand them better.

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Many people admire and appreciate logos, but few understand the underlying science behind them.

Business owners and marketers know how vital logos can be for their brand identity, but few entirely understand the options available to them.

This article looks at the seven types of logos available and what you should know about them.

This will help you make the right decisions.

The 7 Types of Logos Explained

1 – Abstract Logo Design

Abstract logos don't make much sense when first looking at them, but they are connected to the brand.

They may have no precise recognisable shape and provide no literal interpretation of the brand.

One of the most recognisable abstract mark logos is the Nike ‘Swoosh.'

Nike Just Do It Advert

The swoosh is just a tick mark and can be interpreted differently.

It doesn't blatantly tell people what it means but invokes certain feelings in people who look at it.

The Nike Swoosh is an affirmation symbol.

It conveys a message of strength, action, and possibility.

It represents movement and power, which is precisely what the brand wants.

Abstract types of logos styles can be challenging, but they can be rewarding if you don't want to be constrained by one message.

Teenpreneur Logo Design

Such marks must be meaningful and impactful.

The message can't be frivolous or random; it should be firm and conveyed clearly through the mark.

It is easier to find the best abstract mark for your company if you have a powerful sense of the brand identity.

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For example, a monochrome fashion house with a logo that is monochrome, sleek, and clean geometric lines will present an image of restraint, sophistication, and class.

The image conveys a theme and sentiment, which makes abstract mark logos very powerful.

2 – Wordmark Logo Design

This is on the opposite side of the spectrum of logos from abstract marks.

Wordmark logos contain only the company name in the logo.

This might seem like a simple choice, but it can have a significant impact and make your brand name prominent.

The best example of the wordmark logo is Google.

New Google Logo Design

The company's logo has a clean and straightforward font that's prominent and easy to read.

There's nothing fancy about the placement of the font style.

The letters have different, bright colours that immediately attract attention.

The Google logo represents diversity and versatility while celebrating simplicity.

That's precisely what the company wants to convey to its audience in its various types of logos.

It provides a wide range of services and applications but ensures everything is simple, clean, and easy to use.

The colourful logo gives you the impression of Google's overall casual but efficient vibe.

Johnson And Johnson Logo

Using the wordmark logo makes it easy to get lost in the crowd.

Most people choose the wrong font and combinations to get the desired results.

This logo is ideal for self-employed professionals and companies that want to get their brand name out there.

It isn't a good idea for companies with long names.

3 – Emblem Logo Design

Emblems have been around for a long time.

People have used these types of logos to represent different families, clans, dynasties, businesses, departments, and several other establishments.

An emblem gives your logo a formal vibe and makes it look more professional.

They often include words, symbols, crests, and other such images.

The Starbucks logo is an excellent example of the emblem logo.

Starbucks Emblem Logo Design

It features a picture and the company name in the company colours.

The logo is immediately recognisable, despite being upgraded several times over the years.

The Harley Davidson and NFL logos are also emblems with a strong brand presence.

They are intimately associated with the brand and appear very formal.

Details and intricate design are some of the signatures of emblem logos.

Experienced logo designers always lean towards clean fonts and precise designs, but emblems can be a little more complicated.

Emblems always have small details that are only noticeable when a person studies them carefully.

Manchester United Logo

They're similar to signatures and need to be as unique as possible.

Emblems are great for businesses that want to convey a sense of tradition and timelessness.

They look and feel serious, lending a sense of grandeur and luxury to your brand.

However, these types of logos aren't easily scalable.

All their intricate details will become lost if they're too small.

4 – Lettermark Logo Design

Lettermark logos are ideal for companies with long names but want to shorten the logo.

They are also known as monograms, and they're very memorable.

Some of the most prominent lettermark logos include HBO, which stands for Home Box Office.

BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation is also another example of monograms.

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Bbc Logo Design

Monograms are also quite popular in the fashion industry and are commonly used in their products.

Lettermarks are great for modern businesses because we live in times when people have limited attention spans and are easily distracted.

These logos also help you form a strong visual connection between the brand name and the customer.

Ibm Company Logo Design

Lettermark logos aren't very effective if your brand isn't well-established.

It is a good idea to start with your company name mentioned in full below or above the lettermark.

You can slowly remove the company name when upgrading the logo several years later.

5 – Mascot Logo Design

Mascot logos are some of the most effective designs because they are memorable.

They add a great deal of personality and a human aspect to the logo, which makes them very appealing.

Mascots humanise logos, even if the picture includes a bear, fish, or peanut.

These logos can be expressive and flexible.

You can animate them and adapt them to suit marketing campaigns while maintaining a solid brand presence.

One of the most well-known mascot logos is the KFC logo, which showcases the Colonel.

Kfc Mascot Logo Design

Cheetos has the Chester Cheetah, and Pringles has Julio Pringles.

Teams from different sports also have mascots in their logos.

Creating a mascot logo requires more thought and planning than regular logos.

You need to ensure the personality shines through and the character design fits in with your brand.

Notre Dame Logo Design

The mascot logo is an excellent choice if you want to appeal to children, want to create a fun and casual brand presence, or want something that can work on several different platforms.

This isn't the best choice for brands who want to present a serious and professional image.

6 – Pictorial Logo Design

A pictorial logo is often the literal visual description of your brand name.

These logos need to have a substantial brand presence and be iconic to be recognisable.

Pictorial logos often evolve instead of emerging from the get-go.

The Target, Adidas and Starbucks logos are excellent examples of this process.

It started with the circle, the mermaid figure, and the company name surrounding it.

Not it only has the circle and the figure in a distinctive Starbucks colour.

Other examples of pictorial logos are often found in social media apps like Twitter and Instagram.

Twitter Logo Design History

Both of them have a strong brand presence and showcase their identity well.

The Apple logo is perhaps the most straightforward and well-known example of a pictorial logo design.

It is just a bitten apple in a clean design.

Apple Logo Design

Pictorial logos are great because they use a visual medium.

People respond well to pictures and remember them easily.

They are also very adaptable, so they can easily be used on different platforms.

It would help if you made sure the picture represents your brand and your brand name.

It should represent the personality of your brand well.

This logo isn't the best option if you want to present a very formal and serious image.

7 – Combination Mark Logo Design

As the name states, a combination mark is a combination of any of the above different types of logos.

You can combine different styles, like the mascot with a lettermark or a pictorial logo with a wordmark logo.

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There's no hard and fast rule.

Make sure your logo isn't too cluttered, and people can see all aspects of it.

A great example of a combination mark is the Dove logo.

Dove Logo Design

It has the ‘Dove' wordmark and the Dove picture underneath or above.

The Amazon logo has also become a combination mark with its distinctive orange arrow that connects the A to the Z.

This mark is very flexible because you can remove different elements of it and still maintain a distinctive brand presence.

For example, if Amazon removes the word ‘Amazon' and keeps the orange arrow, the logo still has a strong brand presence.

Amazon Logo Design

Similarly, if Dove removes the word and keeps the dove picture, the logo will have a strong brand presence.

This might not be the best option for brands that focus on simplicity, but it is a good option for brands who want the best of both worlds regarding logo design.

An in-depth understanding of logos will help you design one that fits your business perfectly.

This is an essential step in the branding process and can significantly impact your future visibility.

It makes sense to choose the right logo design from the get-go.

Which type of logo design is Right for You?

Logos are essential in branding and can help make or break a company. But how do you know if a logo is suitable for your company?

One way to identify the best logo is by seeing which one represents you and your business. A logo that is simple and easy to remember is best, as it’s more likely to be well-liked by customers.

Another way to evaluate your current logo is to look at whether or not it resonates with your target audience. If your audience identifies with the logo, it strongly indicates that it is the right one for your brand.

Finally, there are also several other factors to consider when selecting a logo, including:

  • Functionality
  • Use of Colour
  • Creativity
  • Meaning
  • Appropriate Size
  • Appropriate Shape

Here are some guidelines to follow in choosing a logo that is right for you:

Simplicity: Your logo should be simple and straightforward. The less complicated, the more memorable it will be.

Easy to Memorise: The best logos are those that are easy to remember. They can be a set of initials, the name spelt out in full, or a short word that you can combine with other words to create your company name.

Meaningful: When considering what the logo means to you and your company, you may come across some relevant common symbols. Consider using them in your logo. 

Appropriate Shape: The shape of your logo can tell a lot about the kind of company you are in. The most common shapes are rectangles, triangles, circles, squares, and ovals.

The best way to determine which logo suits your company is to see which one makes the most sense for your business.


When creating a logo, it is vital to have a strategy in mind. Your design must support your business's purpose and objectives.

If you don't have a particular style in mind, likely, you won't come up with a design that works.

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There are seven main types of logos, each with its unique purpose. These logos include the simple logo, the emblem, the abstract logo, the typographic logo, the pictorial logo, the corporate identity logo, and the hybrid logo.

We can create logos with different colours, shapes, and fonts. Some logos have a graphic look, while others are more abstract.

The type of logo you choose depends on your business.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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